# The #.#.# comments (e.g. "2.1.3") refer to section numbers in the CAS protocol spec # under http://www.ja-sig.org/products/cas/overview/protocol/index.html # need auto_validation off to render CAS responses and to use the autocomplete='off' property on password field Markaby::Builder.set(:auto_validation, false) # disabled XML indentation because it was causing problems with mod_auth_cas #Markaby::Builder.set(:indent, 2) module CASServer::Views def layout # wrap as XHTML only when auto_validation is on, otherwise pass right through if @use_layout xhtml_strict do head do title { "#{organization} #{_(' Central Login')}" } link(:rel => "stylesheet", :type => "text/css", :href => "/themes/cas.css") link(:rel => "stylesheet", :type => "text/css", :href => "/themes/#{current_theme}/theme.css") end body(:onload => "if (document.getElementById('username')) document.getElementById('username').focus()") do self << yield end end else self << yield end end # 2.1.3 # The full login page. def login @use_layout = true table(:id => "login-box") do tr do td(:colspan => 2) do div(:id => "headline-container") do strong organization text _(" Central Login") end end end if @message tr do td(:colspan => 2, :id => "messagebox-container") do div(:class => "messagebox #{@message[:type]}") { @message[:message] } end end end tr do td(:id => "logo-container") do img(:id => "logo", :src => "/themes/#{current_theme}/logo.png") end td(:id => "login-form-container") do @include_infoline = true login_form end end end end # Just the login form. def login_form form(:method => "post", :action => @form_action || '/login', :id => "login-form", :onsubmit => "submitbutton = document.getElementById('login-submit'); submitbutton.value='#{ _("Please wait...") }'; submitbutton.disabled=true; return true;") do table(:id => "form-layout") do tr do td(:id => "username-label-container") do label(:id => "username-label", :for => "username") { _( "Username" ) } end td(:id => "username-container") do input(:type => "text", :id => "username", :name => "username", :size => "32", :tabindex => "1", :accesskey => "u") end end tr do td(:id => "password-label-container") do label(:id => "password-label", :for => "password") { _( "Password" ) } end td(:id => "password-container") do input(:type => "password", :id => "password", :name => "password", :size => "32", :tabindex => "2", :accesskey => "p", :autocomplete => "off") end end tr do td{} td(:id => "submit-container") do input(:type => "hidden", :id => "lt", :name => "lt", :value => @lt) input(:type => "hidden", :id => "service", :name => "service", :value => @service) input(:type => "submit", :class => "button", :accesskey => "l", :value => _("LOGIN"), :tabindex => "4", :id => "login-submit") end end tr do td(:colspan => 2, :id => "infoline") { infoline } end if @include_infoline end end end # 2.3.2 def logout @use_layout = true table(:id => "login-box") do tr do td(:colspan => 2) do div(:id => "headline-container") do strong organization text _(" Central Login") end end end if @message tr do td(:colspan => 2, :id => "messagebox-container") do div(:class => "messagebox #{@message[:type]}") { @message[:message] } if @continue_url p do a(:href => @continue_url) { @continue_url } end end end end end end end # 2.4.2 # CAS 1.0 validate response. def validate if @success text "yes\n#{@username}\n" else text "no\n\n" end end # 2.5.2 # CAS 2.0 service validate response. def service_validate if @success tag!("cas:serviceResponse", 'xmlns:cas' => "http://www.yale.edu/tp/cas") do tag!("cas:authenticationSuccess") do tag!("cas:user") {@username.to_s.to_xs} @extra_attributes.each do |key, value| tag!(key) {serialize_extra_attribute(value)} end if @pgtiou tag!("cas:proxyGrantingTicket") {@pgtiou.to_s.to_xs} end end end else tag!("cas:serviceResponse", 'xmlns:cas' => "http://www.yale.edu/tp/cas") do tag!("cas:authenticationFailure", :code => @error.code) {@error.to_s.to_xs} end end end # 2.6.2 # CAS 2.0 proxy validate response. def proxy_validate if @success tag!("cas:serviceResponse", 'xmlns:cas' => "http://www.yale.edu/tp/cas") do tag!("cas:authenticationSuccess") do tag!("cas:user") {@username.to_s.to_xs} @extra_attributes.each do |key, value| tag!(key) {serialize_extra_attribute(value)} end if @pgtiou tag!("cas:proxyGrantingTicket") {@pgtiou.to_s.to_xs} end if @proxies && !@proxies.empty? tag!("cas:proxies") do @proxies.each do |proxy_url| tag!("cas:proxy") {proxy_url.to_s.to_xs} end end end end end else tag!("cas:serviceResponse", 'xmlns:cas' => "http://www.yale.edu/tp/cas") do tag!("cas:authenticationFailure", :code => @error.code) {@error.to_s.to_xs} end end end # 2.7.2 # CAS 2.0 proxy request response. def proxy if @success tag!("cas:serviceResponse", 'xmlns:cas' => "http://www.yale.edu/tp/cas") do tag!("cas:proxySuccess") do tag!("cas:proxyTicket") {@pt.to_s.to_xs} end end else tag!("cas:serviceResponse", 'xmlns:cas' => "http://www.yale.edu/tp/cas") do tag!("cas:proxyFailure", :code => @error.code) {@error.to_s.to_xs} end end end def configure end protected def themes_dir File.dirname(File.expand_path(__FILE__))+'../themes' end module_function :themes_dir def current_theme CASServer::Conf.theme || "simple" end module_function :current_theme def organization CASServer::Conf.organization || "" end module_function :organization def infoline CASServer::Conf.infoline || "" end module_function :infoline def serialize_extra_attribute(value) if value.kind_of?(String) || value.kind_of?(Numeric) value else "" end end module_function :serialize_extra_attribute end if CASServer::Conf.custom_views_file require CASServer::Conf.custom_views_file end