require 'hashie/mash' module Alula class Config def initialize(override = {}, config_file = "config.yml") @config = @_used = # Keep track of applied configuration # Load default configuration @config.update(DEFAULT_CONFIG) # Load project specific configuration @config.update(YAML.load_file(config_file)) if ::File.exists?(config_file) # Load overrides @config.update(override) end def write_cache(file), 'w') {|io| io.puts JSON.parse(@_used.to_json).to_yaml } end def method_missing(meth, *args, &blk) if meth[/=$/] @config.send(meth, *args) else value = @config.send(:[], meth) if value.kind_of?(Hashie::Mash) # Try environment value = value[environment] if value.has_key?(environment) end @_used.send("#{meth}=", value) value end end private DEFAULT_CONFIG = { # The title of the blog title: "The Unnamed Blog", # Tagline of the blog tagline: "This has no tagline.", # The author, default author: "John Doe", # The host where blog is available url: "http://localhost:3000", # Base locale which is used is no other locale defined locale: "en", hides_base_locale: true, # Hide default locale # Default theme theme: 'minimal', # Template for generating post permalinks permalinks: '/:locale/:year/:month/:title/', # Template for generating pages paths pagelinks: '/:locale/:slug', # Directories and storage storage: { file: { content_path: 'content', pages_path: 'content/pages', posts_path: 'content/posts', attachments_path: 'content/attachments', static_path: 'content/static', custom_path: 'custom', cache_path: 'cache', public_path: 'public', } }, # CDN Configuration cdn: { development: { hosts: ["/"] }, production: { hosts: ["/"] }, }, # Plugins plugins: {}, # Blog Content options content: { generators: { paginate: { items: 10, template: "/:locale/page/:page/", }, feedbuilder: { items: 10, name: "feed.xml", slug: "feed", template: "/:locale/:name", }, sitemap: {} }, filters: { smilies: nil, }, sidebar: [ :pages, :languages ] }, assets: { production: { compress: true, gzip: true, }, }, # Attachement Processors attachments: { "image" => { "size" => "800x600", "thumbnail" => "300x300", "keep_tags" => ["CopyrightNotice", "Title", "DateTimeOriginal"], "hires" => true, "lazyload" => true, }, "video" => { "size-hd" => "1280x720", "size-mobile-hd" => "1280x720", "size-sd" => "640x360", "size-mobile-sd" => "640x360", "thumbnail" => "300x300", "formats" => ["mp4", "webm", "ogg"], "hires" => true, "mobile" => true, }, "audio" => {}, "processors" => ["magick", "zencoder"], "magick" => {}, "zencoder" => { "bucket" => "alula.attachments", } } } end end