// silly custom pseudo just for tests
Q.pseudos.humanoid = function(e, v) { return Q.is(e, 'li:contains(human)') || Q.is(e, 'ol:contains(human)') }
var hasQSA = !!document.querySelectorAll
, sinkSuite = function (label, suite) {
sink(label + (hasQSA ? ' [qSA]' : ''), function () {
hasQSA && Q.configure({ useNativeQSA: true })
suite.apply(null, arguments)
hasQSA && sink(label + ' [non-QSA]', function () {
Q.configure({ useNativeQSA: false })
suite.apply(null, arguments)
sinkSuite('Contexts', function (test, ok) {
test('should be able to pass optional context', 2, function () {
ok(Q('.a').length === 3, 'no context found 3 elements (.a)');
ok(Q('.a', Q('#boosh')).length === 2, 'context found 2 elements (#boosh .a)');
test('should be able to pass string as context', 5, function() {
ok(Q('.a', '#boosh').length == 2, 'context found 2 elements(.a, #boosh)');
ok(Q('.a', '.a').length == 0, 'context found 0 elements(.a, .a)');
ok(Q('.a', '.b').length == 1, 'context found 1 elements(.a, .b)');
ok(Q('.a', '#boosh .b').length == 1, 'context found 1 elements(.a, #boosh .b)');
ok(Q('.b', '#boosh .b').length == 0, 'context found 0 elements(.b, #boosh .b)');
test('should be able to pass qwery result as context', 5, function() {
ok(Q('.a', Q('#boosh')).length == 2, 'context found 2 elements(.a, #boosh)');
ok(Q('.a', Q('.a')).length == 0, 'context found 0 elements(.a, .a)');
ok(Q('.a', Q('.b')).length == 1, 'context found 1 elements(.a, .b)');
ok(Q('.a', Q('#boosh .b')).length == 1, 'context found 1 elements(.a, #boosh .b)');
ok(Q('.b', Q('#boosh .b')).length == 0, 'context found 0 elements(.b, #boosh .b)');
test('should not return duplicates from combinators', 2, function () {
ok(Q('#boosh,#boosh').length == 1, 'two booshes dont make a thing go right');
ok(Q('#boosh,.apples,#boosh').length == 1, 'two booshes and an apple dont make a thing go right');
test('byId sub-queries within context', 6, function() {
ok(Q('#booshTest', Q('#boosh')).length == 1, 'found "#id #id"')
ok(Q('.a.b #booshTest', Q('#boosh')).length == 1, 'found ".class.class #id"')
ok(Q('.a>#booshTest', Q('#boosh')).length == 1, 'found ".class>#id"')
ok(Q('>.a>#booshTest', Q('#boosh')).length == 1, 'found ">.class>#id"')
ok(!Q('#boosh', Q('#booshTest')).length, 'shouldn\'t find #boosh (ancestor) within #booshTest (descendent)')
ok(!Q('#boosh', Q('#lonelyBoosh')).length, 'shouldn\'t find #boosh within #lonelyBoosh (unrelated)')
sinkSuite('CSS 1', function (test, ok) {
test('get element by id', 2, function () {
var result = Q('#boosh');
ok(!!result[0], 'found element with id=boosh');
ok(!!Q('h1')[0], 'found 1 h1');
test('byId sub-queries', 4, function() {
ok(Q('#boosh #booshTest').length == 1, 'found "#id #id"')
ok(Q('.a.b #booshTest').length == 1, 'found ".class.class #id"')
ok(Q('#boosh>.a>#booshTest').length == 1, 'found "#id>.class>#id"')
ok(Q('.a>#booshTest').length == 1, 'found ".class>#id"')
test('get elements by class', 6, function () {
ok(Q('#boosh .a').length == 2, 'found two elements');
ok(!!Q('#boosh div.a')[0], 'found one element');
ok(Q('#boosh div').length == 2, 'found two {div} elements');
ok(!!Q('#boosh span')[0], 'found one {span} element');
ok(!!Q('#boosh div div')[0], 'found a single div');
ok(Q('a.odd').length == 1, 'found single a');
test('combos', 1, function () {
ok(Q('#boosh div,#boosh span').length == 3, 'found 2 divs and 1 span');
test('class with dashes', 1, function() {
ok(Q('.class-with-dashes').length == 1, 'found something');
test('should ignore comment nodes', 1, function() {
ok(Q('#boosh *').length === 4, 'found only 4 elements under #boosh')
test('deep messy relationships', 6, function() {
// these are mostly characterised by a combination of tight relationships and loose relationships
// on the right side of the query it's easy to find matches but they tighten up quickly as you
// go to the left
// they are useful for making sure the dom crawler doesn't stop short or over-extend as it works
// up the tree the crawl needs to be comprehensive
ok(Q('div#fixtures > div a').length == 5, 'found four results for "div#fixtures > div a"')
