{ "newrelic_alert_channel": { "full_properties": { "configuration": { "description": "A map of key / value pairs with channel type specific values.", "required": true }, "name": { "description": "The name of the channel.", "required": true }, "type": { "description": "The type of channel. One of: campfire, email, hipchat, opsgenie, pagerduty, slack, victorops, or webhook.", "required": true } }, "path": "/docs/providers/newrelic/r/alert_channel.html", "properties": [ "name", "type", "configuration" ] }, "newrelic_alert_condition": { "full_properties": { "condition_scope": { "description": "instance or application. This is required if you are using the JVM plugin in New Relic.", "required": false }, "entities": { "description": "The instance IDS associated with this condition.", "required": true }, "gc_metric": { "description": "A valid Garbage Collection metric e.g. GC/G1 Young Generation. This is required if you are using apm_jvm_metric with gc_cpu_time condition type.", "required": false }, "metric": { "description": "The metric field accepts parameters based on the type set.", "required": true }, "name": { "description": "The title of the condition", "required": true }, "policy_id": { "description": "The ID of the policy where this condition should be used.", "required": true }, "runbook_url": { "description": "Runbook URL to display in notifications.", "required": false }, "term": { "description": "A list of terms for this condition. See Terms below for details.", "required": true }, "type": { "description": "The type of condition. One of: apm_app_metric, apm_jvm_metric, apm_kt_metric, servers_metric, browser_metric, mobile_metric", "required": true }, "user_defined_metric": { "description": "A custom metric to be evaluated.", "required": false }, "user_defined_value_function": { "description": "One of: average, min, max, total, or sample_size.", "required": false }, "violation_close_timer": { "description": "Automatically close instance-based violations, including JVM health metric violations, after the number of hours specified. Must be: 1, 2, 4, 8, 12 or 24.", "required": false } }, "path": "/docs/providers/newrelic/r/alert_condition.html", "properties": [ "policy_id", "name", "type", "entities", "metric", "gc_metric", "violation_close_timer", "runbook_url", "condition_scope", "term", "user_defined_metric", "user_defined_value_function" ] }, "newrelic_alert_policy": { "full_properties": { "incident_preference": { "description": "The rollup strategy for the policy. Options include: PER_POLICY, PER_CONDITION, or PER_CONDITION_AND_TARGET. The default is PER_POLICY.", "required": false }, "name": { "description": "The name of the policy.", "required": true } }, "path": "/docs/providers/newrelic/r/alert_policy.html", "properties": [ "name", "incident_preference" ] }, "newrelic_alert_policy_channel": { "full_properties": { "channel_id": { "description": "The ID of the channel.", "required": true }, "policy_id": { "description": "The ID of the policy.", "required": true } }, "path": "/docs/providers/newrelic/r/alert_policy_channel.html", "properties": [ "policy_id", "channel_id" ] }, "newrelic_dashboard": { "full_properties": { "editable": { "description": "Who can edit the dashboard in an account. Must be read_only, editable_by_owner, editable_by_all, or all. Defaults to editable_by_all.", "required": false }, "icon": { "description": "The icon for the dashboard. Defaults to bar-chart.", "required": false }, "title": { "description": "The title of the dashboard.", "required": true }, "visibility": { "description": "Who can see the dashboard in an account. Must be owner or all. Defaults to all.", "required": false }, "widget": { "description": "A widget that describes a visualization. See Widgets below for details.", "required": false } }, "path": "/docs/providers/newrelic/r/dashboard.html", "properties": [ "title", "icon", "visibility", "widget", "editable" ] }, "newrelic_infra_alert_condition": { "full_properties": { "comparison": { "description": "The operator used to evaluate the threshold value; \"above\", \"below\", \"equal\".", "required": true }, "critical": { "description": "Identifies the critical threshold parameters for triggering an alert notification. See Thresholds below for details.", "required": true }, "enabled": { "description": "Set whether to enable the alert condition. Defaults to true.", "required": false }, "event": { "description": "The metric event; for example, system metrics, process metrics, storage metrics, or network metrics.", "required": true }, "integration_provider": { "description": "For alerts on integrations, use this instead of event. ", "required": false }, "name": { "description": "The Infrastructure alert condition's name.", "required": true }, "policy_id": { "description": "The ID of the alert policy where this condition should be used.", "required": true }, "process_where": { "description": "Any filters applied to processes; for example: \"commandName = 'java'\".", "required": false }, "select": { "description": "The attribute name to identify the type of metric condition; for example, \"network\", \"process\", \"system\", or \"storage\".", "required": true }, "type": { "description": "The type of Infrastructure alert condition: \"infra_process_running\", \"infra_metric\", or \"infra_host_not_reporting\".", "required": true }, "warning": { "description": "Identifies the warning threshold parameters. See Thresholds below for details.", "required": false }, "where": { "description": "Infrastructure host filter for the alert condition.", "required": false } }, "path": "/docs/providers/newrelic/r/infra_alert_condition.html", "properties": [ "policy_id", "name", "enabled", "type", "event", "select", "comparison", "critical", "warning", "where", "process_where", "integration_provider" ] }, "newrelic_nrql_alert_condition": { "full_properties": { "enabled": { "description": "Set whether to enable the alert condition. Defaults to true.", "required": false }, "name": { "description": "The title of the condition", "required": true }, "nrql": { "description": "A NRQL query. See NRQL below for details.", "required": true }, "policy_id": { "description": "The ID of the policy where this condition should be used.", "required": true }, "runbook_url": { "description": "Runbook URL to display in notifications.", "required": false }, "term": { "description": "A list of terms for this condition. See Terms below for details.", "required": true }, "value_function": { "description": "Possible values are single_value, sum.", "required": false } }, "path": "/docs/providers/newrelic/r/nrql_alert_condition.html", "properties": [ "policy_id", "name", "runbook_url", "enabled", "term", "nrql", "value_function" ] }, "newrelic_synthetics_alert_condition": { "full_properties": { "enabled": { "description": "Set whether to enable the alert condition. Defaults to true.", "required": false }, "monitor_id": { "description": "The ID of the Synthetics monitor to be referenced in the alert condition. ", "required": true }, "name": { "description": "The title of this condition.", "required": true }, "policy_id": { "description": "The ID of the policy where this condition should be used.", "required": true }, "runbook_url": { "description": "Runbook URL to display in notifications.", "required": false } }, "path": "/docs/providers/newrelic/r/synthetics_alert_condition.html", "properties": [ "policy_id", "name", "monitor_id", "runbook_url", "enabled" ] } }