[ {"is_general_purpose": 0 , "is_disaster": 1 , "gov_type": "Federal" , "title": "Emergency Farm Loans" , "loan_type": "Loan" , "is_woman": 0 , "state_name": null , "is_minority": 0 , "is_contractor": 0 , "url": "http://www.fsa.usda.gov/FSA/webapp?area=home\u0026subject=fmlp\u0026topic=efl" , "is_rural": 0 , "agency": "U.S. Dept of Agriculture" , "is_military": 0 , "is_disabled": 0 , "is_development": 0 , "description": "Emergency loans to help producers recover from production and physical losses due to drought, flooding, other natural disasters, or quarantine." , "is_green": 0 , "is_exporting": 0}, {"is_general_purpose": 0 , "is_disaster": 1 , "gov_type": "Federal" , "title": "Economic Injury Loans" , "loan_type": "Loan" , "is_woman": 0 , "state_name": null , "is_minority": 0 , "is_contractor": 0 , "url": "http://www.sba.gov/content/economic-injury-disaster-loans" , "is_rural": 0 , "agency": "U.S. Small Business Administration" , "is_military": 0 , "is_disabled": 0 , "is_development": 0 , "description": "Small businesses, small agricultural cooperatives and certain private, non-profit organizations of all sizes that have suffered substantial economic injury resulting from a physical disaster or an agricultural production disaster designated by the Secretary of Agriculture may be eligible for the SBA's Economic Injury Disaster Loan Program." , "is_green": 0 , "is_exporting": 0}, {"is_general_purpose": 0 , "is_disaster": 1 , "gov_type": "Federal" , "title": "Disaster Assistance Loans" , "loan_type": "Loan" , "is_woman": 0 , "state_name": null , "is_minority": 0 , "is_contractor": 0 , "url": "http://www.sba.gov/category/navigation-structure/loans-grants/small-business-loans/disaster-loans" , "is_rural": 0 , "agency": "U.S. Small Business Administration" , "is_military": 0 , "is_disabled": 0 , "is_development": 0 , "description": "If you are in a declared disaster area and are the victim of a disaster, you may be eligible for financial assistance from the U.S. Small Business Administration - even if you don't own a business. As a homeowner, renter and/or personal-property owner, you may apply to the SBA for a loan to help you recover from a disaster." , "is_green": 0 , "is_exporting": 0}, {"is_general_purpose": 0 , "is_disaster": 0 , "gov_type": "Federal" , "title": "Rural Business and Industry Guaranteed Loans" , "loan_type": "Loan" , "is_woman": 0 , "state_name": null , "is_minority": 0 , "is_contractor": 0 , "url": "http://www.rurdev.usda.gov/rbs/busp/b\u0026i_gar.htm" , "is_rural": 1 , "agency": "U.S. Dept of Agriculture" , "is_military": 0 , "is_disabled": 0 , "is_development": 0 , "description": "Loans aimed at improving economic and environmental climate in rural communities. Funds may be used for buying a business to keep it from closing; purchasing land, buildings, machinery or equipment; and related activities." , "is_green": 0 , "is_exporting": 0}, {"is_general_purpose": 0 , "is_disaster": 0 , "gov_type": "Federal" , "title": "Socially Disadvantaged Farmers and Ranchers" , "loan_type": "Loan" , "is_woman": 0 , "state_name": null , "is_minority": 1 , "is_contractor": 0 , "url": "http://www.fsa.usda.gov/FSA/webapp?area=home\u0026subject=fmlp\u0026topic=sfl" , "is_rural": 0 , "agency": "U.S. Dept of Agriculture" , "is_military": 0 , "is_disabled": 0 , "is_development": 0 , "description": "Makes and guarantees loans to approved socially disadvantaged applicants to buy and operate family-size farms and ranches." , "is_green": 0 , "is_exporting": 0}, {"is_general_purpose": 0 , "is_disaster": 0 , "gov_type": "Federal" , "title": "Indian Loan Guaranty and Interest Subsidy Program" , "loan_type": "Loan" , "is_woman": 0 , "state_name": null , "is_minority": 1 , "is_contractor": 0 , "url": "http://www.bia.gov/idc/groups/public/documents/text/idc-001933.pdf" , "is_rural": 0 , "agency": "U.S. Dept of the Interior" , "is_military": 0 , "is_disabled": 0 , "is_development": 0 , "description": "Financing for Indian-owned businesses that significantly contribute to a Tribe's economy." , "is_green": 0 , "is_exporting": 0}, {"is_general_purpose": 0 , "is_disaster": 0 , "gov_type": "Federal" , "title": "Patriot Express Pilot Loan Initiative" , "loan_type": "Loan" , "is_woman": 0 , "state_name": null , "is_minority": 0 , "is_contractor": 0 , "url": "http://www.sba.gov/content/express-programs" , "is_rural": 0 , "agency": "U.S. Small Business Administration" , "is_military": 1 , "is_disabled": 0 , "is_development": 0 , "description": "Provides financial assistance for veterans and members of the military community wanting to establish or expand small businesses. To learn more, contact your local district office. " , "is_green": 0 , "is_exporting": 0}, {"is_general_purpose": 1 , "is_disaster": 0 , "gov_type": "Federal" , "title": "Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program \u0026 Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR)" , "loan_type": "Grant" , "is_woman": 0 , "state_name": null , "is_minority": 0 , "is_contractor": 1 , "url": "http://www.sba.gov/about-sba-services/7050" , "is_rural": 0 , "agency": "U.S. Small Business Administration" , "is_military": 0 , "is_disabled": 0 , "is_development": 0 , "description": "These two programs award a specific percentage of Federal R\u0026D funds to qualified small businesses. SBIR/STTR programs encourage small firms to undertake scientific research that helps meet Federal R\u0026D objectives, and have high potential for commercialization if successful." , "is_green": 0 , "is_exporting": 0}, {"is_general_purpose": 0 , "is_disaster": 0 , "gov_type": "Federal" , "title": "Export Working Capital" , "loan_type": "Loan" , "is_woman": 0 , "state_name": null , "is_minority": 0 , "is_contractor": 0 , "url": "http://www.sba.gov/content/export-loan-programs#Export Working Capital Program (EWCP)" , "is_rural": 0 , "agency": "U.S. Small Business Administration" , "is_military": 0 , "is_disabled": 0 , "is_development": 0 , "description": "SBA's Export Working Capital Program (EWCP) loans are targeted for businesses that are able to generate export sales and need additional working capital to support these sales." , "is_green": 0 , "is_exporting": 1}, {"is_general_purpose": 0 , "is_disaster": 0 , "gov_type": "Federal" , "title": "Export Express" , "loan_type": "Loan" , "is_woman": 0 , "state_name": null , "is_minority": 0 , "is_contractor": 0 , "url": "http://www.sba.gov/content/export-loan-programs#Export Express Program" , "is_rural": 0 , "agency": "U.S. Small Business Administration" , "is_military": 0 , "is_disabled": 0 , "is_development": 0 , "description": "The SBA Export Express program provides exporters and lenders a streamlined method to obtain SBA backed financing for loans and lines of credit up to $500,000. Lenders use their own credit decision process and loan documentation; exporters get access to their funds faster. The SBA provides an expedited eligibility review and provides a response in 36 hours or less. To learn more, contact your local district office. " , "is_green": 0 , "is_exporting": 1}, {"is_general_purpose": 0 , "is_disaster": 0 , "gov_type": "Federal" , "title": "International Trade Loans" , "loan_type": "Loan" , "is_woman": 0 , "state_name": null , "is_minority": 0 , "is_contractor": 0 , "url": "http://www.sba.gov/content/export-loan-programs#International Trade Loan Program" , "is_rural": 0 , "agency": "U.S. Small Business Administration" , "is_military": 0 , "is_disabled": 0 , "is_development": 0 , "description": "The SBA International Trade Loan program is a term loan designed for businesses that plan to start/continue exporting or those that that have been adversely affected by competition from imports. The proceeds of the loan must enable the borrower to be in a better position to compete." , "is_green": 0 , "is_exporting": 1}, {"is_general_purpose": 1 , "is_disaster": 0 , "gov_type": "Federal" , "title": "Basic 7(a) Loan Program" , "loan_type": "Loan" , "is_woman": 0 , "state_name": null , "is_minority": 0 , "is_contractor": 0 , "url": "http://www.sba.gov/category/navigation-structure/loans-grants/small-business-loans/sba-loan-programs/7a-loan-program" , "is_rural": 0 , "agency": "U.S. Small Business Administration" , "is_military": 0 , "is_disabled": 0 , "is_development": 1 , "description": "For starting, acquiring and expanding a small business, 7(a) loans are the most basic and most used type loan of SBA's business loan programs. Borrowers must apply through a participating lender institution." , "is_green": 0 , "is_exporting": 0}, {"is_general_purpose": 1 , "is_disaster": 0 , "gov_type": "Federal" , "title": "Microloan Program" , "loan_type": "Loan" , "is_woman": 0 , "state_name": null , "is_minority": 0 , "is_contractor": 0 , "url": "http://www.sba.gov/content/microloan-program" , "is_rural": 0 , "agency": "U.S. Small Business Administration" , "is_military": 0 , "is_disabled": 0 , "is_development": 1 , "description": "Provides very small loans to start-up, newly established, or growing small business concerns. SBA makes funds available to nonprofit community based lenders which, in turn, make loans to eligible borrowers in amounts up to a maximum of $35,000. Applications are submitted to the local intermediary and all credit decisions are made on the local level. " , "is_green": 0 , "is_exporting": 0}, {"is_general_purpose": 0 , "is_disaster": 0 , "gov_type": "Federal" , "title": "Certified Development Company (CDC) 504 Loan Program" , "loan_type": "Loan" , "is_woman": 0 , "state_name": null , "is_minority": 0 , "is_contractor": 0 , "url": "http://www.sba.gov/content/cdc504-loan-program" , "is_rural": 0 , "agency": "U.S. Small