ok(Q('.direct-descend > .direct-descend .lvl2').length == 1, 'found one result for ".direct-descend > .direct-descend .lvl2"')
ok(Q('.direct-descend > .direct-descend div').length == 1, 'found one result for ".direct-descend > .direct-descend div"')
ok(Q('.direct-descend > .direct-descend div').length == 1, 'found one result for ".direct-descend > .direct-descend div"')
ok(Q('div#fixtures div ~ a div').length == 0, 'found no results for odd query')
ok(Q('.direct-descend > .direct-descend > .direct-descend ~ .lvl2').length == 0, 'found no results for another odd query')
sinkSuite('CSS 2', function (test, ok) {
test('get elements by attribute', 4, function () {
var wanted = Q('#boosh div[test]')[0];
var expected = document.getElementById('booshTest');
ok(wanted == expected, 'found attribute');
ok(Q('#boosh div[test=fg]')[0] == expected, 'found attribute with value');
ok(Q('em[rel~="copyright"]').length == 1, 'found em[rel~="copyright"]');
ok(Q('em[nopass~="copyright"]').length == 0, 'found em[nopass~="copyright"]');
test('should not throw error by attribute selector', 1, function () {
ok(Q('[foo^="bar"]').length === 1, 'found 1 element');
test('crazy town', 1, function () {
var el = document.getElementById('attr-test3');
ok(Q('div#attr-test3.found.you[title="whatup duders"]')[0] == el, 'found the right element');
sinkSuite('attribute selectors', function (test, ok, b, a, assert) {
/* CSS 2 SPEC */
test('[attr]', 1, function () {
var expected = document.getElementById('attr-test-1');
ok(Q('#attributes div[unique-test]')[0] == expected, 'found attribute with [attr]');
test('[attr=val]', 3, function () {
var expected = document.getElementById('attr-test-2');
ok(Q('#attributes div[test="two-foo"]')[0] == expected, 'found attribute with =');
ok(Q("#attributes div[test='two-foo']")[0] == expected, 'found attribute with =');
ok(Q('#attributes div[test=two-foo]')[0] == expected, 'found attribute with =');
test('[attr~=val]', 1, function () {
var expected = document.getElementById('attr-test-3');
ok(Q('#attributes div[test~=three]')[0] == expected, 'found attribute with ~=');
test('[attr|=val]', 2, function () {
var expected = document.getElementById('attr-test-2');
ok(Q('#attributes div[test|="two-foo"]')[0] == expected, 'found attribute with |=');
ok(Q('#attributes div[test|=two]')[0] == expected, 'found attribute with |=');
test('[href=#x] special case', 1, function () {
var expected = document.getElementById('attr-test-4');
ok(Q('#attributes a[href="#aname"]')[0] == expected, 'found attribute with href=#x');
/* CSS 3 SPEC */
test('[attr^=val]', 1, function () {
var expected = document.getElementById('attr-test-2');
ok(Q('#attributes div[test^=two]')[0] == expected, 'found attribute with ^=');
test('[attr$=val]', 1, function () {
var expected = document.getElementById('attr-test-2');
ok(Q('#attributes div[test$=foo]')[0] == expected, 'found attribute with $=');
test('[attr*=val]', 1, function () {
var expected = document.getElementById('attr-test-3');
ok(Q('#attributes div[test*=hree]')[0] == expected, 'found attribute with *=');
test('direct descendants', 2, function () {
ok(Q('#direct-descend > .direct-descend').length == 2, 'found two direct descendents');
ok(Q('#direct-descend > .direct-descend > .lvl2').length == 3, 'found three second-level direct descendents');
test('sibling elements', 17, function () {
assert(Q('#sibling-selector ~ .sibling-selector').length, 2, 'found two siblings')
assert(Q('#sibling-selector ~ div.sibling-selector').length, 2, 'found two siblings')
assert(Q('#sibling-selector + div.sibling-selector').length, 1, 'found one sibling')
assert(Q('#sibling-selector + .sibling-selector').length, 1, 'found one sibling')
assert(Q('.parent .oldest ~ .sibling').length, 4, 'found four younger siblings')
assert(Q('.parent .middle ~ .sibling').length, 2, 'found two younger siblings')
assert(Q('.parent .middle ~ h4').length, 1, 'found next sibling by tag')
assert(Q('.parent .middle ~ h4.younger').length, 1, 'found next sibling by tag and class')
