# Reveal Jekyll [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/sylhare/Reveal-Jekyll.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/sylhare/Reveal-Jekyll) [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/reveal-jekyll.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/rb/reveal-jekyll) Reveal.js Web presentation served with jekyll. ## Set up Make sure to install bundle which will ease the installation of jekyll: ```bash gem install bundle bundle install ``` Run the presentation using: ```bash bundle exec jekyll serve ``` ## Create your presentation ### Raw Markdown In `index.html` use the `layout: raw` and then you can create your slides directly in the file using markdown: - `___` Makes a basement slide - `---` Makes the next slide ### Using Jekyll capabilities In `index.html` use the `layout: presentation`. It will use the `_slides` and `_basements` folder to create the presentation. #### Slide Use the `_slides` folder to create a file per slide in markdown. ```yaml --- background: ... # Optional to put an image or a color as the background video: "http://video-link.mp4" # Optional to put a video as the background transition: slide # Optional change the transition type for this slide --- Slide content in markdown ``` > Don't forget to add the two `---`. To order the presentation you can do something like `01-First-slide-title.md`, `02-Second-slide-title.md`. #### Basement slides Basement slides can be put in the `_basements` folder. The Basement slides are slides that will be accessible using the down arrow when on a particular slide. They are the sub sections of your presentation: ```yaml --- slide: slide-title --- Content of the Basement slide in markdown ``` > Don't forget to use the `slide` attribute to specify under which slide it will fit. #### Config Configure Reveal.js in teh `_config.yml`: ```yml reveal: transition: "slide" # none/fade/slide/convex/concave/zoom theme: "black" # beige/blood/league/moon/night/serif/simple/sky/solarized/white ``` You can set globally the transitions and theme of your presentation. ### Export presentation To export the presentation use `?print-pdf` at the end of the url to be able to save the page as PDF: ``` ://?print-pdf ``` Try it at https://sylhare.github.io/Reveal-Jekyll/?print-pdf ### Use as a gem There is a `Dockerfile` available, check it out to see how to use the theme in a Docker. Basically you need 4 things to make it work as a gem: - The Gemfile with the [reveal-jekyll gem](https://rubygems.org/gems/reveal-jekyll): `gem 'reveal-jekyll', '~> 0.0.2'` - The `index.html` which is the entrypoint of your jekyll site and presentation (with explained above configuration) - The `_config.yml` which defines your theme configuration. - The presentation, assets and content you want to display. And that's it you'd be good to roll! ## License ### Reveal Jekyll [Reveal Jekyll](https://github.com/sylhare/Reveal-Jekyll/blob/master/LICENSE) MIT licensed Copyright (c) 2019 Sylhare \o/ ### Reveal.js [Reveal.js](https://github.com/hakimel/reveal.js/) MIT licensed Copyright (C) 2019 Hakim El Hattab, http://hakim.se ### Jekyll [Jekyll](https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll) MIT licensed Copyright (c) 2008-present Tom Preston-Werner and Jekyll contributors