<% stimulus_controller = 'fields--button-toggle' form ||= current_fields_form # TODO: We need to do this because `options` is currently an array of strings. # i.e. - ["One", "Two", "Three"] if defined?(options) && options.is_a?(Array) button_field_options = options options = defined?(html_options) ? html_options : {} ActiveSupport::Deprecation.new.warn( "`options` will be replaced with `button_field_options` in a later version. " \ "Please pass all of the strings you want to appear in your buttons to `button_field_options`." ) end options ||= {} other_options ||= {} if defined?(html_options) # From the Rails documentation concerning `options`: # Any standard HTML attributes for the tag can be passed in, for example :class # https://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActionView/Helpers/FormHelper.html#method-i-check_box ActiveSupport::Deprecation.new.warn( "The `html_options` attribute for checkboxes and radio buttons will be removed in a later version. " \ "Pass all of your html options like `class` to `options` instead." ) end button_field_options ||= options_for(form, method) options[:data] ||= {} options[:data]["#{stimulus_controller}-target"] = 'shadowField' options[:multiple] ||= false if defined?(multiple) options[:multiple] = multiple ActiveSupport::Deprecation.new.warn( "The `multiple` attribute will be removed in a later version. " \ "Please pass `options: {multiple: true}` to `render` instead." ) end %> <% button_classes = "button-alternative mb-1.5 mr-1" if options[:disabled] button_classes += " bg-slate-200 dark:bg-slate-700 hover:bg-slate-200 hover:dark:bg-slate-700" end %> <% content = render 'shared/fields/field', form: form, method: method, options: options, other_options: other_options do %> <% content_for :field do %>
<% button_field_options.each do |value, label| %> <% options[:checked] = form.object.send(method).is_a?(Array) ? form.object.send(method).map(&:to_s).include?(value.to_s) : form.object.send(method).to_s == value.to_s %> <% end %>
<% end %> <% end %> <%# The `-mb-1.5` is making up for the `mb-1.5` on each of the buttons. This allows them to wrap with appropriate vertical spacing. %>
<%= content %>