assert(Q('.parent .middle ~ h3').length, 0, 'an element can\'t be its own sibling')
assert(Q('.parent .middle ~ h2').length, 0, 'didn\'t find an older sibling')
assert(Q('.parent .youngest ~ .sibling').length, 0, 'found no younger siblings')
assert(Q('.parent .oldest + .sibling').length, 1, 'found next sibling')
assert(Q('.parent .middle + .sibling').length, 1, 'found next sibling')
assert(Q('.parent .middle + h4').length, 1, 'found next sibling by tag')
assert(Q('.parent .middle + h3').length, 0, 'an element can\'t be its own sibling')
assert(Q('.parent .middle + h2').length, 0, 'didn\'t find an older sibling')
assert(Q('.parent .youngest + .sibling').length, 0, 'found no younger siblings')
sinkSuite('Uniq', function (test, ok) {
test('duplicates arent found in arrays', 2, function () {
ok(Q.uniq(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']).length == 5, 'result should be a, b, c, d, e')
ok(Q.uniq(['a', 'b', 'c', 'c', 'c']).length == 3, 'result should be a, b, c')
sinkSuite('element-context queries', function(test, ok) {
test('relationship-first queries', 5, function() {
var pass = false
try { pass = Q('> .direct-descend', Q('#direct-descend')).length == 2 } catch (e) { }
ok(pass, 'found two direct descendents using > first');
pass = false
try { pass = Q('~ .sibling-selector', Q('#sibling-selector')).length == 2 } catch (e) { }
ok(pass, 'found two siblings with ~ first')
pass = false
try { pass = Q('+ .sibling-selector', Q('#sibling-selector')).length == 1 } catch (e) { }
ok(pass, 'found one sibling with + first')
pass = false
var ctx = Q('.idless')[0]
try { pass = Q('> .tokens a', ctx).length == 1 } catch (e) { }
ok(pass, 'found one sibling from a root with no id')
ok(!ctx.getAttribute('id'), 'root element used for selection still has no id')
// should be able to query on an element that hasn't been inserted into the dom
var frag = document.createElement('div')
frag.innerHTML = '
test('detached fragments', 2, function() {
ok(Q('.a span', frag).length == 1, 'should find child elements of fragment')
ok(Q('> div p em', frag).length == 2, 'should find child elements of fragment, relationship first')
test('byId sub-queries within detached fragment', 6, function () {
ok(Q('#emem', frag).length == 1, 'found "#id" in fragment')
ok(Q('.d.i #emem', frag).length == 1, 'found ".class.class #id" in fragment')
ok(Q('.d #oooo #emem', frag).length == 1, 'found ".class #id #id" in fragment')
ok(Q('> div #oooo', frag).length == 1, 'found "> .class #id" in fragment')
ok(!Q('#oooo', Q('#emem', frag)).length, 'shouldn\'t find #oooo (ancestor) within #emem (descendent)')
ok(!Q('#sep', Q('#emem', frag)).length, 'shouldn\'t find #sep within #emem (unrelated)')
test('exclude self in match', 1, function() {
ok(Q('.order-matters', Q('#order-matters')).length == 4, 'should not include self in element-context queries')
// because form's have .length
test('forms can be used as contexts', 1, function() {
ok(Q('*', Q('form')[0]).length === 3, 'found 3 elements under <form>')
sinkSuite('tokenizer', function (test, ok) {
test('should not get weird tokens', 5, function () {
ok(Q('div .tokens[title="one"]')[0] == document.getElementById('token-one'), 'found div .tokens[title="one"]');
ok(Q('div .tokens[title="one two"]')[0] == document.getElementById('token-two'), 'found div .tokens[title="one two"]');
ok(Q('div .tokens[title="one two three #%"]')[0] == document.getElementById('token-three'), 'found div .tokens[title="one two three #%"]');
ok(Q("div .tokens[title='one two three #%'] a")[0] == document.getElementById('token-four'), 'found div .tokens[title=\'one two three #%\'] a');
ok(Q('div .tokens[title="one two three #%"] a[href$=foo] div')[0] == document.getElementById('token-five'), 'found div .tokens[title="one two three #%"] a[href=foo] div');
sinkSuite('interesting syntaxes', function (test, ok) {
test('should parse bad selectors', 1, function () {
ok(Q('#spaced-tokens p em a').length, 'found element with funny tokens')
sinkSuite('order matters', function (test, ok) {
function tag(el) {
return el.tagName.toLowerCase();
