require 'spec_helper' describe Ridley::HostConnector::SSH do subject { connector } let(:connector) { } let(:host) { '' } let(:options) do { server_url: double('server_url'), validator_path: fixtures_path.join('my-fake.pem'), validator_client: double('validator_client'), encrypted_data_bag_secret: 'encrypted_data_bag_secret', ssh:, chef_version: double('chef_version') } end describe "#run" do let(:ssh_user) { 'ssh_user' } context "when a gateway is given" do let(:gw_host) { "" } let(:gw_user) { "foo" } let(:gw_port) { "1234" } let(:gateway) { double(Net::SSH::Gateway) } before do Net::SSH::Gateway.stub(:new).with(gw_host, gw_user, {:port => gw_port}).and_return(gateway) end it "should connect to the gateway with Net::SSH::Gateway and then to the destination host via the gateway" do gateway.should_receive(:ssh).with(host, ssh_user, anything).ordered gateway.should_receive(:shutdown!).ordered, "some_command", ssh: { user: ssh_user, gateway: '' }) end end context "when a gateway is not given" do it "should use Net::SSH to connect to the destination host" do Net::SSH.should_receive(:start).with(host, ssh_user, {:paranoid=>false, :port=>"1234", :user=>"ssh_user"}), "some_command", ssh: { user: ssh_user, port: "1234" }) end end end describe "#bootstrap" do let(:bootstrap_context) { } it "sends a #run message to self to bootstrap a node" do connector.should_receive(:run).with(host, anything, options) connector.bootstrap(host, options) end it "filters the whole command" do expect(Ridley::Logging.logger).to receive(:filter_param).with(bootstrap_context.boot_command) connector.bootstrap(host, options) end end describe "#chef_client" do it "sends a #run message to self to execute chef-client" do connector.should_receive(:run).with(host, "chef-client -l warn", options) connector.chef_client(host, options) end end describe "#put_secret" do let(:encrypted_data_bag_secret_path) { fixtures_path.join("encrypted_data_bag_secret").to_s } let(:secret) { } it "receives a run command with echo" do connector.should_receive(:run).with(host, "echo '#{secret}' > /etc/chef/encrypted_data_bag_secret; chmod 0600 /etc/chef/encrypted_data_bag_secret", options ) connector.put_secret(host, secret, options) end it "filters the secret" do expect(Ridley::Logging.logger).to receive(:filter_param).with(secret) connector.put_secret(host, secret, options) end end describe "#ruby_script" do let(:command_lines) { ["puts 'hello'", "puts 'there'"] } it "receives a ruby call with the command" do connector.should_receive(:run).with(host, "#{described_class::EMBEDDED_RUBY_PATH} -e \"puts 'hello';puts 'there'\"", options ) connector.ruby_script(host, command_lines, options) end end describe "#uninstall_chef" do let(:command) { "uninstall chef" } before do Ridley::CommandContext::UnixUninstall.stub(:command).and_return(command) end it "receives a run command to uninstall chef" do connector.should_receive(:run).with(host, command, options) connector.uninstall_chef(host, options) end end describe "#update_omnibus" do let(:command) { "update omnibus" } before do Ridley::CommandContext::UnixUpdateOmnibus.stub(:command).and_return(command) end it "receives a run command to update omnibus" do connector.should_receive(:run).with(host, command, options) connector.update_omnibus(host, options) end end describe "#connector_port_open?" do context "when there are no ssh options specified" do it "should try to connect to the host on the defaul ssh port" do subject.should_receive(:port_open?).with(host, Ridley::HostConnector::SSH::DEFAULT_PORT, nil) subject.connector_port_open?(host, {}) end end context "when the port is specified" do it "should try to connecto to the host on the given port" do subject.should_receive(:port_open?).with(host, 1234, nil) subject.connector_port_open?(host, ssh: {port: 1234} ) end end context "when the gateway is given" do it "should try to connect to the gateway host" do subject.should_receive(:port_open?).with("", "1234", nil) subject.connector_port_open?(host, ssh: {gateway: ''} ) end it "should use the timeout from the ssh settings" do subject.should_receive(:port_open?).with("", "1234", 12) subject.connector_port_open?(host, ssh: {timeout: 12, gateway: ''} ) end end end end