Business Administration" , "is_military": 0 , "is_disabled": 0 , "is_development": 1 , "description": "The CDC/504 loan program is a long-term financing tool for economic development within a community. The 504 Program provides growing businesses with long-term, fixed-rate financing for major fixed assets, such as land and buildings." , "is_green": 0 , "is_exporting": 0}, {"is_general_purpose": 1 , "is_disaster": 0 , "gov_type": "Federal" , "title": "Small Business Investment Company (SBIC) Financing " , "loan_type": "Venture Capital" , "is_woman": 0 , "state_name": null , "is_minority": 0 , "is_contractor": 0 , "url": "http://www.sba.gov/content/sbic-program-0" , "is_rural": 0 , "agency": "U.S. Small Business Administration" , "is_military": 0 , "is_disabled": 0 , "is_development": 0 , "description": "SBICs are privately owned and managed investment funds, licensed and regulated by SBA, that use their own capital plus funds borrowed with an SBA guarantee to make equity and debt investments in qualifying small businesses." , "is_green": 0 , "is_exporting": 0}, {"is_general_purpose": 1 , "is_disaster": 0 , "gov_type": "Federal" , "title": "New Markets Venture Capital" , "loan_type": "Venture Capital" , "is_woman": 0 , "state_name": null , "is_minority": 0 , "is_contractor": 0 , "url": "http://www.sba.gov/content/new-markets-venture-capital-companies" , "is_rural": 0 , "agency": "U.S. Small Business Administration" , "is_military": 0 , "is_disabled": 0 , "is_development": 1 , "description": "A developmental venture capital program designed to promote economic development and the creation of wealth and job opportunities in low-income geographic areas and among individuals living in such areas." , "is_green": 0 , "is_exporting": 0}, {"is_general_purpose": 0 , "is_disaster": 0 , "gov_type": "Federal" , "title": "Beginning Farms and Ranchers Loans" , "loan_type": "Loan" , "is_woman": 0 , "state_name": null , "is_minority": 0 , "is_contractor": 0 , "url": "http://www.fsa.usda.gov/FSA/webapp?area=home\u0026subject=fmlp\u0026topic=bfl" , "is_rural": 0 , "agency": "U.S. Dept of Agriculture" , "is_military": 0 , "is_disabled": 0 , "is_development": 0 , "description": "Direct and guaranteed loans to beginning farmers and ranchers who are unable to obtain financing from commercial credit sources." , "is_green": 0 , "is_exporting": 0}, {"is_general_purpose": 0 , "is_disaster": 0 , "gov_type": "Federal" , "title": "Direct Farm Loans" , "loan_type": "Loan" , "is_woman": 0 , "state_name": null , "is_minority": 0 , "is_contractor": 0 , "url": "http://www.fsa.usda.gov/FSA/webapp?area=home\u0026subject=fmlp\u0026topic=dfl" , "is_rural": 0 , "agency": "U.S. Dept of Agriculture" , "is_military": 0 , "is_disabled": 0 , "is_development": 0 , "description": "Loan programs for starting and operating farms and other agricultural businesses." , "is_green": 0 , "is_exporting": 0}, {"is_general_purpose": 0 , "is_disaster": 0 , "gov_type": "Federal" , "title": "Guaranteed Farm Loans" , "loan_type": "Loan" , "is_woman": 0 , "state_name": null , "is_minority": 0 , "is_contractor": 0 , "url": "http://www.fsa.usda.gov/FSA/webapp?area=home\u0026subject=fmlp\u0026topic=gfl" , "is_rural": 0 , "agency": "U.S. Dept of Agriculture" , "is_military": 0 , "is_disabled": 0 , "is_development": 0 , "description": "FSA guaranteed loans provide lenders with a guarantee of up to 95 percent of the loss of principal and interest on a loan. Farmers and ranchers apply to an agricultural lender, which then arranges for the guarantee." , "is_green": 0 , "is_exporting": 0}, {"is_general_purpose": 0 , "is_disaster": 0 , "gov_type": "Federal" , "title": "Farm Storage Facility Loan Program" , "loan_type": "Loan" , "is_woman": 0 , "state_name": null , "is_minority": 0 , "is_contractor": 0 , "url": "http://www.fsa.usda.gov/FSA/webapp?area=home\u0026subject=prsu\u0026topic=flp-fp" , "is_rural": 0 , "agency": "U.S. Dept of Agriculture" , "is_military": 0 , "is_disabled": 0 , "is_development": 0 , "description": "Provides low-interest financing for producers to build or upgrade farm storage and handling facilities." , "is_green": 0 , "is_exporting": 0}, {"is_general_purpose": 0 , "is_disaster": 0 , "gov_type": "Federal" , "title": "Sugar Storage Facility Loan Program" , "loan_type": "Loan" , "is_woman": 0 , "state_name": null , "is_minority": 0 , "is_contractor": 0 , "url": "http://www.fsa.usda.gov/FSA/webapp?area=home\u0026subject=prsu\u0026topic=flp-sp" , "is_rural": 0 , "agency": "U.S. Dept of Agriculture" , "is_military": 0 , "is_disabled": 0 , "is_development": 0 , "description": "Loans to processors of domestically-produced sugarcane and sugar beets for the construction or upgrading of storage and handling facilities for raw sugars and refined sugars." , "is_green": 0 , "is_exporting": 0}, {"is_general_purpose": 0 , "is_disaster": 0 , "gov_type": "Federal" , "title": "Marketing Assistance Loan and LDP Programs" , "loan_type": "Loan" , "is_woman": 0 , "state_name": null , "is_minority": 0 , "is_contractor": 0 , "url": "http://www.usda.gov/wps/portal/usda/!ut/p/c4/04_SB8K8xLLM9MSSzPy8xBz9CP0os_gAC9-wMJ8QY0MDpxBDA09nXw9DFxcXQ-cAA_2CbEdFAEUOjoE!/?navid=MARKETING_ASSISTANCE\u0026edeployment_action=retrievecontent" , "is_rural": 0 , "agency": "U.S. Dept of Agriculture" , "is_military": 0 , "is_disabled": 0 , "is_development": 0 , "description": "Commodity loan programs allow producers of designated crops to receive a loan from the government at a commodity-specific loan rate per unit of production by pledging production as loan collateral. After harvest, a farmer may obtain a loan for all or part of the new commodity production." , "is_green": 0 , "is_exporting": 0}, {"is_general_purpose": 0 , "is_disaster": 0 , "gov_type": "Federal" , "title": "Fisheries Finance Program" , "loan_type": "Loan" , "is_woman": 0 , "state_name": null , "is_minority": 0 , "is_contractor": 0 , "url": "http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/mb/financial_services/ffp.htm" , "is_rural": 0 , "agency": "National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)" , "is_military": 0 , "is_disabled": 0 , "is_development": 0 , "description": "Provides long term financing for the cost of construction or reconstruction of fishing vessels, shoreline facilities, and aquacultural facilities." , "is_green": 0 , "is_exporting": 0}, {"is_general_purpose": 0 , "is_disaster": 0 , "gov_type": "Federal" , "title": "Pollution Control Loans" , "loan_type": "Loan" , "is_woman": 0 , "state_name": null , "is_minority": 0 , "is_contractor": 0 , "url": "http://www.sba.gov/content/pollution-control" , "is_rural": 0 , "agency": "U.S. Small Business Administration" , "is_military": 0 , "is_disabled": 0 , "is_development": 0 , "description": "Provides financing to eligible small businesses for the planning, design, or installation of a pollution control facility. ** Note: Pollution Control loans are not being dispersed at this time. Please check back for updates." , "is_green": 1 , "is_exporting": 0}, {"is_general_purpose": 1 , "is_disaster": 0 , "gov_type": "Private" , "title": "Financing for Small Businesses and Non-Profits" , "loan_type": "Loan" , "is_woman": 0 , "state_name": null , "is_minority": 0 , "is_contractor": 0 , "url": "http://www.self-help.org/business-and-nonprofit-loans" , "is_rural": 0 , "agency": "Self-Help" , "is_military": 0 , "is_disabled": 0 , "is_development": 1 , "description": "Loans for small companies and nonprofits whose financing needs are not met by traditional lenders." , "is_green": 0 , "is_exporting": 0}, {"is_general_purpose": 1 , "is_disaster": 0 , "gov_type": "Private" , "title": "Venture Capital Resource Library" , "loan_type": "Venture Capital" , "is_woman": 0 , "state_name": null , "is_minority": 0 , "is_contractor": 0 , "url": "http://www.vfinance.com/" , "is_rural": 0 , "agency": "vFinance, Inc." , "is_military": 0 , "is_disabled": 0 , "is_development": 0 , "description": "Directory of venture capital firms, investment banks, and related business finance information." , "is_green": 0 , "is_exporting": 0}, {"is_general_purpose": 1 , "is_disaster": 0 , "gov_type": "Federal" , "title": "Community Express" , "loan_type": "Loan" , "is_woman": 0 , "state_name": null , "is_minority": 0 , "is_contractor": 0 , "url": "http://www.sba.gov/content/express-programs" , "is_rural": 0 , "agency": "U.S. Small Business Administration" , "is_military": 0 , "is_disabled": 0 , "is_development": 0 , "description": "Community Express is an SBA pilot, 7(a) loan program for small businesses in low and moderate income areas. Lenders are not required to take collateral for loans up to $25,000. Lenders may use their existing collateral policy for loans over $25,000 up to $250,000. To learn more, contact your local district office. " , "is_green": 0 , "is_exporting": 0}, {"is_general_purpose": 1 , "is_disaster": 0 , "gov_type": "State" , "title": "Small Business Loan Guarantee Program" , "loan_type": "Loan" , "is_woman": 0 , "state_name": "California" , "is_minority": 0 , "is_contractor": 0 , "url": "http://www.business.ca.gov/StartaBusiness/OperatingaBusiness/LoansandFinancialAssistance.aspx" , "is_rural": 0 , "agency": "California Economic Development Partnership" , "is_military": 0 , "is_disabled": 0 , "is_development": 1 , "description": "Proceeds must be used primarily in California, and for any standard business purpose beneficial to the applicant's business, such as expansion into new facilities or purchase of new equipment." , "is_green": 0 , "is_exporting": 0}, {"is_general_purpose": 1 , "is_disaster": 0 , "gov_type": "State" , "title": "California Capital Access