var App = function () { var app_instance; app_instance = function () { var app = {}, definitions = {}, constants = {}, overwrites = {}; app.define = function (constant, definition) { if (definitions[constant] !== undefined) { throw "Constant '" + constant + "' already defined." } if (typeof definition !== 'function') { throw "Definition has to be a function." } definitions[constant] = definition; }; app.require = function (constant) { if (overwrites[constant]) { return overwrites[constant](); } if (constants[constant] === undefined) { if (definitions[constant] === undefined) { throw "Constant '" + constant + "' not defined." } constants[constant] = definitions[constant](); } return constants[constant]; }; app.overwrite = function(constant, definition) { overwrites[constant] = definition; } app.reset = function(constant) { delete overwrites[constant]; } return app; } return { Mediators: {}, induce: function (scope) { = app_instance(); } }; }(); App.induce(window);