# encoding: utf-8 # # # # # # require 'irbtools' in your .irbrc # but you could also require 'irbtools/configure' and then call Irbtools.init to modify the loaded libraries # see the README file for more information # the order does matter Irbtools.add_library :wirb do # result colors Wirb.start unless OS.windows? end Irbtools.add_library 'wirb/wp' Irbtools.add_library :fancy_irb do # put result as comment instead of a new line and colorful errors/streams FancyIrb.start end Irbtools.add_library :fileutils do # cd, pwd, ln_s, mv, rm, mkdir, touch ... ;) include FileUtils::Verbose # patch cd so that it also shows the current directory def cd( path = File.expand_path('~') ) new_last_path = FileUtils.pwd if path == '-' if @last_path path = @last_path else warn 'Sorry, there is no previous directory.' return end end FileUtils.cd path @last_path = new_last_path ls end end Irbtools.add_library :coderay do # syntax highlight a string def colorize(string) puts CodeRay.scan( string, :ruby ).term end # syntax highlight a file def ray(path) print CodeRay.scan( File.read(path), :ruby ).term end end Irbtools.add_library :clipboard do # access the clipboard # copies the clipboard def copy(str) Clipboard.copy(str) end # pastes the clipboard def paste Clipboard.paste end # copies everything you have entered in this irb session def copy_input copy session_history "The session input history has been copied to the clipboard." end alias copy_session_input copy_input # copies the output of all irb commands in this irb session def copy_output copy context.instance_variable_get(:@eval_history_values).inspect.gsub(/^\d+ (.*)/, '\1') "The session output history has been copied to the clipboard." end alias copy_session_output copy_output end Irbtools.add_library 'zucker/debug' # nice debug printing (q, o, c, .m, .d) Irbtools.add_library 'ap' # nice debug printing (ap) Irbtools.add_library 'yaml' # nice debug printing (y) Irbtools.add_library 'g' # nice debug printing (g) - MacOS only :/ #Irbtools.add_library 'guessmethod', true # automatically correct typos (method_missing hook) Irbtools.add_library 'interactive_editor' # lets you open vim (or your favourite editor), hack something, save it, and it's loaded in the current irb session Irbtools.add_library 'sketches' # another, more flexible "start editor and it gets loaded into your irb session" plugin Irbtools.add_library :boson do undef :install if respond_to?( :install, true ) Boson.start :verbose => false end Irbtools.add_library :hirb do Hirb::View.enable extend Hirb::Console end # remove failing/not needed libs if OS.windows? Irbtools.libraries -= %w[coderay] end unless OS.mac? Irbtools.libraries -= %w[g] end #if RubyVersion.is? 1.9 # Irbtools.libraries_in_proc -= %w[guessmethod] #end if defined? Ripl Irbtools.libraries -= %w[wirb fancy_irb] # install ripl-color_result for ripl colorization ;) end # J-_-L