#The Chimp class encapsulates the command-line program logic # module Chimp class Chimp attr_accessor :concurrency, :delay, :retry_count, :hold, :progress, :prompt, :quiet, :use_chimpd, :chimpd_host, :chimpd_port, :tags, :array_names, :deployment_names, :script, :all_scripts, :servers, :ssh, :report, :interactive, :action, :limit_start, :limit_end, :dry_run, :group, :job_id, :job_uuid, :job_note, :verify, :cli_args # # These class variables control verbosity # @@verbose = false @@quiet = false # # Set up reasonable defaults # def initialize # # General configuration options # @progress = false @prompt = true @verify = true @dry_run = false @interactive = true # # Job control options # @concurrency = 1 @delay = 0 @retry_count = 0 @hold = false @timeout = 900 @paused = false @limit_start = 0 @limit_end = 0 # # Action configuration # @action = :action_none @group = :default @group_type = :parallel @group_concurrency = 1 # # Options for selecting objects to work on # @current = true @match_all = true # This is an array of json data for each instance @servers = [] @arrays = [] @tags = [] @array_names = [] @deployment_names = [] @template = nil @script = nil @ssh = nil @ssh_user = "rightscale" @report = nil @inputs = {} @set_tags = [] @ignore_errors = false @break_array_into_instances = false @dont_check_templates_for_script = false # # chimpd configuration # @use_chimpd = false @chimpd_host = 'localhost' @chimpd_port = 9055 @chimpd_wait_until_done = false # # Will contain the operational scripts we have found # In the form: [name, href] @op_scripts = [] # # This will contain the href and the name of the script to be run # in the form: [name, href] @script_to_run = nil end # # Entry point for the chimp command line application # def run queue = ChimpQueue.instance arguments = [] ARGV.each { |arg| arguments << arg.clone } self.cli_args=arguments.collect {|param| param.gsub(/(?<==).*/) do |match| match='"'+match+'"' end }.join(" ") parse_command_line if @interactive check_option_validity if @interactive disable_logging unless @@verbose puts "chimp #{VERSION} executing..." if (@interactive and not @use_chimpd) and not @@quiet # # Wait for chimpd to complete tasks # if @chimpd_wait_until_done chimpd_wait_until_done exit end # # Send the command to chimpd for execution # if @use_chimpd timestamp = Time.now.to_i length = 6 self.job_uuid = (36**(length - 1) + rand(36**length - 36**(length - 1))).to_s(36) ChimpDaemonClient.submit(@chimpd_host, @chimpd_port, self, job_uuid) exit else # Connect to the Api Connection.instance if @interactive Connection.connect else Connection.connect_and_cache end end # If we're processing the command ourselves, then go # ahead and start making API calls to select the objects # to operate upon # # Get elements if --array has been passed get_array_info # Get elements if we are searching by tags get_server_info # At this stage @servers should be populated with our findings # Get ST info for all elements if not @servers.empty? get_template_info unless @servers.empty? puts "Looking for the rightscripts (This might take some time)" if (@interactive and not @use_chimpd) and not @@quiet get_executable_info end if Chimp.failure #This is the failure point when executing standalone Log.error "##################################################" Log.error "[#{Chimp.get_job_uuid}] API CALL FAILED FOR:" Log.error "[#{Chimp.get_job_uuid}] chimp #{@cli_args} " Log.error "[#{Chimp.get_job_uuid}] Run manually!" Log.error "##################################################" exit 1 end # # Optionally display the list of objects to operate on # and prompt the user # if @prompt and @interactive list_of_objects = make_human_readable_list_of_objects confirm = (list_of_objects.size > 0 and @action != :action_none) or @action == :action_none if @script_to_run.nil? verify("Your command will be executed on the following:", list_of_objects, confirm) else verify("Your command \""+@script_to_run.params['right_script']['name']+"\" will be executed on the following:", list_of_objects, confirm) end end # # Load the queue with work # if not @servers.first.nil? and ( not @executable.nil? or @action == :action_ssh or @action == :action_report) jobs = generate_jobs(@servers, @server_template, @executable) add_to_queue(jobs) end # # Exit early if there is nothing to do # if @action == :action_none or ( queue.group[@group].nil? || queue.group[@group].size == 0) puts "No actions to perform." unless self.quiet else do_work end end # # Load up @array with server arrays to operate on # def get_array_info return if @array_names.empty? # The first thing to do here is make an api1.5 call to get the array hrefs. arrays_hrefs=get_hrefs_for_arrays(@array_names) # Then we filter on all the instances by this href all_instances = Connection.all_instances() unless arrays_hrefs.empty? if all_instances.nil? Log.debug "[#{Chimp.get_job_uuid}] No results from API query" else arrays_hrefs.each { |href| @servers += all_instances.select {|s| s['links']['incarnator']['href'] == href } } Log.debug "[#{Chimp.get_job_uuid}] Found #{@servers.count} servers for that array query" end # The result will be stored (not returned) into @servers end # # Go through each of the various ways to specify servers via # the command line (tags, deployments, etc.) and get all the info # needed from the RightScale API. # def get_server_info @servers += get_servers_by_tag(@tags) unless tags.empty? # Perhaps allow searchign by deployment @servers += get_servers_by_deployment(@deployment_names) unless @deployment_names.empty? end # # Get the ServerTemplate info from the API # def get_template_info # If we have a server or an array if not (@servers.first.nil? and @array_names.empty?) @server_template = detect_server_template(@servers) end end # # Get the Executable (RightScript) info from the API # def get_executable_info if not (@servers.empty? ) if (@script != nil) # If script is an uri/url no need to "detect it" # https://my.rightscale.com/acct/9202/right_scripts/205347 if @script =~ /\A#{URI::regexp}\z/ if not @use_chimpd || !@prompt puts "==================================================" puts "WARNING! You will be running this script on all " puts "server matches! (Press enter to continue)" puts "==================================================" gets end script_number = File.basename(@script) s = Executable.new s.delay = @delay s.params['right_script']['href']="right_script_href=/api/right_scripts/"+script_number #Make an 1.5 call to extract name, by loading resource. Log.debug "[#{Chimp.get_job_uuid}] Making API 1.5 call : client.resource(#{s.params['right_script']['href'].scan(/=(.*)/).last.last})" begin the_name = Connection.client.resource(s.params['right_script']['href'].scan(/=(.*)/).last.last).name rescue Log.error "[#{Chimp.get_job_uuid}] Failed to make 1.5 call for rightscript href" end s.params['right_script']['name'] = the_name @executable=s else #If its not an url, go ahead try to locate it in the ST" @executable = detect_right_script(@server_template, @script) end else # @script could be nil because we want to run ssh if @action == :action_ssh puts "Using SSH command: \"#{@ssh}\"" if @action == :action_ssh end end end end # # Parse command line options # def parse_command_line begin opts = GetoptLong.new( [ '--tag', '-t', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ], [ '--tag-use-and', '-a', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ], [ '--tag-use-or', '-o', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ], [ '--array', '-r', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ], [ '--deployment', '-e', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ], [ '--script', '-s', GetoptLong::OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT ], [ '--ssh', '-x', GetoptLong::OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT ], [ '--input', '-i', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ], [ '--set-template', '-m', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ], [ '--set-tag', '-w', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ], [ '--report', '-b', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ], [ '--progress', '-p', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ], [ '--verbose', '-v', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ], [ '--quiet', '-q', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ], [ '--noprompt', '-z', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ], [ '--concurrency', '-c', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ], [ '--delay', '-d', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ], [ '--retry', '-y', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ], [ '--hold', '-7', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ], [ '--dry-run', '-n', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ], [ '--limit', '-l', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ], [ '--version', '-1', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ], [ '--chimpd', '-f', GetoptLong::OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT ], [ '--chimpd-wait-until-done', '-j', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ], [ '--dont-check-templates', '-0', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ], [ '--ignore-errors', '-9', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ], [ '--ssh-user', '-u', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ], [ '--help', '-h', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ], [ '--group', '-g', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ], [ '--group-type', '-2', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ], [ '--group-concurrency', '-3', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ], [ '--timing-log', '-4', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ], [ '--timeout', '-5', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ], [ '--noverify', '-6', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ], [ '--exact-matching', '-8', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ], [ '--job-notes', '-k', GetoptLong::OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT ] ) opts.each do |opt, arg| case opt when '--help', '-h' help exit 0 when '--tag', '-t' @tags << arg when '--tag-use-and', '-a' @match_all = true when '--tag-use-or', '-o' @match_all = false when '--array', '-a' @array_names << arg when '--deployment', '-e' @deployment_names << arg when '--template', '-m' @template = arg when '--script', '-s' set_action(:action_rightscript) if arg == "" # Empty but not nil means show list of operational scripts to choose from @script = "" else @script = arg end when '--ssh', '-x' set_action(:action_ssh) @break_array_into_instances = true if arg == "" print "Enter SSH command line to execute: " @ssh = gets.chomp else @ssh = arg end when '--ssh-user', '-u' @ssh_user = arg when '--input', '-i' arg =~ /(.+)=(.+)/ @inputs[$1]=$2 when '--set-template', '-m' set_action(:action_set) @template = arg when '--set-tag', '-w' set_action(:action_set) @set_tags << arg when '--report', '-b' set_action(:action_report) @report = arg @@verbose = false @@quiet = true @break_array_into_instances = true @concurrency = 5 if @concurrency == 1 when '--progress', '-p' @progress = @progress ? false : true when '--noprompt', '-z' @prompt = false when '--concurrency', '-c' @concurrency = arg.to_i when '--delay', '-d' @delay = arg.to_i when '--hold', '-7' @hold = true when '--retry', '-y' @retry_count = arg.to_i when '--limit', '-l' @limit_start, @limit_end = arg.split(',') when '--verbose', '-v' @@verbose = true Log.threshold = Logger::DEBUG when '--quiet', '-q' @@quiet = true when '--dont-check-templates', '-0' @dont_check_templates_for_script = true when '--version' puts VERSION exit 0 when '--chimpd' @use_chimpd = true unless arg.empty? if arg =~ /[\d]+\.[\d]+\.[\d]+\.[\d]+:[\d]+/ @chimpd_host, @chimpd_port = arg.split(':') @chimpd_port = @chimpd_port.to_i else @chimpd_port = arg.to_i end end when '--chimpd-wait-until-done' @use_chimpd = true @chimpd_wait_until_done = true when '--dry-run', '-n' @dry_run = true when '--ignore-errors', '-9' @ignore_errors = true when '--group', '-g' @group = arg.to_sym when '--group-type' @group_type = arg.to_sym when '--group-concurrency' @group_concurrency = arg.to_i when '--job-notes' @job_notes = arg when '--timing-log' @timing_log = arg when '--timeout' @timeout = arg when '--noverify' @verify = false when '--exact-matching' @exact = true end end if @use_chimpd && ( @script.nil? || @script.empty? ) if @chimpd_wait_until_done == false puts "#######################################################" puts "ERROR: --script cannot be empty when sending to chimpd" puts "#######################################################" exit 1 end end rescue GetoptLong::InvalidOption => ex help exit 1 end # # Before we're totally done parsing command line options, # let's make sure that a few things make sense # if @group_concurrency > @concurrency @concurrency = @group_concurrency end end # # Check for any invalid combinations of command line options # def check_option_validity if @hold && !@array_names.empty? puts "ERROR: Holding of array objects is not yet supported" exit 1 end if @tags.empty? and @array_names.empty? and @deployment_names.empty? and not @chimpd_wait_until_done puts "ERROR: Please select the objects to operate upon." help exit 1 end if not @array_names.empty? and ( not @tags.empty? or not @deployment_names.empty? ) puts "ERROR: You cannot mix ServerArray queries with other types of queries." help exit 1 end end # # Api1.6 equivalent # def get_servers_by_tag(tags) # Take tags and collapse it, # Default case, tag is AND if @match_all t = tags.join("&tag=") filter = "tag=#{t}" servers = Connection.instances(filter) else t = tags.join(",") filter = "tag=#{t}" servers = Connection.instances(filter) end if servers.nil? if @ignore_errors Log.warn "[#{Chimp.get_job_uuid}] Tag query returned no results: #{tags.join(" ")}" else raise "[#{Chimp.get_job_uuid}] Tag query returned no results: #{tags.join(" ")}\n" end elsif servers.empty? if @ignore_errors Log.warn "[#{Chimp.get_job_uuid}] Tag query returned no results: #{tags.join(" ")}" else raise "[#{Chimp.get_job_uuid}] Tag query returned no results: #{tags.join(" ")}\n" end end servers = verify_tagged_instances(servers,tags) return(servers) end # # Verify that all returned instances from the API match our tag request # def verify_tagged_instances(servers,tags) array_list = servers # servers is an array of hashes # verify that each object contains the tags. if @match_all # has to contain BOTH matching_servers = array_list.select { |instance| (tags - instance['tags']).empty? } else # has to contain ANY matching_servers = array_list.select { |instance| tags.any? {|tag| instance['tags'].include?