Program" , "loan_type": "Loan" , "is_woman": 0 , "state_name": "California" , "is_minority": 0 , "is_contractor": 0 , "url": "http://www.treasurer.ca.gov/cpcfa/calcap.asp" , "is_rural": 0 , "agency": "California State Treasurer" , "is_military": 0 , "is_disabled": 0 , "is_development": 1 , "description": "Provides loans to California businesses that have difficulty getting funding through traditional lenders. . Loans can be used to finance the acquisition of land, construction or renovation of buildings, the purchase of equipment, other capital projects and working capital. " , "is_green": 0 , "is_exporting": 0}, {"is_general_purpose": 1 , "is_disaster": 0 , "gov_type": "State" , "title": "California Investment Network" , "loan_type": "Venture Capital" , "is_woman": 0 , "state_name": "California" , "is_minority": 0 , "is_contractor": 0 , "url": "http://www.californiainvestmentnetwork.com" , "is_rural": 0 , "agency": "California Investment Network Inc." , "is_military": 0 , "is_disabled": 0 , "is_development": 0 , "description": "Find an investor for your business with our online service, which connects you directly with investors, venture capitalists and business funds." , "is_green": 0 , "is_exporting": 0}, {"is_general_purpose": 1 , "is_disaster": 0 , "gov_type": "Private" , "title": "Small Business Loans " , "loan_type": "Loan" , "is_woman": 0 , "state_name": null , "is_minority": 0 , "is_contractor": 0 , "url": "http://www.accionusa.org/ " , "is_rural": 0 , "agency": "ACCION USA " , "is_military": 0 , "is_disabled": 0 , "is_development": 0 , "description": "Offers flexible loans (up to $50,000) to small business owners who have limited or no access to traditional business credit, including women and minorities. " , "is_green": 0 , "is_exporting": 0}, {"is_general_purpose": 0 , "is_disaster": 0 , "gov_type": "State" , "title": "Small Business Loan Fund " , "loan_type": "Loan" , "is_woman": 1 , "state_name": "California" , "is_minority": 0 , "is_contractor": 0 , "url": "http://www.wevonline.org/get-a-loan/overview" , "is_rural": 0 , "agency": "Women's Economic Ventures " , "is_military": 0 , "is_disabled": 0 , "is_development": 0 , "description": "Low interest business loans available to women-owned businesses in Santa Barbara or Ventura County that are unable to meet traditional bank lending criteria. " , "is_green": 0 , "is_exporting": 0}, {"is_general_purpose": 1 , "is_disaster": 0 , "gov_type": "Private" , "title": "Small Business Grants" , "loan_type": "Grant" , "is_woman": 0 , "state_name": null , "is_minority": 0 , "is_contractor": 0 , "url": "http://www.businessownersideacafe.com/small_business_grants/index.php" , "is_rural": 0 , "agency": "Idea Cafe" , "is_military": 0 , "is_disabled": 0 , "is_development": 1 , "description": "This private organization provides $1,000 in grants anyone who currently owns a business or is planning to start one. Awards are primarily based on innovation and originality." , "is_green": 0 , "is_exporting": 0}, {"is_general_purpose": 1 , "is_disaster": 0 , "gov_type": "Federal" , "title": "CAPLines" , "loan_type": "Loan" , "is_woman": 0 , "state_name": null , "is_minority": 0 , "is_contractor": 0 , "url": "http://www.sba.gov/content/caplines" , "is_rural": 0 , "agency": "U.S. Small Business Administration" , "is_military": 0 , "is_disabled": 0 , "is_development": 1 , "description": "CAPLines is the umbrella program under which the SBA helps small businesses meet their short-term and cyclical working-capital needs." , "is_green": 0 , "is_exporting": 0}, {"is_general_purpose": 0 , "is_disaster": 0 , "gov_type": "Federal" , "title": "Working Capital Guarantee Program" , "loan_type": "Loan" , "is_woman": 0 , "state_name": null , "is_minority": 0 , "is_contractor": 0 , "url": "http://www.exim.gov/products/work_cap.cfm" , "is_rural": 0 , "agency": "Export-Import Bank of the United States" , "is_military": 0 , "is_disabled": 0 , "is_development": 0 , "description": "Ex-Im Bank provides a guarantee on working capital loans provided by commercial lenders to help extend short-term loans to small- and medium-size businesses for their export funding needs. This resource includes information on eligibility and a list of participating lenders." , "is_green": 0 , "is_exporting": 1}, {"is_general_purpose": 0 , "is_disaster": 0 , "gov_type": "Federal" , "title": "Small and Medium Enterprise Financing Program" , "loan_type": "Loan" , "is_woman": 0 , "state_name": null , "is_minority": 0 , "is_contractor": 0 , "url": "http://www.opic.gov/financing" , "is_rural": 0 , "agency": "Overseas Private Investment Corporation" , "is_military": 0 , "is_disabled": 0 , "is_development": 0 , "description": "For companies with annual revenues under $250,000, this program provides medium- to long-term funding through direct loans and loan guarantees to eligible investment