test('the order of elements return matters', 4, function () {
var els = Q('#order-matters .order-matters');
ok(tag(els[0]) == 'p', 'first element matched is a {p} tag');
ok(tag(els[1]) == 'a', 'first element matched is a {a} tag');
ok(tag(els[2]) == 'em', 'first element matched is a {em} tag');
ok(tag(els[3]) == 'b', 'first element matched is a {b} tag');
sinkSuite('pseudo-selectors', function (test, ok) {
test(':contains', 4, function() {
ok(Q('li:contains(humans)').length == 1, 'found by "element:contains(text)"')
ok(Q(':contains(humans)').length == 5, 'found by ":contains(text)", including all ancestors')
// * is an important case, can cause weird errors
ok(Q('*:contains(humans)').length == 5, 'found by "*:contains(text)", including all ancestors')
ok(Q('ol:contains(humans)').length == 1, 'found by "ancestor:contains(text)"')
test(':not', 1, function() {
ok(Q('.odd:not(div)').length == 1, 'found one .odd :not an <a>')
test(':first-child', 2, function () {
ok(Q('#pseudos div:first-child')[0] == document.getElementById('pseudos').getElementsByTagName('*')[0], 'found first child')
ok(Q('#pseudos div:first-child').length == 1, 'found only 1')
test(':last-child', 2, function () {
var all = document.getElementById('pseudos').getElementsByTagName('div');
ok(Q('#pseudos div:last-child')[0] == all[all.length - 1], 'found last child')
ok(Q('#pseudos div:last-child').length == 1, 'found only 1')
test('ol > li[attr="boosh"]:last-child', 2, function () {
var expected = document.getElementById('attr-child-boosh');
ok(Q('ol > li[attr="boosh"]:last-child').length == 1, 'only 1 element found');
ok(Q('ol > li[attr="boosh"]:last-child')[0] == expected, 'found correct element');
test(':nth-child(odd|even|x)', 4, function () {
var second = document.getElementById('pseudos').getElementsByTagName('div')[1];
ok(Q('#pseudos :nth-child(odd)').length == 4, 'found 4 odd elements');
ok(Q('#pseudos div:nth-child(odd)').length == 3, 'found 3 odd elements with div tag');
ok(Q('#pseudos div:nth-child(even)').length == 3, 'found 3 even elements with div tag');
ok(Q('#pseudos div:nth-child(2)')[0] == second, 'found 2nd nth-child of pseudos');
test(':nth-child(expr)', 6, function () {
var fifth = document.getElementById('pseudos').getElementsByTagName('a')[0];
var sixth = document.getElementById('pseudos').getElementsByTagName('div')[4];
ok(Q('#pseudos :nth-child(3n+1)').length == 3, 'found 3 elements');
ok(Q('#pseudos :nth-child(3n-2)').length == 3, 'found 3 elements'); // was +3n-2 but older safari no likey +
ok(Q('#pseudos :nth-child(-n+6)').length == 6, 'found 6 elements');
ok(Q('#pseudos :nth-child(-n+5)').length == 5, 'found 5 elements');
ok(Q('#pseudos :nth-child(3n+2)')[1] == fifth, 'second :nth-child(3n+2) is the fifth child');
ok(Q('#pseudos :nth-child(3n)')[1] == sixth, 'second :nth-child(3n) is the sixth child');
test(':nth-last-child(odd|even|x)', 4, function () {
var second = document.getElementById('pseudos').getElementsByTagName('div')[1];
ok(Q('#pseudos :nth-last-child(odd)').length == 4, 'found 4 odd elements');
ok(Q('#pseudos div:nth-last-child(odd)').length == 3, 'found 3 odd elements with div tag');
ok(Q('#pseudos div:nth-last-child(even)').length == 3, 'found 3 even elements with div tag');
ok(Q('#pseudos div:nth-last-child(6)')[0] == second, '6th nth-last-child should be 2nd of 7 elements');
test(':nth-last-child(expr)', 5, function () {
var third = document.getElementById('pseudos').getElementsByTagName('div')[2];
ok(Q('#pseudos :nth-last-child(3n+1)').length == 3, 'found 3 elements');
ok(Q('#pseudos :nth-last-child(3n-2)').length == 3, 'found 3 elements');
ok(Q('#pseudos :nth-last-child(-n+6)').length == 6, 'found 6 elements');
ok(Q('#pseudos :nth-last-child(-n+5)').length == 5, 'found 5 elements');
ok(Q('#pseudos :nth-last-child(3n+2)')[0] == third, 'first :nth-last-child(3n+2) is the third child');
test(':nth-of-type(expr)', 6, function () {
var a = document.getElementById('pseudos').getElementsByTagName('a')[0];
ok(Q('#pseudos div:nth-of-type(3n+1)').length == 2, 'found 2 div elements');
