require "capistrano-redeploy/version" module Capistrano module ReDeploy def self.extended(configuration) configuration.load { namespace(:redeploy) { desc("Redeploy current running application.") task(:default, :except => { :no_release => true }) { update } task(:update, :except => { :no_release => true }) { transaction do update_code finalize_update end } _cset(:redeploy_path) { current_release } task(:update_code, :except => { :no_release => true }) { begin tmpdir = capture("mktemp -d /tmp/redeploy.XXXXXXXXXX").strip run("rm -rf #{tmpdir.dump} && mkdir -p #{tmpdir}") deploy!(tmpdir) redeploy!(tmpdir, redeploy_path) ensure run("rm -rf #{tmpdir.dump}") end } on(:load) { if fetch(:redeploy_use_assets, false) before "redeploy:finalize_update", "deploy:assets:symlink" after "redeploy:update_code", "deploy:assets:precompile" before "redeploy:assets:precompile", "deploy:assets:update_asset_mtimes" end } # Return a copy of given object # Unlike Object#dup, this also duplicates instance variables. def _middle_copy(object) o = object.clone object.instance_variables.each do |k| v = object.instance_variable_get(k) o.instance_variable_set(k, v ? v.clone : v) end o end _cset(:redeploy_variables, {}) def deploy!(destination, options={}) begin releases_path = capture("mktemp -d /tmp/releases.XXXXXXXXXX", options).strip release_path = File.join(releases_path, release_name) run("rm -rf #{releases_path.dump} && mkdir -p #{releases_path.dump}", options) c = _middle_copy(top) c.instance_eval do set(:deploy_to, File.dirname(releases_path)) set(:releases_path, releases_path) set(:release_path, release_path) set(:revision) { source.head } set(:source) {, self) } set(:real_revision) { source.local.query_revision(revision) { |cmd| with_env("LC_ALL", "C") { run_locally(cmd) } } } set(:strategy) {, self) } # merge variables redeploy_variables.each do |key, val| set(key, val) end logger.debug("Fetching source for re-deployment from #{repository} (#{scm}) via #{deploy_via}.") strategy.deploy! end run("rsync -lrpt #{(release_path + "/").dump} #{destination.dump}", options) ensure run("rm -rf #{releases_path.dump}", options) end end _cset(:redeploy_children, %w(public)) _cset(:redeploy_exclusions, %w(assets system)) _cset(:redeploy_path_map) { s = fetch(:redeploy_source, ".").to_s d = fetch(:redeploy_destination, ".").to_s Hash[ { |c| [File.join(s, c), File.join(d, c)] }] } def absolute_path_map(source, destination) map = { |s_subdir, d_subdir| [ File.expand_path(File.join(source, s_subdir)), File.expand_path(File.join(destination, d_subdir)) ] } Hash[map] end def redeploy!(source, destination, options={}) exclusions = { |e| "--exclude=#{e.dump}" }.join(" ") absolute_path_map(source, destination).each do |s, d| logger.debug("Re-deploying from `#{s}' to `#{d}'.") run("mkdir -p #{s.dump} #{d.dump}", options) run("rsync -lrpt #{exclusions} #{(s + "/").dump} #{d.dump}", options) end end task(:finalize_update, :except => { :no_release => true }) { escaped_release = redeploy_path.to_s.shellescape commands = [] commands << "chmod -R -- g+w #{escaped_release}" if fetch(:group_writable, true) # mkdir -p is making sure that the directories are there for some SCM's that don't # save empty folders do |dir| d = dir.shellescape if (dir.rindex('/')) then commands += ["rm -rf -- #{escaped_release}/#{d}", "mkdir -p -- #{escaped_release}/#{dir.slice(0..(dir.rindex('/'))).shellescape}"] else commands << "rm -rf -- #{escaped_release}/#{d}" end commands << "ln -s -- #{shared_path}/#{dir.split('/').last.shellescape} #{escaped_release}/#{d}" end run commands.join(' && ') if commands.any? if fetch(:normalize_asset_timestamps, true) stamp ="%Y%m%d%H%M.%S") asset_paths = fetch(:public_children, %w(images stylesheets javascripts)).map { |p| "#{escaped_release}/public/#{p}" } run("find #{asset_paths.join(" ")} -exec touch -t #{stamp} -- {} ';'; true", :env => { "TZ" => "UTC" }) if asset_paths.any? end } } } end end end if Capistrano::Configuration.instance Capistrano::Configuration.instance.extend(Capistrano::ReDeploy) end