(tag) }} end # Shall there be a discrepancy, we need to raise an error and end the run. if matching_servers.size != servers.size if @ignore_errors Log.error "[#{Chimp.get_job_uuid}] #{servers.size - matching_servers.size} instances didnt match tag selection." Log.error "[#{Chimp.get_job_uuid}] #{tags.join(" ")}" Chimp.set_failure(true) Log.error "[#{Chimp.get_job_uuid}] Set failure to true because of discrepancy" servers = [] else raise "[#{Chimp.get_job_uuid}] #{servers.size - matching_servers.size} instances didnt match tag selection" end end return servers end # # Parse deployment names and get Server objects # def get_servers_by_deployment(names) servers = [] all_instances = Connection.all_instances if @exact result = all_instances.select {|i| names.any? {|n| i['links']['deployment']['name'].eql? n }} else result = all_instances.select {|i| names.any? {|n| i['links']['deployment']['name'] =~ /#{n}/ }} end servers = result return(servers) end # # Given some array names, return the arrays hrefs # Api1.5 # def get_hrefs_for_arrays(names) result = [] arrays_hrefs = [] if names.size > 0 names.each do |array_name| # Find if arrays exist, if not raise warning. # One API call per array Log.debug "[#{Chimp.get_job_uuid}] Making API 1.5 call: client.server_arrays.index(:filter => [#{array_name}])" result = Connection.client.server_arrays.index(:filter => ["name==#{array_name}"]) # Result is an array with all the server arrays if result.size != 0 if @exact #remove results that do not exactly match result.each{ |r| if array_names.include?(r.raw['name']) arrays_hrefs += [ r.href ] end } else arrays_hrefs += result.collect(&:href) end else if @ignore_errors Log.debug "[#{Chimp.get_job_uuid}] Could not find array \"#{array_name}\"" else Log.error "[#{Chimp.get_job_uuid}] Could not find array \"#{array_name}\"" end end end if ( arrays_hrefs.empty? ) Log.debug "[#{Chimp.get_job_uuid}] Did not find any arrays that matched!" unless names.size == 1 end return(arrays_hrefs) end end # # Given a list of servers # def detect_server_template(servers) Log.debug "[#{Chimp.get_job_uuid}] Looking for server template" st = [] if servers[0].nil? return (st) end st += servers.collect { |s| [s['href'],s['server_template']] }.uniq {|a| a[0]} # # We return an array of server_template resources # of the type [ st_href, st object ] # Log.debug "[#{Chimp.get_job_uuid}] Found server templates" return(st) end # # This function returns @script_to_run which is extracted from matching # the desired script against all server templates or the script URL # def detect_right_script(st, script) Log.debug "[#{Chimp.get_job_uuid}] Looking for rightscript" executable = nil # In the event that chimpd find @op_scripts as nil, set it as an array. if @op_scripts.nil? @op_scripts = [] end if st.nil? return executable end # Take the sts and extract all operational scripts @op_scripts = extract_operational_scripts(st) # if script is empty, we will list all common scripts # if not empty, we will list the first matching one if @script == "" and @script != nil # list all operational scripts reduce_to_common_scripts(st.size) script_id = list_and_select_op_script # Provide the name + href s = Executable.new s.params['right_script']['href'] = @op_scripts[script_id][1].right_script.href s.params['right_script']['name'] = @op_scripts[script_id][0] @script_to_run = s else # Try to find the rightscript in our list of common operational scripts @op_scripts.each do |rb| script_name = rb[0] if script_name.downcase.include?(script.downcase) # We only need the name and the href s = Executable.new s.params['right_script']['href'] = rb[1].right_script.href s.params['right_script']['name'] = script_name @script_to_run = s Log.debug "[#{Chimp.get_job_uuid}] Found rightscript" return @script_to_run end end # # If we reach here it means we didnt find the script in the operationals # if @script_to_run == nil # Search outside common op scripts search_for_script_in_sts(script, st) if @script_to_run.nil? if @interactive puts "ERROR: Sorry, didnt find that ( "+script+" ), provide an URI instead" puts "I searched in:" st.each { |s| puts " * "+s[1]['name']+" [Rev"+s[1]['version'].to_s+"]" } if not @ignore_errors exit 1 end else Log.error "["+self.job_uuid+"] Sorry, didnt find the script: ( "+script+" )!" return nil end else if self.job_uuid.nil? self.job_uuid = "" end Log.warn "["+self.job_uuid+"] \"#{@script_to_run.params['right_script']['name']}\" is not a common operational script!" return @script_to_run end end end end def search_for_script_in_sts(script, st) # Loop and look inside every st st.each do |s| Log.debug "[#{Chimp.get_job_uuid}] Making API 1.5 call: client.resource(#{s[1]['href']})" begin temp=Connection.client.resource(s[1]['href']) rescue Log.error "[#{Chimp.get_job_uuid}] Failed to load href for ST" end temp.runnable_bindings.index.each do |x| # Look for first match if x.raw['right_script']['name'].downcase.include?