ok(Q('#pseudos a:nth-of-type(3n+1)').length == 1, 'found 1 a element');
ok(Q('#pseudos a:nth-of-type(3n+1)')[0] == a, 'found the right a element');
ok(Q('#pseudos a:nth-of-type(3n)').length == 0, 'no matches for every third a');
ok(Q('#pseudos a:nth-of-type(odd)').length == 1, 'found the odd a');
ok(Q('#pseudos a:nth-of-type(1)').length == 1, 'found the first a');
test(':nth-last-of-type(expr)', 3, function () {
var second = document.getElementById('pseudos').getElementsByTagName('div')[1];
ok(Q('#pseudos div:nth-last-of-type(3n+1)').length == 2, 'found 2 div elements');
ok(Q('#pseudos a:nth-last-of-type(3n+1)').length == 1, 'found 1 a element');
ok(Q('#pseudos div:nth-last-of-type(5)')[0] == second, '5th nth-last-of-type should be 2nd of 7 elements');
test(':first-of-type', 2, function () {
ok(Q('#pseudos a:first-of-type')[0] == document.getElementById('pseudos').getElementsByTagName('a')[0], 'found first a element')
ok(Q('#pseudos a:first-of-type').length == 1, 'found only 1')
test(':last-of-type', 2, function () {
var all = document.getElementById('pseudos').getElementsByTagName('div');
ok(Q('#pseudos div:last-of-type')[0] == all[all.length - 1], 'found last div element')
ok(Q('#pseudos div:last-of-type').length == 1, 'found only 1')
test(':only-of-type', 2, function () {
ok(Q('#pseudos a:only-of-type')[0] == document.getElementById('pseudos').getElementsByTagName('a')[0], 'found the only a element')
ok(Q('#pseudos a:first-of-type').length == 1, 'found only 1')
test(':target', 2, function () {
location.hash = '';
ok(Q('#pseudos:target').length == 0, '#pseudos is not the target');
location.hash = '#pseudos';
ok(Q('#pseudos:target').length == 1, 'now #pseudos is the target');
location.hash = '';
test('custom pseudos', 1, function() {
// :humanoid implemented just for testing purposes
ok(Q(':humanoid').length == 2, 'selected using custom pseudo')
sinkSuite('argument types', function (test, ok) {
test('should be able to pass in nodes as arguments', 5, function () {
var el = document.getElementById('boosh');
ok(Q(el)[0] == el, 'Q(el)[0] == el');
ok(Q(el, 'body')[0] == el, "Q(el, 'body')[0] == el");
ok(Q(el, document)[0] == el, "Q(el, document)[0] == el");
ok(Q(window)[0] == window, 'Q(window)[0] == window');
ok(Q(document)[0] == document, 'Q(document)[0] == document');
test('should be able to pass in an array of results as arguments', 5, function () {
var el = document.getElementById('boosh');
var result = Q([Q('#boosh'), Q(document), Q(window)]);
ok(result.length == 3, '3 elements in the combined set');
ok(result[0] == el, "result[0] == el");
ok(result[1] == document, "result[0] == document");
ok(result[2] == window, 'result[0] == window');
ok(Q([Q('#pseudos div.odd'), Q('#pseudos div.even')]).length == 6, 'found all the odd and even divs');
sinkSuite('is()', function (test, ok) {
var el = document.getElementById('attr-child-boosh');
test('simple selectors', 9, function () {
ok(Q.is(el, 'li'), 'tag');
ok(Q.is(el, '*'), 'wildcard');
ok(Q.is(el, '#attr-child-boosh'), '#id');
ok(Q.is(el, '[attr]'), '[attr]');
ok(Q.is(el, '[attr=boosh]'), '[attr=val]');
ok(!Q.is(el, 'div'), 'wrong tag');
ok(!Q.is(el, '#foo'), 'wrong #id');
ok(!Q.is(el, '[foo]'), 'wrong [attr]');
ok(!Q.is(el, '[attr=foo]'), 'wrong [attr=val]');
test('selector sequences', 2, function () {
ok(Q.is(el, 'li#attr-child-boosh[attr=boosh]'), 'tag#id[attr=val]');
ok(!Q.is(el, 'div#attr-child-boosh[attr=boosh]'), 'wrong tag#id[attr=val]');
test('selector sequences combinators', 7, function () {
ok(Q.is(el, 'ol li'), 'tag tag');
ok(Q.is(el, 'ol>li'), 'tag>tag');
ok(Q.is(el, 'ol>li+li'), 'tab>tag+tag');
ok(Q.is(el, 'ol#list li#attr-child-boosh[attr=boosh]'), 'tag#id tag#id[attr=val]');
ok(!Q.is(el, 'ol#list>li#attr-child-boosh[attr=boosh]'), 'wrong tag#id>tag#id[attr=val]');
ok(Q.is(el, 'ol ol li#attr-child-boosh[attr=boosh]'), 'tag tag tag#id[attr=val]');
ok(Q.is(Q('#token-four')[0], 'div#fixtures>div a'), 'tag#id>tag tag where ambiguous middle tag requires backtracking');
test('pseudos', 4, function() {
//TODO: more tests!