projects in developing countries and emerging markets. " , "is_green": 0 , "is_exporting": 1}, {"is_general_purpose": 0 , "is_disaster": 1 , "gov_type": "Federal" , "title": "Business Physical Disaster Loans" , "loan_type": "Loan" , "is_woman": 0 , "state_name": null , "is_minority": 0 , "is_contractor": 0 , "url": "http://www.sba.gov/content/business-physical-disaster-loans" , "is_rural": 0 , "agency": "U.S. Small Business Administration" , "is_military": 0 , "is_disabled": 0 , "is_development": 0 , "description": "Any business or private, nonprofit organization that is located in a declared disaster area and has incurred damage during the disaster may apply for a loan to help replace damaged property or restore it to the condition it was in before the disaster. If your business or private, nonprofit organization - large or small - has suffered physical damage as a result of a disaster, you may be eligible for financial assistance from the U.S. Small Business Administration. SBA makes physical disaster loans of up to $2 million to qualified businesses or private, nonprofit organizations." , "is_green": 0 , "is_exporting": 0}, {"is_general_purpose": 1 , "is_disaster": 0 , "gov_type": "Federal" , "title": "Military Reservists Economic Injury Loans" , "loan_type": "Loan" , "is_woman": 0 , "state_name": null , "is_minority": 0 , "is_contractor": 0 , "url": "http://www.sba.gov/content/military-reservists-economic-injury-loans" , "is_rural": 0 , "agency": "U.S. Small Business Administration" , "is_military": 0 , "is_disabled": 0 , "is_development": 0 , "description": "The Military Reservist Economic Injury Disaster Loan program (MREIDL) provides funds to help an eligible small business meet ordinary and necessary operating expenses that it could have met, but is unable to meet, because an essential employee was called-up to active duty in their role as a military reservist." , "is_green": 0 , "is_exporting": 0}, {"is_general_purpose": 0 , "is_disaster": 1 , "gov_type": "Federal" , "title": "Home and Personal Property Loans" , "loan_type": "Loan" , "is_woman": 0 , "state_name": null , "is_minority": 0 , "is_contractor": 0 , "url": "http://www.sba.gov/content/home-and-personal-property-loans" , "is_rural": 0 , "agency": "U.S. Small Business Administration" , "is_military": 0 , "is_disabled": 0 , "is_development": 0 , "description": "If you are in a declared disaster area and are the victim of a disaster, you may be eligible for financial assistance from the U.S. Small Business Administration - even if you don't own a business. As a homeowner, renter and/or personal-property owner, you may apply to the SBA for a loan to help you recover from a disaster." , "is_green": 0 , "is_exporting": 0}, {"is_general_purpose": 1 , "is_disaster": 0 , "gov_type": "Federal" , "title": " Community Adjustment and Investment Program (CAIP)" , "loan_type": "Loan" , "is_woman": 0 , "state_name": null , "is_minority": 0 , "is_contractor": 0 , "url": "http://www.sba.gov/content/caip" , "is_rural": 0 , "agency": "U.S. Small Business Administration" , "is_military": 0 , "is_disabled": 0 , "is_development": 1 , "description": "The Community Adjustment and Investment Program (CAIP) was established to assist U.S. companies doing business in areas of the country that have been negatively affected by the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). CAIP loans allow for the payment of fees on eligible loans, including the 7(a) Loan Program guaranty fee and the 504 program guaranty and CDC and lender fees. Depending on the size of the loan, these fees can be sizeable. CAIP works with SBA to reduce borrower costs and increase the availability of these programs." , "is_green": 0 , "is_exporting": 0}, {"is_general_purpose": 0 , "is_disaster": 0 , "gov_type": "Federal" , "title": "Employee Trusts" , "loan_type": "Loan" , "is_woman": 0 , "state_name": null , "is_minority": 0 , "is_contractor": 0 , "url": "http://www.sba.gov/content/employee-trusts" , "is_rural": 0 , "agency": "U.S. Small Business Administration" , "is_military": 0 , "is_disabled": 0 , "is_development": 1 , "description": "The Employee Trusts program is designed to provide financial assistance to Employee Stock Ownership Plans. The SBA can assist qualified employee trusts that meet the requirements and conditions for an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) as prescribed in all applicable IRS, Treasury, and Department of Labor regulations. Your small business must provide all the funds needed to collaterize and repay the loan." , "is_green": 0 , "is_exporting": 0}, {"is_general_purpose": 1 , "is_disaster": 0 , "gov_type": "Private" , "title": "Venture Capital for Entrepreneurs" , "loan_type": "Venture Capital" , "is_woman": 0 , "state_name": "Idaho" , "is_minority": 0 , "is_contractor": 0 , "url": "http://www.akerscapital.com/investment/index_focus.html" , "is_rural": 0 , "agency": "Akers Capital LLC" , "is_military": 0 , "is_disabled": 0 , "is_development": 0 , "description": "Akers Capital invests in emerging technology companies located in the Northwestern states and California, focused on the following technology sectors: Networking and Internet Infrastructure Computer Software Internet/Intranet Software and Services" , "is_green": 0 , "is_exporting": 0}, {"is_general_purpose": 1 , "is_disaster": 0 , "gov_type": "Private" , "title": "Venture Capital for Entrepreneurs" , "loan_type": "Venture Capital" , "is_woman": 0 , "state_name": "Idaho" , "is_minority": 0 , "is_contractor": 0 , "url": "http://www.highway12ventures.com/" , "is_rural": 0 , "agency": "Highway 12 Ventures" , "is_military": 0 , "is_disabled": 0 , "is_development": 0 , "description": "Provides financial assistance to high-growth start-up companies." , "is_green": 0 , "is_exporting": 0}, {"is_general_purpose": 1 , "is_disaster": 0 , "gov_type": "Private" , "title": "Venture Capital for Entrepreneurs" , "loan_type": "Tax Incentive" , "is_woman": 0 , "state_name": "Indiana" , "is_minority": 0 , "is_contractor": 0 , "url": "http://www.cambridgecapitalmgmt.com/" , "is_rural": 0 , "agency": "Cambridge Capital Management Corp" , "is_military": 0 , "is_disabled": 0 , "is_development": 0 , "description": "Provides financial assistance to a variety of companies in the manufacturing, service and retail sectors.\r\n" , "is_green": 0 , "is_exporting": 0}, {"is_general_purpose": 1 , "is_disaster": 0 , "gov_type": "Federal" , "title": "Homeless Providers Grant and Per Diem Program" , "loan_type": "Grant" , "is_woman": 0 , "state_name": null , "is_minority": 0 , "is_contractor": 0 , "url": "http://www.va.gov/HOMELESS/GPD.asp" , "is_rural": 0 , "agency": "Department of Veteran Affairs" , "is_military": 0 , "is_disabled": 0 , "is_development": 0 , "description": "The purpose of the Grant and Per Diem Program is to fund community agencies providing services to homeless Veterans. " , "is_green": 0 , "is_exporting": 0}, {"is_general_purpose": 1 , "is_disaster": 0 , "gov_type": "Federal" , "title": "Transitional Housing Assistance Program" , "loan_type": "Grant" , "is_woman": 0 , "state_name": null , "is_minority": 0 , "is_contractor": 0 , "url": "http://www.ovw.usdoj.gov/thousing_grant_desc.htm" , "is_rural": 0 , "agency": "Department of Justice" , "is_military": 0 , "is_disabled": 0 , "is_development": 0 , "description": "Grants made under this grant program support programs that provide assistance to victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking who are in need of transitional housing, short-term housing assistance, and related support services, including counseling, support groups, safety planning, and advocacy services as well as practical services such as licensed child care, employment services, transportation vouchers, telephones, and referrals to other agencies. " , "is_green": 0 , "is_exporting": 0}, {"is_general_purpose": 0 , "is_disaster": 0 , "gov_type": "Federal" , "title": "Rural Grant Program" , "loan_type": "Grant" , "is_woman": 0 , "state_name": "Vermont" , "is_minority": 0 , "is_contractor": 0 , "url": "http://www.ovw.usdoj.gov/rural_grant_desc.htm" , "is_rural": 1 , "agency": "Department of Justice" , "is_military": 0 , "is_disabled": 0 , "is_development": 0 , "description": "The primary purpose of the Rural Program is to enhance the safety of children, youth, and adults who are victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking by supporting projects uniquely designed to address and prevent these crimes in rural jurisdictions. Eligible applicants are States, Indian tribes, local governments, and nonprofit, public, or private entities, including tribal nonprofit organizations and faith-based or community organizations. " , "is_green": 0 , "is_exporting": 0}, {"is_general_purpose": 1 , "is_disaster": 0 , "gov_type": "Federal" , "title": "Disability Grant Program" , "loan_type": "Grant" , "is_woman": 0 , "state_name": null , "is_minority": 0 , "is_contractor": 0 , "url": " http://www.ovw.usdoj.gov/WomenwithDisabilitiesBrief2002.htm" , "is_rural": 0 , "agency": "Department of Justice" , "is_military": 0 , "is_disabled": 0 , "is_development": 0 , "description": "Disability Grant Program recipients will provide training, consultation, and information on domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, and sexual assault against individuals with disabilities and enhance direct services to such individuals. By statute, eligible applicants include states; units of local government; Indian tribal governments or tribal organizations; and non profit and non-governmental victim services organizations, such as a state domestic violence or sexual assault coalitions or