# VoucherifySdk::PublicationsApi All URIs are relative to *https://api.voucherify.io* | Method | HTTP request | Description | | ------ | ------------ | ----------- | | [**create_publication**](PublicationsApi.md#create_publication) | **POST** /v1/publications | Create Publication | | [**create_publication1**](PublicationsApi.md#create_publication1) | **GET** /v1/publications/create | Create Publication | | [**list_publications**](PublicationsApi.md#list_publications) | **GET** /v1/publications | List Publications | ## create_publication > create_publication(opts) Create Publication This method selects vouchers that are suitable for publication, adds a publish entry and returns the publication. A voucher is suitable for publication when its active and hasnt been published yet. 🚧 Clearly define the source of the voucher You must clearly define which source you want to publish the voucher code from. It can either be a code from a campaign or a specific voucher identified by a code. 🚧 Publish multiple vouchers In case you want to publish multiple vouchers within a single publication, you need to specify the campaign name and number of vouchers you want to publish. 📘 Auto-update campaign In case you want to ensure the number of publishable codes increases automatically with the number of customers, you should use an **auto-update** campaign. ### Examples ```ruby require 'time' require 'VoucherifySdk' # setup authorization VoucherifySdk.configure do |config| # Configure API key authorization: X-App-Id config.api_key['X-App-Id'] = 'YOUR API KEY' # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil) # config.api_key_prefix['X-App-Id'] = 'Bearer' # Configure API key authorization: X-App-Token config.api_key['X-App-Token'] = 'YOUR API KEY' # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil) # config.api_key_prefix['X-App-Token'] = 'Bearer' end api_instance = VoucherifySdk::PublicationsApi.new opts = { join_once: true, # Boolean | Through this flag, you can control if a particular person gets only one and always the same code even if the app sends multiple publication requests. It means that if you have a referral program, a referrer is assigned only to one code if an integration sends publication requests more than once for the same customer. publications_create_request_body: VoucherifySdk::CreatePublicationWithCampaign.new({customer: VoucherifySdk::Customer.new, campaign: VoucherifySdk::CreatePublicationCampaign.new({name: 'camp_dphuwqH7BOVkgh4JmpDtS32l'})}) # PublicationsCreateRequestBody | Specify the publication parameters. } begin # Create Publication result = api_instance.create_publication(opts) p result rescue VoucherifySdk::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling PublicationsApi->create_publication: #{e}" end ``` ### Parameters | Name | Type | Description | Notes | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | ----- | | **join_once** | **Boolean** | Through this flag, you can control if a particular person gets only one and always the same code even if the app sends multiple publication requests. It means that if you have a referral program, a referrer is assigned only to one code if an integration sends publication requests more than once for the same customer. | [optional] | | **publications_create_request_body** | [**PublicationsCreateRequestBody**](PublicationsCreateRequestBody.md) | Specify the publication parameters. | [optional] | ### Return type [**PublicationsCreateResponseBody**](PublicationsCreateResponseBody.md) ### Authorization [X-App-Id](../README.md#X-App-Id), [X-App-Token](../README.md#X-App-Token) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json ## create_publication1 > create_publication1(customer, opts) Create Publication This method selects vouchers that are suitable for publication, adds a publish entry and returns the publication. A voucher is suitable for publication when its active and hasnt been published yet. ❗️ Limited access Access to this endpoint is limited. This endpoint is designed for specific integrations and the API keys need to be configured to access this endpoint. Navigate to the **Dashboard** → **Project Settings** → **General** → **Integration Keys** to set up a pair of API keys and use them to send the request. 🚧 Clearly define the source of the voucher You must clearly define which source you want to publish the voucher code from. It can either be a code from a campaign or a specific voucher identified by a code. 🚧 Publish multiple vouchers This endpoint does not support the publishing of multiple vouchers from a single campaign. In case you want to publish multiple vouchers within a single publication, you need to use a dedicated endpoint. 📘 Auto-update campaign In case you want to ensure the number of publishable codes increases automatically with the number of customers, you should use an **auto-update** campaign. # Example Request ❗️ Required Query param voucher OR campaign MUST be filled out. If you provide both, campaign param will be skipped. ### Examples ```ruby require 'time' require 'VoucherifySdk' # setup authorization VoucherifySdk.configure do |config| # Configure API key authorization: X-App-Id config.api_key['X-App-Id'] = 'YOUR API KEY' # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil) # config.api_key_prefix['X-App-Id'] = 'Bearer' # Configure API key authorization: X-App-Token config.api_key['X-App-Token'] = 'YOUR API KEY' # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil) # config.api_key_prefix['X-App-Token'] = 'Bearer' end api_instance = VoucherifySdk::PublicationsApi.new customer = VoucherifySdk::Customer.new # Customer | Contains information about the customer to whom the publication was directed. opts = { join_once: true, # Boolean | Through this flag, you can control if a particular person gets only one and always the same code even if the app sends multiple publication requests. It means that if you have a referral program, a referrer is assigned only to one code if an integration sends publication requests more than once for the same customer. voucher: 'voucher_example', # String | Code of voucher being published. campaign: VoucherifySdk::CreatePublicationCampaign.new({name: 'camp_dphuwqH7BOVkgh4JmpDtS32l'}), # CreatePublicationCampaign | Create publication with campaign. source_id: 'source_id_example', # String | The merchant’s publication ID if it is different from the Voucherify publication ID. Its an optional tracking identifier of a publication. It is really useful in case of an integration between multiple systems. It can be a publication ID from a CRM system, database or 3rd-party service. If source_id is provided only 1 voucher can be published per request. metadata: { key: 3.56} # Object | The metadata object stores all custom attributes assigned to the publication. A set of key/value pairs that you can attach to a publication object. It can be useful for storing additional information about the publication in a structured