require 'rack/session/abstract/id' require 'active_support/core_ext/object/to_query' require 'active_support/core_ext/module/anonymous' require 'active_support/core_ext/hash/keys' require 'active_support/deprecation' require 'rails-dom-testing' module ActionController module TemplateAssertions extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do setup :setup_subscriptions teardown :teardown_subscriptions end RENDER_TEMPLATE_INSTANCE_VARIABLES = %w{partials templates layouts files}.freeze def setup_subscriptions RENDER_TEMPLATE_INSTANCE_VARIABLES.each do |instance_variable| instance_variable_set("@_#{instance_variable}", end @_subscribers = [] @_subscribers << ActiveSupport::Notifications.subscribe("render_template.action_view") do |_name, _start, _finish, _id, payload| path = payload[:layout] if path @_layouts[path] += 1 if path =~ /^layouts\/(.*)/ @_layouts[$1] += 1 end end end @_subscribers << ActiveSupport::Notifications.subscribe("!render_template.action_view") do |_name, _start, _finish, _id, payload| if virtual_path = payload[:virtual_path] partial = virtual_path =~ /^.*\/_[^\/]*$/ if partial @_partials[virtual_path] += 1 @_partials[virtual_path.split("/").last] += 1 end @_templates[virtual_path] += 1 else path = payload[:identifier] if path @_files[path] += 1 @_files[path.split("/").last] += 1 end end end end def teardown_subscriptions @_subscribers.each do |subscriber| ActiveSupport::Notifications.unsubscribe(subscriber) end end def process(*args) reset_template_assertion super end def reset_template_assertion RENDER_TEMPLATE_INSTANCE_VARIABLES.each do |instance_variable| ivar_name = "@_#{instance_variable}" if instance_variable_defined?(ivar_name) instance_variable_get(ivar_name).clear end end end # Asserts that the request was rendered with the appropriate template file or partials. # # # assert that the "new" view template was rendered # assert_template "new" # # # assert that the exact template "admin/posts/new" was rendered # assert_template %r{\Aadmin/posts/new\Z} # # # assert that the layout 'admin' was rendered # assert_template layout: 'admin' # assert_template layout: 'layouts/admin' # assert_template layout: :admin # # # assert that no layout was rendered # assert_template layout: nil # assert_template layout: false # # # assert that the "_customer" partial was rendered twice # assert_template partial: '_customer', count: 2 # # # assert that no partials were rendered # assert_template partial: false # # # assert that a file was rendered # assert_template file: "README.rdoc" # # # assert that no file was rendered # assert_template file: nil # assert_template file: false # # In a view test case, you can also assert that specific locals are passed # to partials: # # # assert that the "_customer" partial was rendered with a specific object # assert_template partial: '_customer', locals: { customer: @customer } def assert_template(options = {}, message = nil) # Force body to be read in case the template is being streamed. response.body case options when NilClass, Regexp, String, Symbol options = options.to_s if Symbol === options rendered = @_templates msg = message || sprintf("expecting <%s> but rendering with <%s>", options.inspect, rendered.keys) matches_template = case options when String !options.empty? && rendered.any? do |t, num| options_splited = options.split(File::SEPARATOR) t_splited = t.split(File::SEPARATOR) t_splited.last(options_splited.size) == options_splited end when Regexp rendered.any? { |t,num| t.match(options) } when NilClass rendered.blank? end assert matches_template, msg when Hash options.assert_valid_keys(:layout, :partial, :locals, :count, :file) if options.key?(:layout) expected_layout = options[:layout] msg = message || sprintf("expecting layout <%s> but action rendered <%s>", expected_layout, @_layouts.keys) case expected_layout when String, Symbol assert_includes @_layouts.keys, expected_layout.to_s, msg when Regexp assert(@_layouts.keys.any? {|l| l =~ expected_layout }, msg) when nil, false assert(@_layouts.empty?, msg) end end if options[:file] assert_includes @_files.keys, options[:file] elsif options.key?(:file) assert @_files.blank?, "expected no files but #{@_files.keys} was rendered" end if expected_partial = options[:partial] if expected_locals = options[:locals] if defined?(@_rendered_views) view = expected_partial.to_s.sub(/^_/, '').sub(/\/_(?