require File.expand_path("spec_helper", File.dirname(__FILE__)) require File.expand_path("../lib/nesta/commands", File.dirname(__FILE__)) describe "nesta" do include FixtureHelper before(:each) do create_fixtures_directory @project_path = File.join(FixtureHelper::FIXTURE_DIR, '') end after(:each) do remove_fixtures end def project_path(path) File.join(@project_path, path) end def should_exist(file) File.exist?(project_path(file)).should be_true end def create_config_yaml(text), 'w') { |f| f.puts(text) } end describe "new" do def gemfile_source'Gemfile')) end def rakefile_source'Rakefile')) end describe "without options" do before(:each) do end it "should create the content directories" do should_exist('content/attachments') should_exist('content/pages') end it "should create the home page" do should_exist('content/pages/index.haml') end it "should create the rackup file" do should_exist('') end it "should create the config.yml file" do should_exist('config/config.yml') end it "should add a Gemfile" do should_exist('Gemfile') gemfile_source.should match(/gem 'nesta', '#{Nesta::VERSION}'/) end end describe "--git" do before(:each) do @command =, 'git' => '') @command.stub!(:system) end it "should create a .gitignore file" do @command.execute'.gitignore')).should match(/\.bundle/) end it "should create a git repo" do @command.should_receive(:system).with('git', 'init') @command.execute end it "should commit the blank project" do @command.should_receive(:system).with('git', 'add', '.') @command.should_receive(:system).with( 'git', 'commit', '-m', 'Initial commit') @command.execute end end describe "--vlad" do before(:each) do, 'vlad' => '').execute end it "should add vlad to Gemfile" do gemfile_source.should match(/gem 'vlad', '2.1.0'/) gemfile_source.should match(/gem 'vlad-git', '2.2.0'/) end it "should configure the vlad rake tasks" do should_exist('Rakefile') rakefile_source.should match(/require 'vlad'/) end it "should create deploy.rb" do should_exist('config/deploy.rb') deploy_source ='config/deploy.rb')) deploy_source.should match(/set :application, ''/) end end end describe "demo:content" do before(:each) do @config_path = project_path('config/config.yml') FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(@config_path)) Nesta::Config.stub!(:yaml_path).and_return(@config_path) create_config_yaml('content: path/to/content') Nesta::App.stub!(:root).and_return(@project_path) @repo_url = 'git://' @demo_path = project_path('content-demo') @command = @command.stub!(:system) end it "should clone the repository" do @command.should_receive(:system).with( 'git', 'clone', @repo_url, @demo_path) @command.execute end it "should configure the content directory" do @command.execute match(/^content: content-demo/) end describe "when repository already exists" do before(:each) do FileUtils.mkdir_p(@demo_path) end it "should update the repository" do @command.should_receive(:system).with('git', 'pull', 'origin', 'master') @command.execute end end describe "when site versioned with git" do before(:each) do @exclude_path = project_path('.git/info/exclude') FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(@exclude_path)), 'w') { |file| file.puts '# Excludes' } end it "should tell git to ignore content-demo" do @command.execute match(/content-demo/) end describe "and content-demo already ignored" do before(:each) do, 'w') { |file| file.puts 'content-demo' } end it "shouldn't tell git to ignore it twice" do @command.execute'content-demo').size.should == 1 end end end end describe "theme:install" do before(:each) do @repo_url = 'git://' @theme_dir = 'themes/mine' FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.join(@theme_dir, '.git')) @command = @command.stub!(:system) end after(:each) do FileUtils.rm_r(@theme_dir) end it "should clone the repository" do @command.should_receive(:system).with( 'git', 'clone', @repo_url, @theme_dir) @command.execute end it "should remove the theme's .git directory" do @command.execute File.exist?(@theme_dir).should be_true File.exist?(File.join(@theme_dir, '.git')).should be_false end it "should enable the freshly installed theme" do @command.should_receive(:enable).with('mine') @command.execute end describe "when theme URL doesn't match recommendation" do before(:each) do @repo_url = 'git://' @other_theme_dir = 'themes/mytheme' FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.join(@other_theme_dir, '.git')) @command = end after(:each) do FileUtils.rm_r(@other_theme_dir) end it "should use the basename as theme dir" do @command.should_receive(:system).with( 'git', 'clone', @repo_url, @other_theme_dir) @command.execute end end end describe "theme:enable" do before(:each) do config = File.join(FixtureHelper::FIXTURE_DIR, 'config.yml') Nesta::Config.stub!(:yaml_path).and_return(config) @name = 'mytheme' @command = end shared_examples_for "command that configures the theme" do it "should enable the theme" do @command.execute match(/^theme: #{@name}/) end end describe "when theme config is commented out" do before(:each) do create_config_yaml(' # theme: blah') end it_should_behave_like "command that configures the theme" end describe "when another theme is configured" do before(:each) do create_config_yaml('theme: another') end it_should_behave_like "command that configures the theme" end describe "when no theme config exists" do before(:each) do create_config_yaml('# I have no theme config') end it_should_behave_like "command that configures the theme" end end describe "theme:create" do def should_exist(file) File.exist?(Nesta::Path.themes(@name, file)).should be_true end before(:each) do Nesta::App.stub!(:root).and_return(FixtureHelper::FIXTURE_DIR) @name = 'my-new-theme' end it "should create the theme directory" do be_true end it "should create a dummy README file" do should_exist('') text =, '')) text.should match(/#{@name} is a theme/) end it "should create a default app.rb file" do should_exist('app.rb') end it "should create public and view directories" do should_exist("public/#{@name}") should_exist('views') end end end