ok(Q.is(el, 'li:contains(hello)'), 'matching :contains(text)')
ok(!Q.is(el, 'li:contains(human)'), 'non-matching :contains(text)')
ok(Q.is(Q('#list>li')[2], ':humanoid'), 'matching custom pseudo')
ok(!Q.is(Q('#list>li')[1], ':humanoid'), 'non-matching custom pseudo')
test('context', 2, function () {
ok(Q.is(el, 'li#attr-child-boosh[attr=boosh]', Q('#list')[0]), 'context');
ok(!Q.is(el, 'ol#list li#attr-child-boosh[attr=boosh]', Q('#boosh')[0]), 'wrong context');
sinkSuite('selecting elements in other documents', function (test, ok) {
var doc = document.getElementById('frame').contentWindow.document
doc.body.innerHTML =
'' +
test('get element by id', 1, function () {
var result = Q('#hsoob', doc);
ok(!!result[0], 'found element with id=hsoob');
test('get elements by class', 6, function () {
ok(Q('#hsoob .a', doc).length == 2, 'found two elements');
ok(!!Q('#hsoob div.a', doc)[0], 'found one element');
ok(Q('#hsoob div', doc).length == 2, 'found two {div} elements');
ok(!!Q('#hsoob span', doc)[0], 'found one {span} element');
ok(!!Q('#hsoob div div', doc)[0], 'found a single div');
ok(Q('p.odd', doc).length == 1, 'found single br');
test('complex selectors', 4, function () {
ok(Q('.d ~ .sib', doc).length === 2, 'found one ~ sibling')
ok(Q('.a .d + .sib', doc).length === 1, 'found 2 + siblings')
ok(Q('#hsoob > div > .h', doc).length === 1, 'found span using child selectors')
ok(Q('.a .d ~ .sib[test="f g"]', doc).length === 1, 'found 1 ~ sibling with test attribute')
test('byId sub-queries', 3, function () {
ok(Q('#hsoob #spanny', doc).length == 1, 'found "#id #id" in frame')
ok(Q('.a #spanny', doc).length == 1, 'found ".class #id" in frame')
ok(Q('.a #booshTest #spanny', doc).length == 1, 'found ".class #id #id" in frame')
//ok(Q('> #hsoob', doc).length == 1, 'found "> #id" in frame') --> would be good to support this, needs some tweaking though
test('byId sub-queries within sub-context', 6, function () {
ok(Q('#spanny', Q('#hsoob', doc)).length == 1, 'found "#id -> #id" in frame')
ok(Q('.a #spanny', Q('#hsoob', doc)).length == 1, 'found ".class #id" in frame')
ok(Q('.a #booshTest #spanny', Q('#hsoob', doc)).length == 1, 'found ".class #id #id" in frame')
ok(Q('.a > #booshTest', Q('#hsoob', doc)).length == 1, 'found "> .class #id" in frame')
ok(!Q('#booshTest', Q('#spanny', doc)).length, 'shouldn\'t find #booshTest (ancestor) within #spanny (descendent)')
ok(!Q('#booshTest', Q('#lonelyHsoob', doc)).length, 'shouldn\'t find #booshTest within #lonelyHsoob (unrelated)')