format. } begin # Create Publication result = api_instance.create_publication1(customer, opts) p result rescue VoucherifySdk::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling PublicationsApi->create_publication1: #{e}" end ``` ### Parameters | Name | Type | Description | Notes | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | ----- | | **customer** | [**Customer**](.md) | Contains information about the customer to whom the publication was directed. | | | **join_once** | **Boolean** | Through this flag, you can control if a particular person gets only one and always the same code even if the app sends multiple publication requests. It means that if you have a referral program, a referrer is assigned only to one code if an integration sends publication requests more than once for the same customer. | [optional] | | **voucher** | **String** | Code of voucher being published. | [optional] | | **campaign** | [**CreatePublicationCampaign**](.md) | Create publication with campaign. | [optional] | | **source_id** | **String** | The merchant’s publication ID if it is different from the Voucherify publication ID. Its an optional tracking identifier of a publication. It is really useful in case of an integration between multiple systems. It can be a publication ID from a CRM system, database or 3rd-party service. If source_id is provided only 1 voucher can be published per request. | [optional] | | **metadata** | [**Object**](.md) | The metadata object stores all custom attributes assigned to the publication. A set of key/value pairs that you can attach to a publication object. It can be useful for storing additional information about the publication in a structured format. | [optional] | ### Return type [**PublicationsCreateResponseBody**](PublicationsCreateResponseBody.md) ### Authorization [X-App-Id](../README.md#X-App-Id), [X-App-Token](../README.md#X-App-Token) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: Not defined - **Accept**: application/json ## list_publications > list_publications(opts) List Publications Retrieve a list of publications. To return a **particular** publication, you can use the source_id query parameter and provide the source_id of the publication you are looking for specifically. # Pagination 🚧 Important! If you want to scroll through a huge set of records, it is recommended to use the Exports API. This API will return an error page_over_limit if you reach a page above 1000. # Filter Query The filters query parameter allows for joining multiple parameters with logical operators. The syntax looks as follows: ## Operators: ## Examples ### Examples ```ruby require 'time' require 'VoucherifySdk' # setup authorization VoucherifySdk.configure do |config| # Configure API key authorization: X-App-Id config.api_key['X-App-Id'] = 'YOUR API KEY' # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil) # config.api_key_prefix['X-App-Id'] = 'Bearer' # Configure API key authorization: X-App-Token config.api_key['X-App-Token'] = 'YOUR API KEY' # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil) # config.api_key_prefix['X-App-Token'] = 'Bearer' end api_instance = VoucherifySdk::PublicationsApi.new opts = { limit: 56, # Integer | A limit on the number of objects to be returned. Limit can range between 1 and 100 items. page: 56, # Integer | Which page of results to return. order: VoucherifySdk::ParameterOrderListPublications::ID, # ParameterOrderListPublications | Sorts the results using one of the filtering options, where the dash - preceding a sorting option means sorting in a descending order. campaign: 'campaign_example', # String | Filters by a given campaign name. customer: 'customer_example', # String | Filters by a unique customer ID. voucher: 'voucher_example', # String | Filters by a given voucher code. result: VoucherifySdk::ParameterResultListPublications::SUCCESS, # ParameterResultListPublications | Filters by a publication result. voucher_type: VoucherifySdk::ParameterVoucherTypeListPublications::DISCOUNT, # ParameterVoucherTypeListPublications | Filters by a voucher type. is_referral_code: true, # Boolean | This filter works only for the true option. If set to true, the query returns only publications of codes from referral campaigns. filters: 'filters_example', # String | Allows for combining the filters mentioned in the endpoint description. source_id: 'source_id_example' # String | Using this endpoint with a particular publication source_id, which was sent with the original request to create a publication, returns in the response, exactly the same code published initially because the code was assigned to the given publication. As a result, you can use this endpoint as a reference and return a code that was assigned in a publication by using a particular source_id. } begin # List Publications result = api_instance.list_publications(opts) p result rescue VoucherifySdk::ApiError => e puts "Error when calling PublicationsApi->list_publications: #{e}" end ``` ### Parameters | Name | Type | Description | Notes | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | ----- | | **limit** | **Integer** | A limit on the number of objects to be returned. Limit can range between 1 and 100 items. | [optional] | | **page** | **Integer** | Which page of results to return. | [optional] | | **order** | [**ParameterOrderListPublications**](.md) | Sorts the results using one of the filtering options, where the dash - preceding a sorting option means sorting in a descending order. | [optional] | | **campaign** | **String** | Filters by a given campaign name. | [optional] | | **customer** | **String** | Filters by a unique customer ID. | [optional] | | **voucher** | **String** | Filters by a given voucher code. | [optional] | | **result** | [**ParameterResultListPublications**](.md) | Filters by a publication result. | [optional] | | **voucher_type** | [**ParameterVoucherTypeListPublications**](.md) | Filters by a voucher type. | [optional] | | **is_referral_code** | **Boolean** | This filter works only for the true option. If set to true, the query returns only publications of codes from referral campaigns. | [optional] | | **filters** | **String** | Allows for combining the filters mentioned in the endpoint description. | [optional] | | **source_id** | **String** | Using this endpoint with a particular publication source_id, which was sent with the original request to create a publication, returns in the response, exactly the same code published initially because the code was assigned to the given publication. As a result, you can use this endpoint as a reference and return a code that was assigned in a publication by using a particular source_id. | [optional] | ### Return type [**PublicationsListResponseBody**](PublicationsListResponseBody.md) ### Authorization [X-App-Id](../README.md#X-App-Id), [X-App-Token](../README.md#X-App-Token) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: Not defined - **Accept**: application/json