=begin rdoc This module is included by the remote module and defines the remoting methods that the clouds can use to rsync or run remote commands =end module PoolParty module Remote module Remoter def rsync_storage_files_to_command(remote_instance) #TODO: rsync_to_command("#{Base.storage_directory}/", Base.remote_storage_path, remote_storage_path) if remote_instance "#{rsync_command} #{Base.storage_directory}/ #{remote_instance.ip}:#{Base.remote_storage_path}" if remote_instance end # rsync a file to a node. By default to the master node. def rsync_to_command(source, target=source, remote_instance=master) "#{rsync_command} #{source} #{remote_instance.ip}:#{target}" end def run_command_on_command(cmd="ls -l", remote_instance=nil) vputs "Running #{cmd} on #{remote_instance.name == %x[hostname].chomp ? "self (master)" : "#{remote_instance.name}"}" (remote_instance.nil? || remote_instance.name == %x[hostname].chomp) ? %x[#{cmd}] : "#{ssh_command(remote_instance)} '#{cmd}'" end def ssh_command(remote_instance) "#{ssh_string} #{remote_instance.ip}" end # Generic commandable strings def ssh_string (["ssh"] << ssh_array).join(" ") end # Array of ssh options # Includes StrictHostKeyChecking to no # Ssh with the user in Base # And including the keypair_path # "-l '#{Base.user}'", def ssh_array ["-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no", "-l #{Base.user}", '-i "'+full_keypair_path+'"'] end def scp_array ["-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no", '-i "'+full_keypair_path+'"'] end def rsync_command "rsync -azP --exclude cache -e '#{ssh_string} -l #{Base.user}'" end def remote_ssh_array ["-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no", "-l '#{Base.user}'", '-i "'+remote_keypair_path+'"'] end def remote_ssh_string (["ssh"] << remote_ssh_array).join(" ") end def remote_rsync_command "rsync -azP --exclude cache -e '#{remote_ssh_string}'" end # def scp_command(source, dest=target, remote_instance=master) # #TODO: check if source is Directory and add -r if it is # "scp #{source} #{remote_instance.ip}:#{dest} #{ssh_array.join(' ')}" # end # Get the names of the nodes. Mainly used for puppet templating def list_of_node_names(options={}) list_of_running_instances.collect {|ri| ri.name } end # An array of node ips. Mainly used for puppet templating def list_of_node_ips(options={}) list_of_running_instances.collect {|ri| ri.ip } end # Get the instance first instance file that exists on the system from the expected places # denoted in the local_instances_list_file_locations def get_working_listing_file local_instances_list_file_locations.reject {|f| f unless File.file?(f) }.first end # Expected places for the instances.list to be located at on the machine def local_instances_list_file_locations [ "#{Base.storage_directory}/#{name}-instances.list", "#{Base.base_config_directory}/#{name}-instances.list", "~/.#{name}-instances.list", "~/#{name}-instances.list", "#{name}-instances.list" ] end # List calculation methods # # Are the minimum number of instances running? def minimum_number_of_instances_are_running? list_of_running_instances.size >= minimum_instances.to_i end # Are the minimum number of instances NOT running? def minimum_number_of_instances_are_not_running? !(minimum_number_of_instances_are_running?) end # Can we shutdown an instance? def can_shutdown_an_instance? list_of_running_instances.size > minimum_instances.to_i end # Are too few instances running? def are_too_few_instances_running? list_of_running_instances.size < minimum_instances.to_i end # Are there more instances than allowed? def are_too_many_instances_running? list_of_running_instances.size > maximum_instances.to_i end # Request to launch a number of instances def request_launch_new_instances(num=1) out = [] num.times {out << launch_new_instance!} out end def request_launch_master_instance @inst = launch_new_instance! wait "5.seconds" when_no_pending_instances do vputs "Master has launched" reset! after_launch_master(@inst) end end def after_launch_master(inst=nil) vputs "After launch master in remoter" end # Let's terminate an instance that is not the master instance def request_termination_of_non_master_instance inst = nonmaster_nonterminated_instances.last terminate_instance!(inst.instance_id) if inst end # Can we start a new instance? def can_start_a_new_instance? maximum_number_of_instances_are_not_running? && list_of_pending_instances.size == 0 end # Are the maximum number of instances not running? def maximum_number_of_instances_are_not_running? list_of_running_instances.size < maximum_instances.to_i end # Are the maximum number of instances running? def maximum_number_of_instances_are_running? list_of_running_instances.size >= maximum_instances.to_i end # Launch new instance while waiting for the number of pending instances # to be zero before actually launching. This ensures that we only # launch one instance at a time def request_launch_one_instance_at_a_time when_no_pending_instances { launch_new_instance! } end # A convenience method for waiting until there are no more # pending instances and then running the block def when_no_pending_instances(&block) reset! if list_of_pending_instances.size == 0 vputs "" block.call if block else vprint "." wait "5.seconds" when_no_pending_instances(&block) end end # A convenience method for waiting until all the instances have an ip # assigned to them. This is useful when shifting the ip addresses # around on the instances def when_all_assigned_ips(&block) reset! if list_of_nonterminated_instances.select {|a| a.ip == "not.assigned" }.empty? block.call if block else vprint "." wait "5.seconds" when_all_assigned_ips(&block) end end # This will launch the minimum_instances if the minimum number of instances are not running # If the minimum number of instances are not running and if we can start a new instance def launch_minimum_number_of_instances if can_start_a_new_instance? && !minimum_number_of_instances_are_running? list_of_pending_instances.size == 0 ? request_launch_one_instance_at_a_time : wait("5.seconds") reset! launch_minimum_number_of_instances provision_slaves_from_n(minimum_instances.to_i) after_launched end end def provision_slaves_from_n(num=1) vputs "In provision_slaves_from_n: #{num}" reset! when_no_pending_instances do vputs "Waiting for 10 seconds" wait "10.seconds" # Give some time for ssh to startup @num_instances = list_of_running_instances.size vputs "(@num_instances - (num))..