require 'activefacts/support' module ActiveFacts module API module ObjectType def table @is_table = true end def is_table @is_table end def columns return @columns if @columns debug :persistence, "Calculating columns for #{basename}" do @columns = ( if superclass.is_entity_type # REVISIT: Need keys to secondary supertypes as well, but no duplicates. debug :persistence, "Separate subtype has a foreign key to its supertype" do superclass.__absorb([[superclass.basename]], self) end else [] end + # Then absorb all normal roles: do |role| role.unique && !role.counterpart_unary_has_precedence end.inject([]) do |columns, role| rn = debug :persistence, "Role #{rn*'.'}" do columns += role.counterpart_object_type.__absorb([rn], role.counterpart) end end + # And finally all absorbed subtypes: subtypes. select{|subtype| !subtype.is_table}. # Don't absorb separate subtypes inject([]) do |columns, subtype| # Pass self as 2nd param here, not a role, standing for the supertype role subtype_name = subtype.basename debug :persistence, "Absorbing subtype #{subtype_name}" do columns += subtype.__absorb([[subtype_name]], self) end end ).map do |col_names| last = nil do |name| name.downcase.sub(/^[a-z]/){|c| c.upcase} end. reject do |n| # Remove sequential duplicates: dup = last == n last = n dup end*"." end end end # Return an array of the absorbed columns, using prefix for name truncation def __absorb(prefix, except_role = nil) # also considered a table if the superclass isn't excluded and is (transitively) a table if !@is_table && (except_role == superclass || !is_table_subtype) if is_entity_type if (role = fully_absorbed) && role != except_role # If this non-table is fully absorbed into another table (not our caller!) # (another table plays its single identifying role), then absorb that role only. # counterpart_object_type = role.counterpart_object_type # This omission matches the one in columns.rb, see EntityType#reference_columns # new_prefix = prefix + [] debug :persistence, "Reference to #{} (absorbed elsewhere)" do role.counterpart_object_type.__absorb(prefix, role.counterpart) end else # Not a table -> all roles are absorbed roles. values. select do |role| role.unique && role != except_role && !role.counterpart_unary_has_precedence end. inject([]) do |columns, role| columns += __absorb_role(prefix, role) end + subtypes. # Absorb subtype roles too! select{|subtype| !subtype.is_table}. # Don't absorb separate subtypes inject([]) do |columns, subtype| # Pass self as 2nd param here, not a role, standing for the supertype role new_prefix = prefix[0..-2] + [[subtype.basename]] debug :persistence, "Absorbed subtype #{subtype.basename}" do columns += subtype.__absorb(new_prefix, self) end end end else [prefix] end else # Create a foreign key to the table if is_entity_type ir ={|role_name| roles(role_name) } debug :persistence, "Reference to #{basename} with #{prefix.inspect}" do ic ={|role_name| role_name.to_s.split(/_/)} ir.inject([]) do |columns, role| columns += __absorb_role(prefix, role) end end else # Reference to value type which is a table col = prefix.clone debug :persistence, "Self-value #{col[-1]}.Value" col[-1] += ["Value"] col end end end def __absorb_role(prefix, role) if prefix.size > 0 and (c = role.owner).is_entity_type and c.identifying_roles == [role] and (irn = c.identifying_role_names).size == 1 and (n = irn[0].to_s.split(/_/)).size > 1 and (owner = role.owner.basename.snakecase.split(/_/)) and n[0...owner.size] == owner debug :persistence, "truncating transitive identifying role #{n.inspect}" owner.size.times { n.shift } new_prefix = prefix + [n] elsif (c = role.counterpart_object_type).is_entity_type and (irn = c.identifying_role_names).size == 1 and #irn[0].to_s.split(/_/)[0] == role.owner.basename.downcase irn[0] == #debug :persistence, "=== #{irn[0].to_s.split(/_/)[0]} elided ===" new_prefix = prefix elsif (fa_role = fully_absorbed) && fa_role == role new_prefix = prefix else new_prefix = prefix + [] end #debug :persistence, "new_prefix is #{new_prefix*"."}" debug :persistence, "Absorbing role #{} as #{new_prefix[prefix.size..-1]*"."}" do role.counterpart_object_type.__absorb(new_prefix, role.counterpart) end end def is_table_subtype return true if is_table klass = superclass while klass.is_entity_type return true if klass.is_table klass = klass.superclass end return false end end module Entity module ClassMethods def fully_absorbed return false unless (ir = identifying_role_names) && ir.size == 1 role = roles(ir[0]) return role if ((cp = role.counterpart_object_type).is_table || (cp.is_entity_type && cp.fully_absorbed)) return superclass if superclass.is_entity_type # Absorbed subtype nil end end end # A one-to-one can be absorbed into either table. We decide which by comparing # the names, just as happens in ObjectType.populate_reference (see reference.rb) class Role def counterpart_unary_has_precedence counterpart_object_type.is_table_subtype and counterpart.unique and < end end end end class TrueClass def self.__absorb(prefix, except_role = nil) [prefix] end def self.is_table false end def self.is_table_subtype false end end