Suspenders is a base Rails project that you can upgrade. It is used by thoughtbot. ![Suspenders]( To create a new project first install suspenders: gem install suspenders Then run: suspenders create projectname This will create a project in `projectname'. You should then follow the instructions on Github to upload that project there. This script creates an entirely new git repository, and is not meant to be used against an existing repo. When making a change to a project that was created via this template, consider whether it's a change that should be made across all projects. If so, then make the change in suspenders instead of your project. Note: If you don't have commit access to suspenders, create a github ticket and we'll review your suggestion. Once that's committed, you can pull into your project to get all the changes that have been made in suspenders since your last pull: git pull suspenders master About Suspenders ---------------- Suspenders was created for use at thoughtbot, inc. ( as a baseline application setup, with reasonable default plugins that the majority (if not all) of our applications used, as well as best-practice configuration options. Suspenders currently includes a version of Rails from the 2.3 stable branch. You can determine the changeset with the vendor/rails/REVISION_xxxxx file. Gems (unpacked in vendor/gems, unless they are compiled gems): -------------------------------------------------------------- For record pagination: will_paginate (2.3.11) For text formatting: RedCloth (4.2.2, not unpacked, this is a compiled gem) Form builder: Formtastic (0.2.1) File attachments: Paperclip (2.3.0) Basic user auth: Clearance (0.7.0 engine) For testing: rspec jferris-mocha (standard mocha plus test spies) factory_girl (fixture replacement for test data) shoulda (rails test helpers and context framework) timecop (for time sensitive tests) fakeweb (for blocking HTTP calls to third-party services) Plugins (in vendor/plugins): ---------------------------- hoptoad_notifier limerick_rake validation_reflection (used by formtastic to find required fields) Initializers (in config/initializers) ------------------------------------- action_mailer_configs.rb We use SMTP by default in all applications. hoptoad.rb Get your API key at requires.rb Automatically requires everything in lib/ lib/extensions test/mocks/RAILS_ENV (Removed in Rails 2, we decided to keep it) Add other things you need to require in here. time_formats.rb Two time formats are available by default, :short_date and :long_date. Add other time formats here. Rake Tasks ---------- Rake tasks are contained in the limerick_rake gem. bootstrap Provides rake tasks for loading data into the database. These are used for an initial application dataset needed for production. capistrano Standard capistrano deployment tasks Testing ------- Testing is done utilizing RSpec, Shoulda, factory_girl, and mocha. factory_girl is a fixture replacement library, following the factory pattern. Place your factories in test/factories.rb. The fixture directory has been removed, as fixtures are not used. Shoulda matchers are used on top of RSpec. Timecop is used to freeze the time for the entire test suite. It is frozen to the value of; that is, the time that the tests suite starts running. Deployment ---------- Deployment is done using capistrano, and deploys to a mongrel cluster, running under Apache. Rake tasks are provided for managing git branches which the different environments pull from for deploy. To push the git master to git staging branch run: rake git:push:staging To push the git staging branch to production branch run: rake git:push:production Setup your deployment environment by running: cap ENVIRONMENT deploy:setup (You'll be prompted for the environment's database password) Deploy to the desired environment by running: cap ENVIRONMENT deploy The default environment for deploy is staging, to deploy to staging, just run: cap deploy Mascot ------ The official Suspenders mascot is Suspenders Boy: