# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- =begin Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Takashi SUGA You may use and/or modify this file according to the license described in the LICENSE.txt file included in this archive. =end module When module Locale # from https://raw.github.com/svenfuchs/rails-i18n/master/rails/locale/sw.yml Locale_sw = {"date"=> {"abbr_day_names"=>["J2", "J3", "J4", "J5", "Al", "Ij", "J1"], "abbr_month_names"=> [nil, "Jan", "Feb", "Mac", "Apr", "Mei", "Jun", "Jul", "Ago", "Sep", "Okt", "Nov", "Des"], "day_names"=> ["Jumapili", "Jumatatu", "Jumanne", "Jumatano", "Alhamisi", "Ijumaa", "Jumamosi"], "formats"=>{"default"=>"%d-%m-%Y", "long"=>"%e %B, %Y", "short"=>"%e %b"}, "month_names"=> [nil, "Mwezi wa kwanza", "Mwezi wa pili", "Mwezi wa tatu", "Mwezi wa nne", "Mwezi wa tano", "Mwezi wa sita", "Mwezi wa saba", "Mwezi wa nane", "Mwezi wa tisa", "Mwezi wa kumi", "Mwezi wa kumi na moja", "Mwezi wa kumi na mbili"], "order"=>[:day, :month, :year]}, "time"=> {"am"=>"am", "formats"=> {"default"=>"%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S", "long"=>"%A, %e. %B %Y, %H:%M:%S", "short"=>"%e %b %Y %H:%M", "time"=>"%H:%M:%S"}, "pm"=>"pm"}, "datetime"=> {"distance_in_words"=> {"about_x_hours"=> {"one"=>"kama saa limoja", "other"=>"kama masaa %{count}"}, "about_x_months"=>{"one"=>"kama mwezi 1", "other"=>"kama miezi %{count}"}, "about_x_years"=>{"one"=>"kama mwaka 1", "other"=>"kama miaka %{count}"}, "almost_x_years"=> {"one"=>"karibia mwaka", "other"=>"karibia miaka %{count}"}, "half_a_minute"=>"nusu dakika", "less_than_x_minutes"=> {"one"=>"chini ya dakika 1", "other"=>"chini ya dakika %{count}"}, "less_than_x_seconds"=> {"one"=>"chini ya sekunde 1", "other"=>"chini ya sekunde %{count}"}, "over_x_years"=> {"one"=>"zaidi ya mwaka 1", "other"=>"zaidi ya miaka %{count}"}, "x_days"=>{"one"=>"siku 1", "other"=>"siku %{count}"}, "x_minutes"=>{"one"=>"dakika 1", "other"=>"dakika %{count}"}, "x_months"=>{"one"=>"mwezi 1", "other"=>"miezi %{count}"}, "x_seconds"=>{"one"=>"sekunde 1", "other"=>"sekunde %{count}"}}, "prompts"=> {"day"=>"Siku", "hour"=>"Saa", "minute"=>"Dakika", "month"=>"Mwezi", "second"=>"Sekunde", "year"=>"Mwaka"}}} end end