# # Author:: Adam Jacob () # Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2008 Opscode, Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "spec_helper")) describe Mixlib::CLI do after(:each) do TestCLI.options = {} TestCLI.banner("Usage: #{$0} (options)") end describe "class method" do describe "option" do it "should allow you to set a config option with a hash" do TestCLI.option(:config_file, :short => '-c CONFIG').should == { :short => '-c CONFIG' } end end describe "options" do it "should return the current options hash" do TestCLI.option(:config_file, :short => '-c CONFIG') TestCLI.options.should == { :config_file => { :short => '-c CONFIG' } } end end describe "options=" do it "should allow you to set the full options with a single hash" do TestCLI.options = { :config_file => { :short => '-c CONFIG' } } TestCLI.options.should == { :config_file => { :short => '-c CONFIG' } } end end describe "banner" do it "should have a default value" do TestCLI.banner.should =~ /^Usage: (.+) \(options\)$/ end it "should allow you to set the banner" do TestCLI.banner("Usage: foo") TestCLI.banner.should == "Usage: foo" end end end context "when configured with default single-config-hash behavior" do before(:each) do @cli = TestCLI.new end describe "initialize" do it "should set the banner to the class defined banner" do @cli.banner.should == TestCLI.banner end it "should set the options to the class defined options, plus defaults" do TestCLI.option(:config_file, :short => "-l LOG") cli = TestCLI.new cli.options.should == { :config_file => { :short => "-l LOG", :on => :on, :boolean => false, :required => false, :proc => nil, :show_options => false, :exit => nil } } end it "should set the default config value for any options that include it" do TestCLI.option(:config_file, :short => "-l LOG", :default => :debug) @cli = TestCLI.new @cli.config[:config_file].should == :debug end end describe "opt_parser" do it "should set the banner in opt_parse" do @cli.opt_parser.banner.should == @cli.banner end it "should present the arguments in the banner" do TestCLI.option(:config_file, :short => "-l LOG") @cli = TestCLI.new @cli.opt_parser.to_s.should =~ /-l LOG/ end it "should honor :on => :tail options in the banner" do TestCLI.option(:config_file, :short => "-l LOG") TestCLI.option(:help, :short => "-h", :boolean => true, :on => :tail) @cli = TestCLI.new @cli.opt_parser.to_s.split("\n").last.should =~ /-h/ end it "should honor :on => :head options in the banner" do TestCLI.option(:config_file, :short => "-l LOG") TestCLI.option(:help, :short => "-h", :boolean => true, :on => :head) @cli = TestCLI.new @cli.opt_parser.to_s.split("\n")[1].should =~ /-h/ end it "should present the arguments in alphabetical order in the banner" do TestCLI.option(:alpha, :short => "-a ALPHA") TestCLI.option(:beta, :short => "-b BETA") TestCLI.option(:zeta, :short => "-z ZETA") @cli = TestCLI.new output_lines = @cli.opt_parser.to_s.split("\n") output_lines[1].should =~ /-a ALPHA/ output_lines[2].should =~ /-b BETA/ output_lines[3].should =~ /-z ZETA/ end end describe "parse_options" do it "should set the corresponding config value for non-boolean arguments" do TestCLI.option(:config_file, :short => "-c CONFIG") @cli = TestCLI.new @cli.parse_options([ '-c', 'foo.rb' ]) @cli.config[:config_file].should == 'foo.rb' end it "should set the corresponding config value according to a supplied proc" do TestCLI.option(:number, :short => "-n NUMBER", :proc => Proc.new { |config| config.to_i + 2 } ) @cli = TestCLI.new @cli.parse_options([ "-n", "2" ]) @cli.config[:number].should == 4 end it "should set the corresponding config value to true for boolean arguments" do TestCLI.option(:i_am_boolean, :short => "-i", :boolean => true) @cli = TestCLI.new @cli.parse_options([ '-i' ]) @cli.config[:i_am_boolean].should == true end it "should set the corresponding config value to false when a boolean is prefixed with --no" do TestCLI.option(:i_am_boolean, :long => "--[no-]bool", :boolean => true) @cli = TestCLI.new @cli.parse_options([ '--no-bool' ]) @cli.config[:i_am_boolean].should == false end it "should exit if a config option has :exit set" do TestCLI.option(:i_am_exit, :short => "-x", :boolean => true, :exit => 0) @cli = TestCLI.new lambda { @cli.parse_options(["-x"]) }.should raise_error(SystemExit) end it "should exit if a required option is missing" do TestCLI.option(:require_me, :short => "-r", :boolean => true, :required => true) @cli = TestCLI.new lambda { @cli.parse_options([]) }.should raise_error(SystemExit) end it "should not exit if a required option is specified" do TestCLI.option(:require_me, :short => "-r", :boolean => true, :required => true) @cli = TestCLI.new @cli.parse_options(["-r"]) @cli.config[:require_me].should == true end it "should not exit if a required boolean option is specified and false" do TestCLI.option(:require_me, :long => "--[no-]req", :boolean => true, :required => true) @cli = TestCLI.new @cli.parse_options(["--no-req"]) @cli.config[:require_me].should == false end it "should not exit if a required option is specified and empty" do TestCLI.option(:require_me, :short => "-r VALUE", :required => true) @cli = TestCLI.new @cli.parse_options(["-r", ""]) @cli.config[:require_me].should == "" end it "should preserve all of the commandline arguments, ARGV" do TestCLI.option(:config_file, :short => "-c CONFIG") @cli = TestCLI.new argv_old = ARGV.dup ARGV.replace ['-c','foo.rb'] @cli.parse_options() ARGV.should == ['-c','foo.rb'] ARGV.replace argv_old end it "should preserve and return any un-parsed elements" do TestCLI.option(:party, :short => "-p LOCATION") @cli = TestCLI.new @cli.parse_options([ 'easy', '-p', 'opscode', 'hard' ]).should == ['easy', 'hard'] @cli.cli_arguments.should == ['easy', 'hard'] end end end context "when configured to separate default options" do before do TestCLI.use_separate_default_options true TestCLI.option(:defaulter, :short => "-D SOMETHING", :default => "this is the default") @cli = TestCLI.new end it "sets default values on the `default` hash" do @cli.parse_options([]) @cli.default_config[:defaulter].should == "this is the default" @cli.config[:defaulter].should be_nil end it "sets parsed values on the `config` hash" do @cli.parse_options(%w[-D not-default]) @cli.default_config[:defaulter].should == "this is the default" @cli.config[:defaulter].should == "not-default" end end end # option :config_file, # :short => "-c CONFIG", # :long => "--config CONFIG", # :default => 'config.rb', # :description => "The configuration file to use" # # option :log_level, # :short => "-l LEVEL", # :long => "--log_level LEVEL", # :description => "Set the log level (debug, info, warn, error, fatal)", # :required => true, # :proc => nil # # option :help, # :short => "-h", # :long => "--help", # :description => "Show this message", # :on => :tail, # :boolean => true, # :show_options => true, # :exit => 0