# frozen_string_literal: true require "json" require "webrick" require "fluent/plugin/input" require "fluent/plugin/parser" require "fluent/plugin/gcloud_pubsub/client" require "fluent/plugin/gcloud_pubsub/metrics" require "prometheus/client" module Fluent::Plugin class GcloudPubSubInput < Input Fluent::Plugin.register_input("gcloud_pubsub", self) helpers :compat_parameters, :parser, :thread DEFAULT_PARSER_TYPE = "json" class FailedParseError < StandardError end desc "Set tag of messages." config_param :tag, :string desc "Set key to be used as tag." config_param :tag_key, :string, default: nil desc "Set your GCP project." config_param :project, :string, default: nil desc "Set your credential file path." config_param :key, :string, default: nil desc "Set topic name to pull." config_param :topic, :string, default: nil desc "Set subscription name to pull." config_param :subscription, :string desc "Pulling messages by intervals of specified seconds." config_param :pull_interval, :float, default: 5.0 desc "Max messages pulling at once." config_param :max_messages, :integer, default: 100 desc "Setting `true`, keepalive connection to wait for new messages." config_param :return_immediately, :bool, default: true desc "Set number of threads to pull messages." config_param :pull_threads, :integer, default: 1 desc "Acquire these fields from attributes on the Pub/Sub message and merge them into the record" config_param :attribute_keys, :array, default: [] desc "Set error type when parsing messages fails." config_param :parse_error_action, :enum, default: :exception, list: %i[exception warning] desc "The prefix for Prometheus metric names" config_param :metric_prefix, :string, default: "fluentd_input_gcloud_pubsub" # for HTTP RPC desc "If `true` is specified, HTTP RPC to stop or start pulling message is enabled." config_param :enable_rpc, :bool, default: false desc "Bind IP address for HTTP RPC." config_param :rpc_bind, :string, default: "" desc "Port for HTTP RPC." config_param :rpc_port, :integer, default: 24_680 config_section :parse do config_set_default :@type, DEFAULT_PARSER_TYPE end class RPCServlet < WEBrick::HTTPServlet::AbstractServlet class Error < StandardError; end def initialize(server, plugin) super @plugin = plugin end # rubocop:disable Naming/MethodName def do_GET(req, res) begin code, header, body = process(req, res) rescue StandardError code, header, body = render_json(500, { "ok" => false, "message" => "Internal Server Error", "error" => $ERROR_INFO.to_s, "backtrace" => $ERROR_INFO.backtrace, }) end res.status = code header.each_pair do |k, v| res[k] = v end res.body = body end # rubocop:enable Naming/MethodName def render_json(code, obj) [code, { "Content-Type" => "application/json" }, obj.to_json] end def process(req, _res) ret = { "ok" => true } case req.path_info when "/stop" @plugin.stop_pull when "/start" @plugin.start_pull when "/status" ret["status"] = @plugin.status_of_pull else raise Error, "Invalid path_info: #{req.path_info}" end render_json(200, ret) end end # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength def configure(conf) compat_parameters_convert(conf, :parser) super @rpc_srv = nil @rpc_thread = nil @stop_pull = false @extract_tag = if @tag_key.nil? method(:static_tag) else method(:dynamic_tag) end @parser = parser_create @messages_pulled = Fluent::GcloudPubSub::Metrics.register_or_existing(:"#{@metric_prefix}_messages_pulled") do ::Prometheus::Client.registry.histogram( :"#{@metric_prefix}_messages_pulled", "Number of Pub/Sub messages pulled by the subscriber on each invocation", {}, [0, 1, 10, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000], ) end @messages_pulled_bytes = Fluent::GcloudPubSub::Metrics.register_or_existing(:"#{@metric_prefix}_messages_pulled_bytes") do ::Prometheus::Client.registry.histogram( :"#{@metric_prefix}_messages_pulled_bytes", "Total