=[^\/]+\z)/, '/') partial_was_not_rendered_msg = "expected %s to be rendered but it was not." % view assert_includes @_rendered_views.rendered_views, view, partial_was_not_rendered_msg msg = 'expecting %s to be rendered with %s but was with %s' % [expected_partial, expected_locals, @_rendered_views.locals_for(view)] assert(@_rendered_views.view_rendered?(view, options[:locals]), msg) else warn "the :locals option to #assert_template is only supported in a ActionView::TestCase" end elsif expected_count = options[:count] actual_count = @_partials[expected_partial] msg = message || sprintf("expecting %s to be rendered %s time(s) but rendered %s time(s)", expected_partial, expected_count, actual_count) assert(actual_count == expected_count.to_i, msg) else msg = message || sprintf("expecting partial <%s> but action rendered <%s>", options[:partial], @_partials.keys) assert_includes @_partials, expected_partial, msg end elsif options.key?(:partial) assert @_partials.empty?, "Expected no partials to be rendered" end else raise ArgumentError, "assert_template only accepts a String, Symbol, Hash, Regexp, or nil" end end end class TestRequest < ActionDispatch::TestRequest #:nodoc: DEFAULT_ENV = ActionDispatch::TestRequest::DEFAULT_ENV.dup DEFAULT_ENV.delete 'PATH_INFO' def initialize(env = {}) super self.session = self.session_options = TestSession::DEFAULT_OPTIONS.merge(:id => SecureRandom.hex(16)) end def assign_parameters(routes, controller_path, action, parameters = {}) parameters = parameters.symbolize_keys.merge(:controller => controller_path, :action => action) extra_keys = routes.extra_keys(parameters) non_path_parameters = get? ? query_parameters : request_parameters parameters.each do |key, value| if value.is_a?(Array) && (value.frozen? || value.any?(&:frozen?)) value ={ |v| v.duplicable? ? v.dup : v } elsif value.is_a?(Hash) && (value.frozen? || value.any?{ |k,v| v.frozen? }) value = Hash[{ |k,v| [k, v.duplicable? ? v.dup : v] }] elsif value.frozen? && value.duplicable? value = value.dup end if extra_keys.include?(key) non_path_parameters[key] = value else if value.is_a?(Array) value = else value = value.to_param end path_parameters[key] = value end end # Clear the combined params hash in case it was already referenced. @env.delete("action_dispatch.request.parameters") # Clear the filter cache variables so they're not stale @filtered_parameters = @filtered_env = @filtered_path = nil params = self.request_parameters.dup %w(controller action only_path).each do |k| params.delete(k) params.delete(k.to_sym) end data = params.to_query @env['CONTENT_LENGTH'] = data.length.to_s @env['rack.input'] = end def recycle! @formats = nil @env.delete_if { |k, v| k =~ /^(action_dispatch|rack)\.request/ } @env.delete_if { |k, v| k =~ /^action_dispatch\.rescue/ } @method = @request_method = nil @fullpath = @ip = @remote_ip = @protocol = nil @env['action_dispatch.request.query_parameters'] = {} @set_cookies ||= {} @set_cookies.update(Hash[cookie_jar.instance_variable_get("@set_cookies").map{ |k,o| [k,o[:value]] }]) deleted_cookies = cookie_jar.instance_variable_get("@delete_cookies") @set_cookies.reject!{ |k,v| deleted_cookies.include?(k) } cookie_jar.update(rack_cookies) cookie_jar.update(cookies) cookie_jar.update(@set_cookies) cookie_jar.recycle! end private def default_env DEFAULT_ENV end end class TestResponse < ActionDispatch::TestResponse def recycle! initialize end end class LiveTestResponse < Live::Response def recycle! @body = nil initialize end def body @body ||= super end # Was the response successful? alias_method :success?, :successful? # Was the URL not found? alias_method :missing?, :not_found? # Were we redirected? alias_method :redirect?, :redirection? # Was there a server-side error? alias_method :error?, :server_error? end # Methods #destroy and #load! are overridden to avoid calling methods on the # @store object, which does not exist for the TestSession class. class TestSession < Rack::Session::Abstract::SessionHash #:nodoc: DEFAULT_OPTIONS = Rack::Session::Abstract::ID::DEFAULT_OPTIONS def initialize(session = {}) super(nil, nil) @id = SecureRandom.hex(16) @data = stringify_keys(session) @loaded = true end def exists? true end def keys @data.keys end def values @data.values end def destroy clear end def fetch(*args, &block) @data.fetch(*args, &block) end private def load! @id end end # Superclass for ActionController functional tests. Functional tests allow you to # test a single controller action per test method. This should not be confused with # integration tests (see ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest), which are more like # "stories" that can involve multiple controllers and multiple actions (i.e. multiple # different HTTP requests). # # == Basic example # # Functional tests are written as follows: # 1. First, one uses the +get+, +post+, +patch+, +put+, +delete+ or +head+ method to simulate # an HTTP request. # 2. Then, one asserts whether the current state is as expected. "State" can be anything: # the controller's HTTP response, the database contents, etc. # # For example: # # class BooksControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase # def test_create # # Simulate a POST response with the given HTTP parameters. # post(:create, book: { title: "Love Hina" }) # # # Assert that the controller tried to redirect us to # # the created book's URI. # assert_response :found # # # Assert that the controller really put the book in the database. # assert_not_nil Book.find_by(title: "Love Hina") # end # end # # You can also send a real document in the simulated HTTP request. # # def test_create # json = {book: { title: "Love Hina" }}.to_json # post :create, json # end # # == Special instance variables # # ActionController::TestCase will also automatically provide the following instance # variables for use in the tests: # # @controller:: # The controller instance that will be tested. # @request:: # An ActionController::TestRequest, representing the current HTTP # request. You can modify this object before sending the HTTP request. For example, # you might want to set some session properties before sending a GET request. # @response:: # An ActionController::TestResponse object, representing the response # of the last HTTP response. In the above example, @response becomes valid # after calling +post+. If the various assert methods are not sufficient, then you # may use this object to inspect the HTTP response in detail. # # (Earlier versions of \Rails required each functional test to subclass # Test::Unit::TestCase and define @controller, @request, @response in +setup+.) # # == Controller is automatically inferred # # ActionController::TestCase will automatically infer the controller under test # from the test class name. If the controller cannot be inferred from the test # class name, you can explicitly set it with +tests+. # # class SpecialEdgeCaseWidgetsControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase # tests WidgetController # end # # == \Testing controller internals # # In addition to these specific assertions, you also have easy access to various collections that the regular test/unit assertions # can be used against. These collections are: # # * assigns: Instance variables assigned in the action that are available for the view. # * session: Objects being saved in the session. # * flash: The flash objects currently in the session. # * cookies: \Cookies being sent to the user on this request. # # These collections can be used just like any other hash: # # assert_not_nil assigns(:person) # makes sure that a @person instance variable was set # assert_equal "Dave", cookies[:name] # makes sure that a cookie called :name was set as "Dave" # assert flash.empty? # makes sure that there's nothing in the flash # # For historic reasons, the assigns hash uses string-based keys. So assigns[:person] won't work, but assigns["person"] will. To # appease our yearning for symbols, though, an alternative accessor has been devised using a method call instead of index referencing. # So assigns(:person) will work just like assigns["person"], but again, assigns[:person] will not work. # # On top of the collections, you have the complete url that a given action redirected to available in redirect_to_url. # # For redirects within the same controller, you can even call follow_redirect and the redirect will be followed, triggering another # action call which can then be asserted against. # # == Manipulating session and cookie variables # # Sometimes you need to set up the session and cookie variables for a test. # To do this just assign a value to the session or cookie collection: # # session[:key] = "value" # cookies[:key] = "value" # # To clear the cookies for a test just clear the cookie collection: # # cookies.clear # # == \Testing named routes # # If you're using named routes, they can be easily tested using the original named routes' methods straight in the test case. # # assert_redirected_to page_url(title: 'foo') class TestCase < ActiveSupport::TestCase module Behavior extend ActiveSupport::Concern include ActionDispatch::TestProcess include ActiveSupport::Testing::ConstantLookup include Rails::Dom::Testing::Assertions attr_reader :response, :request module ClassMethods # Sets the controller class name. Useful if the name can't be inferred from test class. # Normalizes +controller_class+ before using. # # tests WidgetController # tests :widget # tests 'widget' def tests(controller_class) case controller_class when String, Symbol self.controller_class = "#{controller_class.to_s.camelize}Controller".constantize when Class self.controller_class = controller_class else raise ArgumentError, "controller class must be a String, Symbol, or Class" end end def controller_class=(new_class) self._controller_class = new_class end def controller_class if current_controller_class = self._controller_class current_controller_class else self.controller_class = determine_default_controller_class(name) end end def determine_default_controller_class(name) determine_constant_from_test_name(name) do |constant| Class === constant && constant < ActionController::Metal end end end # Simulate a GET request with the given parameters. # # - +action+: The controller action to call. # - +parameters+: The HTTP parameters that you want to pass. This may # be +nil+, a hash, or a string that is appropriately encoded # (application/x-www-form-urlencoded or multipart/form-data). # - +session+: A hash of parameters to store in the session. This may be +nil+. # - +flash+: A hash of parameters to store in the flash. This may be +nil+. # # You can also simulate POST, PATCH, PUT, DELETE, and HEAD requests with # +post+, +patch+, +put+, +delete+, and +head+. # # Note that the request method is not verified. The different methods are # available to make the tests more expressive. def get(action, *args) process(action, "GET", *args) end # Simulate a POST request with the given parameters and set/volley the response. # See +get+ for more details. def post(action, *args) process(action, "POST", *args) end # Simulate a PATCH request with the given parameters and set/volley the response. # See +get+ for more details. def patch(action, *args) process(action, "PATCH", *args) end # Simulate a PUT request with the given parameters and set/volley the response. # See +get+ for more details. def put(action, *args) process(action, "PUT", *args) end # Simulate a DELETE request with the given parameters and set/volley the response. # See +get+ for more details. def delete(action, *args) process(action, "DELETE", *args) end # Simulate a HEAD request with the given parameters and set/volley the response. # See +get+ for more details. def head(action, *args) process(action, "HEAD", *args) end def xml_http_request(request_method, action, parameters = nil, session = nil, flash = nil) @request.env['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'] = 'XMLHttpRequest' @request.env['HTTP_ACCEPT'] ||= [Mime::JS, Mime::HTML, Mime::XML, 'text/xml', Mime::ALL].join(', ') __send__(request_method, action, parameters, session, flash).tap do @request.env.delete 'HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH' @request.env.delete 'HTTP_ACCEPT' end end alias xhr :xml_http_request def paramify_values(hash_or_array_or_value) case hash_or_array_or_value when Hash Hash[{|key, value| [key, paramify_values(value)] }] when Array {|i| paramify_values(i)} when Rack::Test::UploadedFile, ActionDispatch::Http::UploadedFile hash_or_array_or_value else hash_or_array_or_value.to_param end end # Simulate a HTTP request to +action+ by specifying request method, # parameters and set/volley the response. # # - +action+: The controller action to call. # - +http_method+: Request method used to send the http request. Possible values # are +GET+, +POST+, +PATCH+, +PUT+, +DELETE+, +HEAD+. Defaults to +GET+. # - +parameters+: The HTTP parameters. This may be +nil+, a hash, or a # string that is appropriately encoded (+application/x-www-form-urlencoded+ # or +multipart/form-data+). # - +session+: A hash of parameters to store in the session. This may be +nil+. # - +flash+: A hash of parameters to store in the flash. This may be +nil+. # # Example calling +create+ action and sending two params: # # process :create, 'POST', user: { name: 'Gaurish Sharma', email: '' } # # Example sending parameters, +nil+ session and setting a flash message: # # process :view, 'GET', { id: 7 }, nil, { notice: 'This is flash message' } # # To simulate +GET+, +POST+, +PATCH+, +PUT+, +DELETE+ and +HEAD+ requests # prefer using #get, #post, #patch, #put, #delete and #head methods # respectively which will make tests more expressive. # # Note that the request method is not verified. def process(action, http_method = 'GET', *args) check_required_ivars if args.first.is_a?