nonprofit, nongovernmental organization serving disabled individuals." , "is_green": 0 , "is_exporting": 0}, {"is_general_purpose": 1 , "is_disaster": 0 , "gov_type": "Federal" , "title": "Supportive Housing Program" , "loan_type": "Grant" , "is_woman": 0 , "state_name": null , "is_minority": 0 , "is_contractor": 0 , "url": "http://www.hud.gov/offices/cpd/homeless/programs/shp/" , "is_rural": 0 , "agency": "Department of Housing and Urban Development" , "is_military": 0 , "is_disabled": 0 , "is_development": 0 , "description": "It is designed to promote, grants under the Supportive Housing Program are awarded through a national competition held annually, as part of a local Continuum of Care strategy, the development of supportive housing and supportive services to assist homeless persons in the transition from homelessness and to enable them to live as independently as possible." , "is_green": 0 , "is_exporting": 0}, {"is_general_purpose": 1 , "is_disaster": 0 , "gov_type": "Federal" , "title": "Single-Room Occupancy (SRO) Program" , "loan_type": "Grant" , "is_woman": 0 , "state_name": null , "is_minority": 0 , "is_contractor": 0 , "url": "http://www.hudhre.info/index.cfm?do=viewSroProgram" , "is_rural": 0 , "agency": "Department of Housing and Urban Development" , "is_military": 0 , "is_disabled": 0 , "is_development": 0 , "description": "The Single Room Occupancy (SRO) Program provides rental assistance for applicable properties that will\u2014when the renovations are complete contain upgraded single occupancy units for individuals who are homeless. " , "is_green": 0 , "is_exporting": 0}, {"is_general_purpose": 1 , "is_disaster": 0 , "gov_type": "Federal" , "title": "Small Loan Advantage" , "loan_type": "Loan" , "is_woman": 0 , "state_name": null , "is_minority": 0 , "is_contractor": 0 , "url": "http://www.sba.gov/advantage" , "is_rural": 0 , "agency": "U.S. Small Business Administration" , "is_military": 0 , "is_disabled": 0 , "is_development": 0 , "description": "Small business owners and entrepreneurs don\u2019t always need large loans. The Community Advantage and Small Loan Advantage programs help business owners get crucial smaller loans (under $250,000) with a streamlined application, minimal paperwork and fast turnaround times, while still offering SBA\u2019s highest guarantee." , "is_green": 0 , "is_exporting": 0}, {"is_general_purpose": 1 , "is_disaster": 0 , "gov_type": "Federal" , "title": "Community Advantage" , "loan_type": "Loan" , "is_woman": 0 , "state_name": null , "is_minority": 0 , "is_contractor": 0 , "url": "http://www.sba.gov/advantage" , "is_rural": 0 , "agency": "U.S. Small Business Administration" , "is_military": 0 , "is_disabled": 0 , "is_development": 0 , "description": "Small business owenrs and entrepreneurs don't always need large loans. The Community Advantage and Small Loan Advantage programs help business owners get crucial small loans (under $250,000) with a streamlined application, minimal paperwork, and fast turnaround times, while still offering SBA's highest guarantee. These funds are available to financial institutions for the purpose of extending credit to small businesses." , "is_green": 0 , "is_exporting": 0}, {"is_general_purpose": 1 , "is_disaster": 0 , "gov_type": "Federal" , "title": "SBA Preferred Lender Program" , "loan_type": "Loan" , "is_woman": 0 , "state_name": null , "is_minority": 0 , "is_contractor": 0 , "url": "http://www.sba.gov/advantage" , "is_rural": 0 , "agency": "U.S. Small Business Administration" , "is_military": 0 , "is_disabled": 0 , "is_development": 0 , "description": "Small business owenrs and entrepreneurs don't always need large loans. The Advantage programs help business owners get crucial small loans (under $250,000) with a streamlined application, minimal paperwork, and fast turnaround times, while still offering SBA's highest guarantee. These funds are available to financial institutions for the purpose of extending credit to small businesses." , "is_green": 0 , "is_exporting": 0}, {"is_general_purpose": 1 , "is_disaster": 0 , "gov_type": "Federal" , "title": "Mission-Focused Lenders" , "loan_type": "Loan" , "is_woman": 0 , "state_name": null , "is_minority": 0 , "is_contractor": 0 , "url": "http://www.sba.gov/advantage" , "is_rural": 0 , "agency": "U.S. Small Business Administration" , "is_military": 0 , "is_disabled": 0 , "is_development": 0 , "description": "Small business owenrs and entrepreneurs don't always need large loans. The Advantage programs help business owners get crucial small loans (under $250,000) with a streamlined application, minimal paperwork, and fast turnaround times, while still offering SBA's highest guarantee. These funds are available to financial institutions for the purpose of extending credit to small businesses." , "is_green": 0 , "is_exporting": 0}]