(script.downcase) Log.debug "[#{Chimp.get_job_uuid}] Found requested righscript: #{script}" # Provide the name + href s = Executable.new s.params['right_script']['href'] = x.raw['links'].find{|i| i['rel'] == 'right_script'}['href'] s.params['right_script']['name'] = x.raw['right_script']['name'] @script_to_run = s end end end # If we hit here, we never found the desired script return end # # Presents the user with a list of scripts contained in @op_scripts # and Returns an integer indicating the selection # # def list_and_select_op_script puts "List of available operational scripts:" puts "------------------------------------------------------------" for i in 0..@op_scripts.length - 1 puts " %3d. #{@op_scripts[i][0]}" % i end puts "------------------------------------------------------------" while true printf "Type the number of the script to run and press Enter (Ctrl-C to quit): " script_id = Integer(gets.chomp) rescue -1 if script_id >= 0 && script_id < @op_scripts.length puts "Script choice: #{script_id}. #{@op_scripts[ script_id ][0]}" break else puts "#{script_id < 0 ? 'Invalid input' : 'Input out of range'}." end end return script_id end # # Takes the number of st's to search in, # and reduces @op_scripts to only those who are # repeated enough times. # def reduce_to_common_scripts(number_of_st) counts = Hash.new 0 @op_scripts.each { |s| counts[s[0]] +=1 } b = @op_scripts.inject({}) do |res, row| res[row[0]] ||= [] res[row[0]] << row[1] res end b.inject([]) do |res, (key, values)| res << [key, values.first] if values.size >= number_of_st @op_scripts = res end end # # Returns all matching operational scripts in the st list passed # def extract_operational_scripts(st) op_scripts = [] size = st.size st.each do |s| # Example of s structure # ["/api/server_templates/351930003", # {"id"=>351930003, # "name"=>"RightScale Right_Site - 2015q1", # "kind"=>"cm#server_template", # "version"=>5, # "href"=>"/api/server_templates/351930003"} ] Log.debug "[#{Chimp.get_job_uuid}] Making API 1.5 call: client.resource (ST)" begin temp=Connection.client.resource(s[1]['href']) Log.debug "[#{Chimp.get_job_uuid}] API 1.5 call client.resource (ST) complete" temp.runnable_bindings.index.each do |x| # only add the operational ones if x.sequence == "operational" name = x.raw['right_script']['name'] op_scripts.push([name, x]) end end rescue Exception => e Log.error "[#{Chimp.get_job_uuid}] API 1.5 call client.resource (ST) failed" Log.error "[#{Chimp.get_job_uuid}] #{e.message}" end end #We now only have operational runnable_bindings under the script_objects array if op_scripts.length < 1 raise "ERROR: No operational scripts found on the server(s). " st.each {|s| puts " (Search performed on server template '#{s[1]['name']}')" } end return op_scripts end # # Load up the queue with work # def generate_jobs(queue_servers, queue_template, queue_executable) counter = 0 tasks = [] Log.debug "[#{Chimp.get_job_uuid}] Loading queue..." # # Configure group # if not ChimpQueue[@group] ChimpQueue.instance.create_group(@group, @group_type, @group_concurrency) end # # Process Server selection # Log.debug("[#{Chimp.get_job_uuid}] Processing server selection for task creation") queue_servers.sort! { |a,b| a['name'] <=> b['name'] } queue_servers.each do |server| # # Handle limiting options # counter += 1 next if @limit_start.to_i > 0 and counter < @limit_start.to_i break if @limit_end.to_i > 0 and counter > @limit_end.to_i # # Construct the Server object # s = Server.new s.params['href'] = server['href'] s.params['current_instance_href'] = s.params['href'] s.params['current-instance-href'] = s.params['href'] s.params['name'] = server['name'] s.params['nickname'] = s.params['name'] s.params['ip_address'] = server['public_ip_addresses'].first s.params['ip-address'] = s.params['ip_address'] s.params['private-ip-address'] = server['private_ip_addresses'].first s.params['private_ip_address'] = s.params['private-ip-address'] s.params['resource_uid'] = server['resource_uid'] s.params['resource-uid'] = s.params['resource_uid'] s.params['instance-type'] = server['links']['instance_type']['name'] s.params['instance_type'] = s.params['instance-type'] s.params['ec2_instance_type'] = s.params['instance-type'] s.params['ec2-instance-type'] = s.params['instance-type'] s.params['dns-name'] = server['public_dns_names'].first s.params['dns_name'] = s.params['dns-name'] s.params['locked'] = server['locked'] s.params['state'] = server['state'] s.params['datacenter'] = server['links']['datacenter']['name'] # This will be useful for later on when we need to run scripts Log.debug "[#{Chimp.get_job_uuid}] Making API 1.5 call: client.resource (SERVER) for task creation" begin s.object = Connection.client.resource(server['href']) Log.debug "[#{Chimp.get_job_uuid}] Making API 1.5 call: client.resource (SERVER) for task creation COMPLETE" rescue Log.error "[#{Chimp.get_job_uuid}] Failed to load server href via API1.5 for task creation" end e = nil # If @script has been passed if queue_executable e = ExecRightScript.new( :server => s, :exec => queue_executable, :job_uuid => @job_uuid, :job_notes => @job_notes, :inputs => @inputs, :timeout => @timeout, :delay => @delay, :concurrency => @concurrency, :verbose => @@verbose, :quiet => @@quiet ) elsif @ssh e = ExecSSH.new( :server => s, :ssh_user => @ssh_user, :exec => @ssh, :verbose => @@verbose, :quiet => @@quiet ) elsif @report if s.href e = ExecReport.new(:server => s, :verbose => @@verbose, :quiet => @@quiet) e.fields = @report end elsif @set_tags.size > 0 e = ExecSetTags.new(:server => s, :verbose => @@verbose, :quiet => @@quiet) e.tags = set_tags end if e != nil e.dry_run = @dry_run e.quiet = @@quiet e.status = Executor::STATUS_HOLDING if @hold Log.debug "[#{Chimp.get_job_uuid}] Pushing task (end of control)" tasks.push(e) end end return(tasks) end def add_to_queue(a) a.each { |task| ChimpQueue.instance.push(@group, task) } end # # Execute the user's command and provide for retrys etc. # def queue_runner(concurrency, delay, retry_count, progress) queue = ChimpQueue.instance queue.max_threads = concurrency queue.delay = delay queue.retry_count = retry_count total_queue_size = queue.size puts "Executing..." unless progress or not quiet pbar = ProgressBar.new("Executing", 100) if progress queue.start queue.wait_until_done(@group) do pbar.set(((total_queue_size.to_f - queue.size.to_f)/total_queue_size.to_f*100).to_i) if progress end pbar.finish if progress end # # Set the action # def set_action(a) raise ArgumentError.new "Cannot reset action" unless @action == :action_none @action = a end # # Allow user to verify results and retry if necessary # def verify_results(group = :default) failed_workers, results_display = get_results(group) # # If no workers failed, then we're done. # if failed_workers.empty? @paused = false return "continue" end # # Some workers failed; offer the user a chance to retry them # verify("The following objects failed:", results_display, false) unless @paused if !@prompt || @paused @paused = true sleep 15 return "pause" end while true puts "(R)etry failed jobs" puts "(A)bort chimp run" puts "(I)gnore errors and continue" command = gets() if command.nil? # # if command is nil, stdin is closed or its source ended # probably because we are in an automated environment, # then we pause like in '--no-prompt' scenario # puts 'Warning! stdin empty, using pause behaviour, use --no-prompt to avoid this message' @paused = true return 'pause' end if command =~ /^a/i puts "Aborting!" exit 1 elsif command =~ /^i/i puts "Ignoring errors and continuing" exit 0 elsif command =~ /^r/i puts "Retrying..." ChimpQueue.instance.group[group].requeue_failed_jobs! return "retry" end end end # # Get the results from the QueueRunner and format them # in a way that's easy to display to the user # def get_results(group_name) queue = ChimpQueue.instance Log.debug("getting results for group #{group_name}") results = queue.group[@group].results() failed_workers = [] results_display = [] results.each do |result| next if result == nil if result[:status] == :error name = result[:host] || "unknown" message = result[:error].to_s || "unknown" message.sub!("\n", "") failed_workers << result[:worker] results_display << "#{name[0..40]} >> #{message}" end end return [failed_workers, results_display] end def print_timings ChimpQueue.instance.group[@group].results.each do |task| puts "Host: #{task[:host]} Type: #{task[:name]} Time: #{task[:total]} seconds" end end def get_failures return get_results(@group) end # # Do work: either by submitting to chimpd # or running it ourselves. # def do_work done = false while not done queue_runner(@concurrency, @delay, @retry_count, @progress) if @interactive and @verify done = verify_results(@group) else done = true end end if not @verify failed_workers, results_display = get_results(group) exit 1 if failed_workers.size > 0 end puts "chimp run complete" end # # Completely process a non-interactive chimp object command # This is used by chimpd, when processing a task. # def process Chimp.set_failure(false) Chimp.set_job_uuid(job_uuid) Log.debug "[#{job_uuid}] Processing task" # Add to our "processing" counter Log.debug "[#{job_uuid}] Trying to get array_info" unless Chimp.failure get_array_info unless Chimp.failure Log.debug "[#{job_uuid}] Trying to get server_info" unless Chimp.failure get_server_info unless Chimp.failure Log.debug "[#{job_uuid}] Trying to get template_info" unless Chimp.failure get_template_info unless Chimp.failure Log.debug "[#{job_uuid}] Trying to get executable_info" unless Chimp.failure get_executable_info unless Chimp.failure # All elements of task have been processed if Chimp.failure Log.error '##################################################' Log.error '[' + job_uuid + '] API CALL FAILED FOR:' Log.error '[' + job_uuid + "] chimp #{@cli_args} " Log.error '[' + job_uuid + '] Run manually!' Log.error '##################################################' return [] elsif @servers.first.nil? || @executable.nil? Log.warn "[#{Chimp.get_job_uuid}] Nothing to do for \"chimp #{@cli_args}\"." # decrease