require 'active_support/concern' require 'active_support/core_ext/array/extract_options' require 'active_support/deprecation/reporting' module MoneyRails module ActiveRecord module Monetizable class ReadOnlyCurrencyException < StandardError; end extend ActiveSupport::Concern module ClassMethods def monetized_attributes monetized_attributes = @monetized_attributes || {} if superclass.respond_to?(:monetized_attributes) monetized_attributes.merge(superclass.monetized_attributes) else monetized_attributes end end def monetize(*fields) options = fields.extract_options! fields.each do |field| # Stringify model field name subunit_name = field.to_s if options[:field_currency] || options[:target_name] || options[:model_currency] ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn("You are using the old " \ "argument keys of the monetize command! Instead use :as, " \ ":with_currency or :with_model_currency") end name = options[:as] || options[:target_name] || nil # Form target name for the money backed ActiveModel field: # if a target name is provided then use it # if there is a "{column.postfix}" suffix then just remove it to create the target name # if none of the previous is the case then use a default suffix if name name = name.to_s # Check if the options[:as] parameter is not the same as subunit_name # which would result in stack overflow if name == subunit_name raise ArgumentError, "monetizable attribute name cannot be the same as options[:as] parameter" end elsif subunit_name =~ /#{MoneyRails::Configuration.amount_column[:postfix]}$/ name = subunit_name.sub(/#{MoneyRails::Configuration.amount_column[:postfix]}$/, "") else # FIXME: provide a better default name = [subunit_name, "money"].join("_") end # Optional accessor to be run on an instance to detect currency instance_currency_name = options[:with_model_currency] || options[:model_currency] || MoneyRails::Configuration.currency_column[:column_name] # Infer currency column from name and postfix if !instance_currency_name && MoneyRails::Configuration.currency_column[:postfix].present? instance_currency_name = "#{name}#{MoneyRails::Configuration.currency_column[:postfix]}" end instance_currency_name = instance_currency_name && instance_currency_name.to_s # This attribute allows per column currency values # Overrides row and default currency field_currency_name = options[:with_currency] || options[:field_currency] || nil # Create a reverse mapping of the monetized attributes track_monetized_attribute name, subunit_name # Include numericality validations if needed. # There are two validation options: # # 1. Subunit field validation (e.g. cents should be > 100) # 2. Money field validation (e.g. euros should be > 10) # # All the options which are available for Rails numericality # validation, are also available for both types. # E.g. # monetize :price_in_a_range_cents, :allow_nil => true, # :subunit_numericality => { # :greater_than_or_equal_to => 0, # :less_than_or_equal_to => 10000, # }, # :numericality => { # :greater_than_or_equal_to => 0, # :less_than_or_equal_to => 100, # :message => "must be greater than zero and less than $100" # } # # To disable validation entirely, use :disable_validation, E.g: # monetize :price_in_a_range_cents, :disable_validation => true if (validation_enabled = MoneyRails.include_validations && !options[:disable_validation]) # This is a validation for the subunit if (subunit_numericality = options.fetch(:subunit_numericality, true)) validates subunit_name, { :allow_nil => options[:allow_nil], :numericality => subunit_numericality } end # Allow only Money objects or Numeric values! if (numericality = options.fetch(:numericality, true)) validates name.to_sym, { :allow_nil => options[:allow_nil], 'money_rails/active_model/money' => numericality } end end define_method name do |*args| # Get the cents amount = public_send(subunit_name, *args) # Get the currency object attr_currency = public_send("currency_for_#{name}") # Get the cached value memoized = instance_variable_get("@#{name}") # Dont create a new Money instance if the values haven't been changed. if memoized && memoized.cents == amount && memoized.currency == attr_currency result = memoized else # If amount is NOT nil (or empty string) load the amount in a Money amount =, attr_currency) unless