(@num_instances): #{(@num_instances - (num))..(@num_instances)}" last_instances = nonmaster_nonterminated_instances[(@num_instances - (num))..(@num_instances)] last_instances.each do |inst| vputs "Provision slave: #{inst}" # hide_output {PoolParty::Provisioner.process_clean_reconfigure_for!(inst, self)} # PoolParty::Provisioner.provision_slave(inst, self, false) unless inst.master? rescue vputs "Error" verbose ? provisioner_for(inst).install(testing) : hide_output { provisioner_for(inst).install(testing) } # hide_output {PoolParty::Provisioner.process_clean_reconfigure_for!(inst, self)} # cmd = ". /etc/profile && cloud-provision -i #{inst.name.gsub(/node/, '')} &" # vputs "Provision slave with command #{cmd}" end # PoolParty::Provisioner.reconfigure_master(self) end end # Launch the master and let the master handle the starting of the cloud # We should only launch an instance if there are no pending instances, in the case # that the master has launched, but is still pending # and if the master is not running AND we can start a new instance # Then wait for the master to launch def launch_and_configure_master!(testing=false) vputs "Requesting to launch new instance" log.debug "Launching master" request_launch_master_instance if list_of_pending_instances.size.zero? && can_start_a_new_instance? && !is_master_running? && !testing reset! unless testing vputs "" vputs "Waiting for there to be no pending instances..." when_no_pending_instances do when_all_assigned_ips {wait "20.seconds"} vputs "" vputs "Provisioning master..." # cleanup_storage_directory @provisioner = PoolParty::Provisioner::Capistrano.new(master, self, :ubuntu) verbose ? @provisioner.install(testing) : hide_output { @provisioner.install(testing) } after_launched end end end def list_of_nodes_exceeding_minimum_runtime list_of_running_instances.reject{|i| i.elapsed_runtime < minimum_runtime} end def are_any_nodes_exceeding_minimum_runtime? !list_of_nodes_exceeding_minimum_runtime.blank? end def is_master_running? !list_of_running_instances.select {|a| a.name == "master"}.first.nil? end # Stub method for the time being to handle expansion of the cloud def should_expand_cloud?(force=false) (are_too_few_instances_running? || are_expansion_rules_valid? ) || force || false end def are_expansion_rules_valid? valid_rules?(:expand_when) end # Stub method for the time being to handle the contraction of the cloud def should_contract_cloud?(force=false) return true if force ((are_any_nodes_exceeding_minimum_runtime? and are_too_many_instances_running?) || are_contraction_rules_valid?) || false end def are_contraction_rules_valid? valid_rules?(:contract_when) end # Expand the cloud # If we can start a new instance and the load requires us to expand # the cloud, then we should request_launch_new_instances # Wait for the instance to boot up and when it does come back # online, then provision it as a slave, this way, it is ready for action from the # get go def expand_cloud_if_necessary(force=false) if can_start_a_new_instance? && should_expand_cloud?(force) vputs "Expanding the cloud based on load" @num = 1 @num.times do |i| list_of_pending_instances.size == 0 ? request_launch_one_instance_at_a_time : wait("5.seconds") reset! vputs "request_launch_new_instances: #{@num}" provision_slaves_from_n(@num) after_launched end end end # Contract the cloud # If we can shutdown an instnace and the load allows us to contract # the cloud, then we should request_termination_of_non_master_instance def contract_cloud_if_necessary(force=false) if can_shutdown_an_instance? && should_contract_cloud?(force) vputs "Shrinking the cloud by 1" before_shutdown request_termination_of_non_master_instance end end # Callbacks # After launch callback # This is called after a new instance is launched def after_launched(force=false) end # Before shutdown callback # This is called before the cloud is contracted def before_shutdown end # Rsync a file or directory to a node. Rsync to master by default def rsync_to(source, target=source, num=0) str = "#{rsync_to_command(source, target, get_instance_by_number( num ))}" vputs "Running: #{str}" verbose ? Kernel.system(str) : hide_output {Kernel.system str} end # Rsync command to the instance def rsync_storage_files_to(instance=nil) hide_output {Kernel.system "#{rsync_storage_files_to_command(instance)}" if instance} end # Take the rsync command and execute it on the system # if there is an instance given def run_command_on(cmd, instance=nil) Kernel.system "#{run_command_on_command(cmd, instance)}" end # Ssh into the instance given def ssh_into(instance=nil) cmd = "#{ssh_command(instance)}" vputs "Running #{cmd}" Kernel.system cmd if instance end # Find the instance by the number given # and then ssh into the instance def ssh_into_instance_number(num=0) ssh_into( get_instance_by_number( num || 0 ) ) end # Run command on the instance by the number def run_command_on_instance_number(cmd="ls -l", num=0) run_command_on(cmd, get_instance_by_number( num || 0 ) ) end # Prepare reconfiguration on the master # TODO: Curious about the puppet/ssl problems... # puppetd --test --no-daemonize 2>&1 & # rm -rf /etc/puppet/ssl/*; def prepare_reconfiguration unless @prepared # cmd = "/etc/init.d/puppetmaster restart" # run_command_on(cmd, master) @prepared = true end end def self.included(receiver) receiver.extend self end end end end