# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- module CiteProc module Ruby class Format @available = [] @squeezable = /^[\s\.,:;!?\)\(\[\]]+$/ @stopwords = { :en => %w(a about above across afore after against along alongside amid amidst among amongst an and anenst apropos apud around as aside astride at athwart atop barring before behind below beneath beside besides between beyond but by circa despite d down during except for forenenst from given in inside into lest like modulo near next nor notwithstanding of off on onto or out over per plus pro qua sans since so than the through thru throughout thruout till to toward towards under underneath until unto up upon versus vs v via vis-à-vis with within without) } class << self attr_reader :available, :stopwords def inherited(base) Format.available << base end def load(name = nil) return new unless name return name if name.is_a?(Format) name = name.to_s.downcase klass = available.detect do |format| format.name.split('::')[-1].downcase == name end raise(Error, "unknown format: #{name}") unless klass klass.new end def stopword?(word, locale = :en) return unless stopwords.key?(locale) stopwords[locale].include?(word.downcase) end def squeezable?(string) squeezable === string end def squeezable @squeezable ||= Format.squeezable end end attr_reader :locale def keys @keys ||= (CSL::Schema.attr(:formatting) - [:prefix, :suffix, :display]) end def squeezable?(string) self.class.squeezable?(string) end def squeeze_suffix(string, suffix) raise ArgumentError unless string.is_a?(::String) raise ArgumentError unless suffix.is_a?(::String) return string.dup if suffix.empty? return suffix.dup if string.empty? string, stripped = strip(string) string, quotes = split_closing_quotes(string) suffix = decode_entities(suffix) suffix = suffix.each_char.drop_while.with_index { |c, i| squeezable?(c) && string.end_with?(suffix[0, i + 1]) }.join('') # Handle special cases like ?. or ;. if suffix.start_with?('.') && string.end_with?(';', ',', '!', '?', ':') suffix = suffix[1..-1] end # Handle special cases ;, and :, if suffix.start_with?(',') && string.end_with?(';', ':') suffix = suffix[1..-1] end # Handle special cases ,; and :; if suffix.start_with?(';') && string.end_with?(',', ':') suffix = suffix[1..-1] end # Handle punctiation-in-quote if !quotes.nil? && punctuation_in_quotes? if suffix.sub!(/^([\.,])/, '') punctuation = ($1).to_s end end "#{string}#{punctuation}#{quotes}#{stripped}#{suffix}" end def squeeze_prefix(string, prefix) raise ArgumentError unless string.is_a?(::String) raise ArgumentError unless prefix.is_a?(::String) prefix = prefix.reverse.each_char.drop_while.with_index { |c, i| squeezable?(c) && string.start_with?(prefix[-(i + 1) .. -1]) }.join('').reverse "#{prefix}#{string}" end alias concat squeeze_suffix def join(list, delimiter = nil) raise ArgumentError unless list.is_a?(Enumerable) return '' if list.length.zero? return list[0] if list.length == 1 if delimiter.nil? || delimiter.empty? list.inject do |m, n| concat(m, n) end else list.inject do |m, n| concat(concat(m, delimiter), n) end end end def bibliography(bibliography, locale = nil) bibliography.connector = "\n" * bibliography.entry_spacing bibliography end def apply(input, node, locale = nil) return '' if input.nil? return input if input.empty? || node.nil? return ArgumentError unless node.respond_to?(:formatting_options) @input, @output, @node, @locale = input, input.dup, node, locale setup! # NB: Layout nodes apply formatting to # affixes; all other nodes do not! if node.is_a? CSL::Style::Layout apply_prefix if options.key?(:prefix) apply_suffix if options.key?(:suffix) end keys.each do |format| if options.key?(format) method = "apply_#{format}".tr('-', '_') send method if respond_to?(method) end end unless options.empty? output.gsub!(/\.+/, '') if node.strip_periods? apply_quotes if node.quotes? && !locale.nil? finalize_content! unless node.is_a? CSL::Style::Layout apply_prefix if options.key?(:prefix) apply_suffix if options.key?(:suffix) end apply_display if options.key?(:display) finalize! output ensure cleanup! end def escape_quotes? false end def close_quote locale && locale.t('close-quote') || '"' end def close_inner_quote locale && locale.t('close-inner-quote') || "'" end def split_closing_quotes(string) string.split(/((#{Regexp.quote(close_inner_quote)}|#{Regexp.quote(close_quote)})+)$/, 2) end def apply_quotes output.replace locale.quote(output, escape_quotes?) end def apply_text_case case options[:'text-case'] when 'lowercase' output.replace CiteProc.downcase output when 'uppercase' output.replace CiteProc.upcase output when 'capitalize-first' output.sub!(/^([^\p{Alnum}]*)(\p{Ll})/) { "#{$1}#{CiteProc.upcase($2)}" } when 'capitalize-all' output.gsub!(/\b(\p{Ll})/) { CiteProc.upcase($1) } when 'sentence' output.sub!(/^([^\p{L}]*)(\p{Ll})/) { "#{$1}#{CiteProc.upcase($2)}" } output.gsub!(/\b(\p{Lu})(\p{Lu}+)\b/) { "#{$1}#{CiteProc.downcase($2)}" } when 'title' return if locale && locale.language != :en # TODO add support for stop words consisting of multiple words #output.gsub!(/\b(\p{Lu})(\p{Lu}+)\b/) { "#{$1}#{CiteProc.downcase($2)}" } # TODO exceptions: word followed by colon first = true output.gsub!(/\b(\p{L})([\p{L}\.]+)\b/) do |word| first_letter = $1 rest_of_word = $2 result = word if first_letter.match(/^\p{Ll}/) && (!Format.stopword?(word) || first) result = "#{CiteProc.upcase(first_letter)}#{rest_of_word}" end first = false result end output.gsub!(/(\.|\b)(\p{Ll})([\p{L}\.]+)\b$/) do |word| word_boundary = $1 first_letter = $2 rest_of_word = $3 if word_boundary == '.' word else "#{CiteProc.upcase(first_letter)}#{rest_of_word}" end end end end def punctuation_in_quotes? !locale.nil? && locale.punctuation_in_quotes? end def apply_display end def apply_prefix output.replace(squeeze_prefix(output, prefix)) end def apply_suffix output.replace(squeeze_suffix(output, suffix)) end def prefix options[:prefix].to_s end def suffix options[:suffix].to_s end def strip(string) string end protected attr_reader :input, :output, :node def options @options ||= @node.formatting_options end def finalize! end def finalize_content! end def setup! end def decode_entities(string) string.gsub(/&#x([0-9a-f]);/i) do [Integer("0x#{$1}")].pack('U') end end def cleanup! @input, @output, @node, @options = nil end end end end