== 0.8.1

* bugfixes:
  * Fix for pluralized translations (scambra)

== 0.8.0

* major enhancements:
  * Gemify

== 0.7.0

* major enhancements:
  * Fix gettext dependency version
* enhancements:
  * Add more error checks when loading models
  * Load gettext only when using it

== 0.6.0

* bugfixes:
  * Could not load cldr data with short locale names
* major enhancements:
  * Include AR association names in model attributes translation
  * Add 'generated' comment mark (#g) for generated lines in YAML (thanks to t-wada-senpai, Shimura-san, Toyofuku-san, Sezutsu-san and oukayuka-san!)
  * Add --include-timestamps option and change default bahaviour not to include timestamp columns in translation YAML
  * Add blank line between each blocks (thanks to Sawayanagi-san!)
* enhancements:
  * Avoid generating blank locale file
  * Change GitHub fetch URL from blob/master/...?raw=true to raw/master

== 0.5.0

* bugfixes:
  * Could not fetch the locale files via GitHub (GitHub changed the URL?)
* major enhancements:
  * Ruby 1.9 ready!
  * Never connect to CLDR site when the locale file found in Sven's rails-i18n repository
* enhancements:
  * Use Ruby 1.9 built-in JSON parser if Ruby 1.9

== 0.4.1

* bugfixes:
  * i18n_translation abnormally ends when loading a view containing "-%>" (thanks to babie-san!)

== 0.4.0

* major enhancements:
  * translation generator now preserves any existing extra lines in the YAML file (thanks to Iain Hecker-san!)

== 0.3.4

* enhancements:
  * Reduce unnecessary request to CLDR site

== 0.3.3

* bugfixes:
  * Did not work on Ruby 1.8.6 (thanks to akm-san!)

== 0.3.2

* bugfixes:
  * Trim mode in ERB didn't work on some platforms (thanks to valda-san!)

== 0.3.1

* enhancements:
  * Translate all keys simultaneously using thread
  * Translations with :scope is going to be yamlized with proper hierarchy

== 0.3.0

* major enhancements:
  * Renamed the generators
      i18n_locales -> i18n_locale (i18n --locale)
      i18n_models -> i18n_translation (i18n --translation)
  * Handle all translate keys which appear in view files (thanks to PanosJee-san!)

== 0.2.0

* major enhancements:
  * Implemented i18n_scaffold generator (thanks to Iain Hecker-san!)

* enhancements:
  * i18n_models generator can now deal with non AR classes which has content_columns (thanks to Iain Hecker-san!)

== 0.1.0

* major enhancements:
  * Fetch locale YAML file from rails-i18n project repository first

* bugfixes:
  * Could not recognize model names with multipie words (thanks to makoto-san!)

== 0.0.8

* major enhancements:
  * Lots of changes for this commit by DHH http://github.com/rails/rails/commit/d9b92ee11b33fed5c7a94a91415fa846705f7dd3

== 0.0.4

* Gemified on GitHub

== 0.0.1

* Birthday!