<% @devices = @registration.devices.page(@current_page).per(@per_page) %>
<%= theme_panel_heading(@registration.display_name) %> <% if @registration.pending? %> Pending <% elsif @registration.verified? %> Verified <% end %> <%= clear_tag(10) %>
<%# edit_link = edit_registration_path(id: @registration.id) %> <%# delete_link = registration_path(id: @registration.id) %> <%#= link_to raw(" Edit Registration"), edit_link, :remote=>true, class: "btn btn-block btn-success" if @current_device.super_admin? and @registration.can_be_edited? %> <%#= link_to raw(" Delete Registration"), delete_link, method: :delete, registration: "menuitem", tabindex: "-1", data: { confirm: 'Are you sure?' }, :remote=>true, class: "btn btn-block btn-danger btn-only-hover" if @current_device.super_admin? and @registration.can_be_deleted? %>
<%= clear_tag(50) %>
<%= clear_tag(20) %>
<%#= theme_button('Add a Device', 'plus', new_registration_device_path(@registration), classes: "pull-left", btn_type: "success") %> <%= theme_button('Refresh', 'refresh', registration_devices_path(@registration), classes: "pull-left", btn_type: "white") %>
<%= search_form_kuppayam(Registration, registration_devices_path(@registration), text: "") %>
<%= clear_tag(10) %>
<%= render :partial=>"usman/registration_devices/index" %>
<%= clear_tag(20) %>
ID<%= @registration.id %>
Created At<%= @registration.created_at.strftime("%m/%d/%Y - %H:%M:%S") if @registration.created_at %> Updated At<%= @registration.updated_at.strftime("%m/%d/%Y - %H:%M:%S") if @registration.updated_at %>
<%= link_to "Close", "#", onclick: "closeLargeModal();", class: "btn btn-primary pull-right" %> <%= clear_tag %>