module Daru module Maths module Statistics module DataFrame # @!method mean # Calculate mean of numeric vectors # @!method variance_sample # Calculate sample variance of numeric vectors # @!method range # Calculate range of numeric vectors # @!method median # Calculate median of numeric vectors # @!method mode # Calculate mode of numeric vectors # @!method std # Calculate sample standard deviation of numeric vectors # @!method sum # Calculate sum of numeric vectors # @!method count # Count the number of non-nil values in each vector # @!method min # Calculate the minimum value of each numeric vector # @!method product # Compute the product of each numeric vector [:mean, :variance_sample, :range, :median, :mode, :std, :sum, :count, :min, :product].each do |meth| define_method(meth) do compute_stats meth end end # Calculate the maximum value of each numeric vector. def max opts={} if opts[:vector] row[*self[opts[:vector]].max_index.index.to_a] else compute_stats :max end end # @!method cumsum # Calculate cumulative sum of each numeric Vector # @!method standardize # Standardize each Vector # @!method acf # Calculate Autocorrelation coefficient # @param [Integer] max_lags (nil) Number of initial lags # @!method ema # Calculate exponential moving average. # @param [Integer] n (10) Loopback length. # @param [TrueClass, FalseClass, NilClass] wilder (false) If true, # 1/n value is used for smoothing; if false, uses 2/(n+1) value. # @!method rolling_mean # Calculate moving averages # @param [Integer] n (10) Loopback length. Default to 10. # @!method rolling_median # Calculate moving median # @param [Integer] n (10) Loopback length. Default to 10. # @!method rolling_max # Calculate moving max # @param [Integer] n (10) Loopback length. Default to 10. # @!method rolling_min # Calculate moving min # @param [Integer] n (10) Loopback length. Default to 10. # @!method rolling_count # Calculate moving non-missing count # @param [Integer] n (10) Loopback length. Default to 10. # @!method rolling_std # Calculate moving standard deviation # @param [Integer] n (10) Loopback length. Default to 10. # @!method rolling_variance # Calculate moving variance # @param [Integer] n (10) Loopback length. Default to 10. [ :cumsum,:standardize,:acf,:ema,:rolling_mean,:rolling_median,:rolling_max, :rolling_min,:rolling_count,:rolling_std,:rolling_variance, :rolling_sum ].each do |meth| define_method(meth) do |*args| apply_method_to_numerics meth, *args end end # Create a summary of mean, standard deviation, count, max and min of # each numeric vector in the dataframe in one shot. # # == Arguments # # +methods+ - An array with aggregation methods specified as symbols to # be applied to numeric vectors. Default is [:count, :mean, :std, :max, # :min]. Methods will be applied in the specified order. def describe methods=nil methods ||= [:count, :mean, :std, :min, :max] description_hash = {} numeric_vectors.each do |vec| description_hash[vec] = { |m| self[vec].send(m) } end, index: methods) end # The percent_change method computes the percent change over # the given number of periods for numeric vectors. # # @param [Integer] periods (1) number of nils to insert at the beginning. # # @example # # df ={ # 'col0' => [1,2,3,4,5,6], # 'col2' => ['a','b','c','d','e','f'], # 'col1' => [11,22,33,44,55,66] # }, # index: ['one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six'], # order: ['col0', 'col1', 'col2']) # df.percent_change # #=> # # <Daru::DataFrame:23513280 @rows: 6 @cols: 2> # # col0 col1 # # one # # two 1.0 1.0 # # three 0.5 0.5 # # four 0.3333333333333333 0.3333333333333333 # # five 0.25 0.25 # # six 0.2 0.2 def percent_change periods=1 df_numeric = only_numerics.vectors.to_a df ={}, order: @order, index: @index, name: @name) df_numeric.each do |vec| df[vec] = self[vec].percent_change periods end df end # Calculate sample variance-covariance between the numeric vectors. def covariance cache = do |h, (col, row)| h[[col, row]] = vector_cov(self[row],self[col]) end vectors = numeric_vectors mat_rows = vectors.collect do |row| vectors.collect do |col| if row == col self[row].variance else cache[[col,row]] end end end Daru::DataFrame.rows(mat_rows, index: numeric_vectors, order: numeric_vectors) end alias :cov :covariance # Calculate the correlation between the numeric vectors. def correlation standard_deviation = std.to_matrix corr_arry = cov .to_matrix .elementwise_division(standard_deviation.transpose * standard_deviation).to_a Daru::DataFrame.rows(corr_arry, index: numeric_vectors, order: numeric_vectors) end alias :corr :correlation private def apply_method_to_numerics method, *args numerics = { |n| [n, @data[@vectors[n]]] } .select { |_n, v| v.numeric? } computed = { |_n, v| v.send(method, *args) }, index: @index, order:, clone: false) end def vector_cov v1a, v2a sum_of_squares(v1a,v2a) / (v1a.size - 1) end def sum_of_squares v1, v2 v1a,v2a = v1.reject_values(*Daru::MISSING_VALUES),v2.reject_values(*Daru::MISSING_VALUES) v1a.reset_index! v2a.reset_index! m1 = v1a.mean m2 = v2a.mean v1a.size.times.inject(0) { |ac,i| ac+(v1a[i]-m1)*(v2a[i]-m2) } end def compute_stats method numeric_vectors.each_with_object({}) do |vec, hash| hash[vec] = self[vec].send(method) end, name: method ) end alias :sds :std alias :variance :variance_sample end end end end