amount.blank? # Cache the value (it may be nil) result = instance_variable_set "@#{name}", amount end if MoneyRails::Configuration.preserve_user_input value_before_type_cast = instance_variable_get "@#{name}_money_before_type_cast" unless errors[name.to_sym].blank? result.define_singleton_method(:to_s) { value_before_type_cast } result.define_singleton_method(:format) { |_| value_before_type_cast } end end result end define_method "#{name}=" do |value| # Lets keep the before_type_cast value instance_variable_set "@#{name}_money_before_type_cast", value # Use nil or get a Money object if options[:allow_nil] && value.blank? money = nil else if value.is_a?(Money) money = value else begin money = value.to_money(public_send("currency_for_#{name}")) rescue NoMethodError return nil rescue ArgumentError raise if MoneyRails.raise_error_on_money_parsing return nil rescue Money::Currency::UnknownCurrency raise if MoneyRails.raise_error_on_money_parsing return nil end end end # Update cents if !validation_enabled # We haven't defined our own subunit writer, so we can invoke # the regular writer, which works with store_accessors public_send("#{subunit_name}=", money.try(:cents)) elsif self.class.respond_to?(:attribute_aliases) && self.class.attribute_aliases.key?(subunit_name) # If the attribute is aliased, make sure we write to the original # attribute name or an error will be raised. # (Note: 'attribute_aliases' doesn't exist in Rails 3.x, so we # can't tell if the attribute was aliased.) original_name = self.class.attribute_aliases[subunit_name.to_s] write_attribute(original_name, money.try(:cents)) else write_attribute(subunit_name, money.try(:cents)) end money_currency = money.try(:currency) # Update currency iso value if there is an instance currency attribute if instance_currency_name.present? && respond_to?("#{instance_currency_name}=") && money_currency public_send("#{instance_currency_name}=", money_currency.try(:iso_code)) else current_currency = public_send("currency_for_#{name}") if money_currency && current_currency != raise"Can't change readonly currency '#{current_currency}' to '#{money_currency}' for field '#{name}'") if MoneyRails.raise_error_on_money_parsing return nil end end # Save and return the new Money object instance_variable_set "@#{name}", money end if validation_enabled # Ensure that the before_type_cast value is cleared when setting # the subunit value directly define_method "#{subunit_name}=" do |value| instance_variable_set "@#{name}_money_before_type_cast", nil write_attribute(subunit_name, value) end end define_method "currency_for_#{name}" do if MoneyRails::Configuration.currency_column[:postfix].present? instance_currency_name_with_postfix = "#{name}#{MoneyRails::Configuration.currency_column[:postfix]}" end if instance_currency_name.present? && respond_to?(instance_currency_name) && Money::Currency.find(public_send(instance_currency_name)) Money::Currency.find(public_send(instance_currency_name)) elsif field_currency_name.respond_to?(:call) Money::Currency.find( elsif field_currency_name Money::Currency.find(field_currency_name) elsif instance_currency_name_with_postfix.present? && respond_to?(instance_currency_name_with_postfix) && Money::Currency.find(public_send(instance_currency_name_with_postfix)) Money::Currency.find(public_send(instance_currency_name_with_postfix)) elsif self.class.respond_to?(:currency) self.class.currency else Money.default_currency end end attr_reader "#{name}_money_before_type_cast" # Hook to ensure the reset of before_type_cast attr # TODO: think of a better way to avoid this after_save do instance_variable_set "@#{name}_money_before_type_cast", nil end end end def register_currency(currency_name) # Lookup the given currency_name and raise exception if # no currency is found currency_object = Money::Currency.find currency_name raise(ArgumentError, "Can't find #{currency_name} currency code") unless currency_object class_eval do @currency = currency_object class << self attr_reader :currency end end end private def track_monetized_attribute(name, value) @monetized_attributes ||= {}.with_indifferent_access if @monetized_attributes[name].present? raise ArgumentError, "#{self} already has a monetized attribute called '#{name}'" end @monetized_attributes[name] = value end end end end end