our counter ChimpDaemon.instance.queue.processing[@group].delete(job_uuid.to_sym) ChimpDaemon.instance.proc_counter -= 1 return [] else Log.debug "[#{Chimp.get_job_uuid}] Generating job(s)..." # @servers might be > 1, but we might be using limit_start number_of_servers = if @limit_start.to_i > 0 || @limit_end.to_i > 0 @limit_end.to_i - @limit_start.to_i else # reminder, we already are accounting for at least 1 @servers.size - 1 end Log.debug 'Increasing processing counter (' + ChimpDaemon.instance.proc_counter.to_s + ') + ' + number_of_servers.to_s + ' for group ' + @group.to_s ChimpDaemon.instance.queue.processing[@group][job_uuid.to_sym] += number_of_servers ChimpDaemon.instance.proc_counter += number_of_servers Log.debug 'Processing counter now (' + ChimpDaemon.instance.proc_counter.to_s + ') for group ' + @group.to_s return generate_jobs(@servers, @server_template, @executable) end end # # Asks for confirmation before continuing # def ask_confirmation(prompt = 'Continue?', default = false) a = '' s = default ? '[Y/n]' : '[y/N]' d = default ? 'y' : 'n' until %w[y n].include? a a = ask("#{prompt} #{s} ") { |q| q.limit = 1; q.case = :downcase } a = d if a.length.zero? end a == 'y' end # # Connect to chimpd and wait for the work queue to empty, and # prompt the user if there are any errors. # def chimpd_wait_until_done local_queue = ChimpQueue.instance $stdout.print "Waiting for chimpd jobs to complete for group #{@group}..." begin while !@dry_run local_queue = ChimpQueue.instance # # load up remote chimpd jobs into the local queue # this makes all the standard queue control methods available to us # sleeping_counter = 0 while true local_queue.reset! begin all = ChimpDaemonClient.retrieve_group_info(@chimpd_host, @chimpd_port, @group, :all) rescue RestClient::ResourceNotFound sleep 5 $stdout.print "\nINFO: Waiting on group #{@group} to populate" retry end ChimpQueue.instance.create_group(@group) ChimpQueue[@group].set_jobs(all) if ChimpQueue[@group].done? Log.debug 'Group ' + @group.to_s + ' is completed' jobs = ChimpQueue[@group].size $stdout.print "\nINFO: Group #{@group} has completed (#{jobs} jobs)" break else Log.debug 'Group ' + @group.to_s + ' is not done.' end if sleeping_counter % 240 == 0 $stdout.print "\n(Still) Waiting for group #{@group}" unless sleeping_counter == 0 end $stdout.print "." $stdout.flush sleeping_counter += 5 sleep 5 end # # If verify_results returns false, then ask chimpd to requeue all failed jobs. # case verify_results(@group) when 'continue' break when 'retry' ChimpDaemonClient.retry_group(@chimpd_host, @chimpd_port, @group) when 'pause' @paused = true #stuck in this loop until action is taken end end ensure #$stdout.print " done\n" end end # # Disable rest_connection logging # def disable_logging ENV['REST_CONNECTION_LOG'] = "/dev/null" ENV['RESTCLIENT_LOG'] = "/dev/null" end # # Configure the Log object # def self.set_verbose(v=true, q=false) @@verbose = v @@quiet = q STDOUT.sync = true STDERR.sync = true Log.threshold= Logger::DEBUG if @@verbose end def self.verbose? return @@verbose end # # Always returns 0. Used for chimpd compatibility. # def job_id return 0 end def self.set_job_uuid(value) #This is a current thread variable to avoid cross-talk between threads Thread.current[:job_uuid] = value end def self.get_job_uuid return Thread.current[:job_uuid] end def self.set_failure(status) #This is a current thread variable to avoid cross-talk between threads Thread.current[:failure] = status end def self.failure return Thread.current[:failure] end #################################################### #private #################################################### # # Allow the user to verify the list of servers that an # operation will be run against. # def verify(message, items, confirm=true) puts message puts "==================================================" i = 0 items.sort.each do |item| i += 1 puts "%03d.#{item}" % i end puts "==================================================" if confirm puts "Press enter to confirm or ^C to exit" gets end end # # Verify that the given rightscript_executable (the object corresponding to the script) # that is associated with the server_template exists in all servers # (No need to check server arrays, they must all have the same template.) # # Returns: none. Prints a warning if any server does not have the script in its template. # def warn_if_rightscript_not_in_all_servers(servers, server_template, rightscript_executable) return if servers.length < 2 or not server_template or not rightscript_executable main_server_template = server_template main_server_template_name = main_server_template.params['nickname'] main_server_template_href = main_server_template.params['href'] # Find which server has the specified template (the "main" template) server_that_has_main_template = nil for i in (0..servers.length - 1) if servers[i] and servers[i]['server_template_href'] == main_server_template_href server_that_has_main_template = servers[i] break end end if not server_that_has_main_template puts "internal error validating rightscript presence in all servers" return end some_servers_have_different_template = false num_servers_missing_rightscript = 0 for i in (0..servers.length - 1) next if servers[i].empty? this_server_template_href = servers[i]['server_template_href'] # If the server's template has the same href, this server is good next if this_server_template_href == main_server_template_href if not some_servers_have_different_template some_servers_have_different_template = true if not @@quiet puts "Note: servers below have different server templates:" puts " - server '#{server_that_has_main_template['nickname']}: " if @@verbose puts " template name: '#{main_server_template_name}'" puts " href: '#{main_server_template_href}'" end end end this_server_template = ::ServerTemplate.find(this_server_template_href) next if this_server_template == nil if not @@quiet puts " - server '#{servers[i]['nickname']}: " if @@verbose puts " template name: '#{this_server_template.params['nickname']}'" puts " href: '#{this_server_template.params['href']}'" end end # Now check if the offending template has the rightscript in question has_script = false this_server_template.executables.each do |cur_script| if rightscript_executable['right_script']['href'] == cur_script['right_script']['href'] has_script = true break end end if not has_script if not @@quiet puts " >> WARNING: The above server's template does not include the execution rightscript!" end num_servers_missing_rightscript += 1 if num_servers_missing_rightscript == 1 if @@verbose puts " script name: \'#{rightscript_executable['right_script']['name']}\', href: \'#{rightscript_executable['right_script']['href']}\'" end end end end if some_servers_have_different_template if num_servers_missing_rightscript == 0 puts "Script OK. The servers have different templates, but they all contain the script, \'#{rightscript_executable['right_script']['name']}\'" else puts "WARNING: total of #{num_servers_missing_rightscript} servers listed do not have the rightscript in their template." end else if not @@quiet puts "Script OK. All the servers share the same template and the script is included in it." end end end # # Generate a human readable list of objects # def make_human_readable_list_of_objects list_of_objects = [] if @servers and not @servers.first.nil? list_of_objects += @servers.map { |s| s['name'] } end return(list_of_objects) end # # Print out help information # def help puts puts "chimp -- a RightScale Platform command-line tool" puts puts "To select servers using tags:" puts " --tag= example: --tag=service:dataservice=true" puts " --tag-use-and 'and' all tags when selecting servers (default)" puts " --tag-use-or 'or' all tags when selecting servers" puts puts "To select arrays or deployments:" puts " --array= array to execute upon" puts " --deployment= deployment to execute upon" puts puts "To perform an action, specify one of the following:" puts " --script=[||] name/uri/id of RightScript to run, empty for opscripts list" puts " --report=,... produce a report (see below)" puts " --ssh= command to execute via SSH" puts " --ssh-user= username to use for SSH login (default: root)" puts puts "Action options:" puts " --input=\"=\" set input for RightScript execution" puts puts "Execution options:" puts " --group= specify an execution group" puts " --group-type= specify group execution type" puts " --group-concurrency= specify group concurrency, e.g. for parallel groups" puts puts " --concurrency= number of concurrent actions to perform. Default: 1" puts " --delay= delay a number of seconds between operations" puts puts "General options:" puts " --dry-run only show what would be done" puts " --ignore-errors ignore errors when server selection fails" puts " --retry= number of times to retry. Default: 0" puts " --timeout= set the timeout to wait for a RightScript to complete" puts " --progress toggle progress indicator" puts " --noprompt don't prompt with list of objects to run against" puts " --noverify disable interactive verification of errors" puts " --verbose be more verbose" puts " --dont-check-templates don't check for script even if servers have diff. templates" puts " --quiet suppress non-essential output" puts " --version display version and exit" puts puts "chimpd options:" puts " --chimpd= send jobs to chimpd listening on on localhost" puts " --chimpd-wait-until-done wait until all chimpd jobs are done" puts " --hold create a job in chimpd without executing until requested" puts puts "Misc Notes:" puts " * If you leave the name of a --script or --ssh command blank, chimp will prompt you" puts " * URIs must be API URIs in the format https://us-3.rightscale.com/acct//right_scripts/" puts " * The following reporting keywords can be used: ip-address,name,href,private-ip-address,resource_uid," puts " * ec2-instance-type,datacenter,dns-name,locked,tag=foo" end end end