size in bytes of the Pub/Sub messages pulled by the subscriber on each invocation", {}, [100, 1000, 10_000, 100_000, 1_000_000, 5_000_000, 10_000_000], ) end @pull_errors = Fluent::GcloudPubSub::Metrics.register_or_existing(:"#{@metric_prefix}_pull_errors_total") do ::Prometheus::Client.registry.counter( :"#{@metric_prefix}_pull_errors_total", "Errors encountered while pulling or processing messages", {}, ) end end # rubocop:enable Metrics/MethodLength def start super start_rpc if @enable_rpc @subscriber = Fluent::GcloudPubSub::Subscriber.new @project, @key, @topic, @subscription log.debug "connected subscription:#{@subscription} in project #{@project}" @emit_guard = Mutex.new @stop_subscribing = false @subscribe_threads = [] @pull_threads.times do |idx| @subscribe_threads.push thread_create("in_gcloud_pubsub_subscribe_#{idx}".to_sym, &method(:subscribe)) end end def shutdown if @rpc_srv @rpc_srv.shutdown @rpc_srv = nil end @rpc_thread = nil if @rpc_thread @stop_subscribing = true @subscribe_threads.each(&:join) super end def stop_pull @stop_pull = true log.info "stop pull from subscription:#{@subscription}" end def start_pull @stop_pull = false log.info "start pull from subscription:#{@subscription}" end def status_of_pull @stop_pull ? "stopped" : "started" end private def static_tag(_record) @tag end def dynamic_tag(record) record.delete(@tag_key) || @tag end def start_rpc log.info "listening http rpc server on http://#{@rpc_bind}:#{@rpc_port}/" @rpc_srv = WEBrick::HTTPServer.new( { BindAddress: @rpc_bind, Port: @rpc_port, Logger: WEBrick::Log.new(STDERR, WEBrick::Log::FATAL), AccessLog: [], }, ) @rpc_srv.mount("/api/in_gcloud_pubsub/pull/", RPCServlet, self) @rpc_thread = thread_create(:in_gcloud_pubsub_rpc_thread) do @rpc_srv.start end end def subscribe until @stop_subscribing _subscribe unless @stop_pull sleep @pull_interval if @return_immediately || @stop_pull end rescue StandardError => e log.error "unexpected error", error_message: e.to_s, error_class: e.class.to_s log.error_backtrace e.backtrace end def _subscribe messages = @subscriber.pull @return_immediately, @max_messages @messages_pulled.observe(common_labels, messages.size) if messages.empty? log.debug "no messages are pulled" return end messages_size = messages.sum do |message| message.data.bytesize + message.attributes.sum { |k, v| k.bytesize + v.bytesize } end @messages_pulled_bytes.observe(common_labels, messages_size) process messages @subscriber.acknowledge messages log.debug "#{messages.length} message(s) processed" rescue Fluent::GcloudPubSub::RetryableError => e @pull_errors.increment(common_labels.merge({ retryable: true })) log.warn "Retryable error occurs. Fluentd will retry.", error_message: e.to_s, error_class: e.class.to_s rescue StandardError => e @pull_errors.increment(common_labels.merge({ retryable: false })) log.error "unexpected error", error_message: e.to_s, error_class: e.class.to_s log.error_backtrace e.backtrace end def process(messages) event_streams = Hash.new do |hsh, key| hsh[key] = Fluent::MultiEventStream.new end messages.each do |m| lines_attributes = Fluent::GcloudPubSub::MessageUnpacker.unpack(m) lines_attributes.each do |line, attributes| @parser.parse(line) do |time, record| if time && record @attribute_keys.each do |key| record[key] = attributes[key] end event_streams[@extract_tag.call(record)].add(time, record) else case @parse_error_action when :exception raise FailedParseError, "pattern not match: #{line}" else log.warn "pattern not match", record: line end end end end end event_streams.each do |tag, es| # There are some output plugins not to supposed to be called with multi-threading. # Maybe remove in the future. @emit_guard.synchronize do router.emit_stream(tag, es) end end end def common_labels { subscription: @subscription } end end end