How the "continue" action works. By inspection of Adventureland, there is only one instance of it there: action DRO WAT when carried bottle and at room1 { print "Sizzle..." continue swap bottle bottle1 } occur when here FIRESTONE { swap now FIRESTONE } This is illuminating. First, continue doesn't have to be the last instruction in an action: so it doesn't mean "proceed with the next action", it means "note that when you're done with this action that you may continue to the next". Second, note that the second action has a condition which must be met, so the continue also doesn't mean "actually do the next action", but "evaluate whether the next action should be done". (That's why the continue is used here: the second set of instructions should be executed only if the second condition is true as well as the first.) The probability associated with follow-on actions is ignored, though (and is probably always zero, to prevent those actions firing in other circumstances). Because conditions are still checked for actions reached by continue, we can not fold actions linked by continue into a single long action with multiple instructions, as tempting as that sounds. -- More: it's apparent from Voodoo Castle that a continue action means not just to attempt the next action, but ALL subsequent actions that have verb and noun both equal to zero. Here is the decompilation of the code for examining the Count: action LOO COF when here Coffin1 print "A sign here says:" print "Count Cristo's been CURSED! [...]" continue print "There's a man here" occur 0% when !exists foot print "He's wearing a rabbit's foot" occur 0% when !exists ring print "Wearing a sapphire ring" At the start of the game, the rabbit's foot exists (elsewhere) and the ring does not, so the first occur does not fire but the second does.