(String) && http_method != 'HEAD' @request.env['RAW_POST_DATA'] = args.shift end parameters, session, flash = args parameters ||= {} # Ensure that numbers and symbols passed as params are converted to # proper params, as is the case when engaging rack. parameters = paramify_values(parameters) if html_format?(parameters) @html_document = nil @html_scanner_document = nil unless @controller.respond_to?(:recycle!) @controller.extend(Testing::Functional) end @request.recycle! @response.recycle! @controller.recycle! @request.env['REQUEST_METHOD'] = http_method controller_class_name = @controller.class.anonymous? ? "anonymous" : @controller.class.controller_path @request.assign_parameters(@routes, controller_class_name, action.to_s, parameters) @request.session.update(session) if session @request.flash.update(flash || {}) @controller.request = @request @controller.response = @response build_request_uri(action, parameters) name = @request.parameters[:action] @controller.recycle! @controller.process(name) if cookies = @request.env['action_dispatch.cookies'] unless @response.committed? cookies.write(@response) end end @response.prepare! @assigns = @controller.respond_to?(:view_assigns) ? @controller.view_assigns : {} if flash_value = @request.flash.to_session_value @request.session['flash'] = flash_value end @response end def setup_controller_request_and_response @controller = nil unless defined? @controller response_klass = TestResponse if klass = self.class.controller_class if klass < ActionController::Live response_klass = LiveTestResponse end unless @controller begin @controller = rescue warn "could not construct controller #{klass}" if $VERBOSE end end end @request = build_request @response = build_response response_klass @response.request = @request if @controller @controller.request = @request @controller.params = {} end end def build_request end def build_response(klass) end included do include ActionController::TemplateAssertions include ActionDispatch::Assertions class_attribute :_controller_class setup :setup_controller_request_and_response end private def document_root_element html_document.root end def check_required_ivars # Sanity check for required instance variables so we can give an # understandable error message. [:@routes, :@controller, :@request, :@response].each do |iv_name| if !instance_variable_defined?(iv_name) || instance_variable_get(iv_name).nil? raise "#{iv_name} is nil: make sure you set it in your test's setup method." end end end def build_request_uri(action, parameters) unless @request.env["PATH_INFO"] options = @controller.respond_to?(:url_options) ? @controller.__send__(:url_options).merge(parameters) : parameters options.update( :action => action, :relative_url_root => nil, :_recall => @request.path_parameters) if route_name = options.delete(:use_route) ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn <<-MSG.squish Passing the `use_route` option in functional tests are deprecated. Support for this option in the `process` method (and the related `get`, `head`, `post`, `patch`, `put` and `delete` helpers) will be removed in the next version without replacement. Functional tests are essentially unit tests for controllers and they should not require knowledge to how the application's routes are configured. Instead, you should explicitly pass the appropiate params to the `process` method. Previously the engines guide also contained an incorrect example that recommended using this option to test an engine's controllers within the dummy application. That recommendation was incorrect and has since been corrected. Instead, you should override the `@routes` variable in the test case with `Foo::Engine.routes`. See the updated engines guide for details. MSG end url, query_string = @routes.path_for(options, route_name).split("?", 2) @request.env["SCRIPT_NAME"] = @controller.config.relative_url_root @request.env["PATH_INFO"] = url @request.env["QUERY_STRING"] = query_string || "" end end def html_format?(parameters) return true unless parameters.key?(:format) Mime.fetch(parameters[:format]) { Mime['html'] }.html? end end include Behavior end end