#-- # Copyright (C) 2006 Andrea Censi # # This file is part of Maruku. # # Maruku is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Maruku is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Maruku; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA #++ # A series of helper functions for creating elements: they hide the # particular internal representation. # # Please, always use these instead of creating MDElement. # module MaRuKu module Helpers # if the first is a md_ial, it is used as such def md_el(node_type, children=[], meta={}, al=nil) if (e=children.first).kind_of?(MDElement) and e.node_type == :ial then if al al += e.ial else al = e.ial end children.shift end e = MDElement.new(node_type, children, meta, al) e.doc = @doc return e end def md_header(level, children, al=nil, line_no = -1) md_el(:header, children, {:level => level, :line_no => line_no}, al) end # Inline code def md_code(code, al=nil) md_el(:inline_code, [], {:raw_code => code}, al) end # Code block def md_codeblock(source, al=nil) md_el(:code, [], {:raw_code => source}, al) end def md_quote(children, al=nil) md_el(:quote, children, {}, al) end def md_li(children, want_my_par, al=nil) md_el(:li, children, {:want_my_paragraph=>want_my_par}, al) end def md_footnote(footnote_id, children, al=nil) md_el(:footnote, children, {:footnote_id=>footnote_id}, al) end def md_abbr_def(abbr, text, al=nil) md_el(:abbr_def, [], {:abbr=>abbr, :text=>text}, al) end def md_abbr(abbr, title) md_el(:abbr, [abbr], {:title=>title}) end def md_html(raw_html, al=nil) e = md_el(:raw_html, [], {:raw_html=>raw_html}) begin # remove newlines and whitespace at begin # end end of string, or else REXML gets confused raw_html = raw_html.gsub(/\A\s*[\s\n]*\Z/,'>') raw_html = "#{raw_html}" e.instance_variable_set :@parsed_html, REXML::Document.new(raw_html) rescue REXML::ParseException => ex e.instance_variable_set :@parsed_html, nil maruku_recover "REXML cannot parse this block of HTML/XML:\n"+ add_tabs(raw_html,1,'|') + "\n"+ex.inspect # " #{raw_html.inspect}\n\n"+ex.inspect end e end def md_link(children, ref_id, al=nil) #puts "LINK>>> '#{ref_id}'" md_el(:link, children, {:ref_id=>ref_id.downcase}, al) end def md_im_link(children, url, title=nil, al=nil) #puts "IM_LINK>>> '#{url}'" md_el(:im_link, children, {:url=>url,:title=>title}, al) end def md_image(children, ref_id, al=nil) md_el(:image, children, {:ref_id=>ref_id}, al) end def md_im_image(children, url, title=nil, al=nil) md_el(:im_image, children, {:url=>url,:title=>title},al) end def md_em(children, al=nil) md_el(:emphasis, [children].flatten, {}, al) end def md_br() md_el(:linebreak, [], {}, nil) end def md_hrule() md_el(:hrule, [], {}, nil) end def md_strong(children, al=nil) md_el(:strong, [children].flatten, {}, al) end def md_emstrong(children, al=nil) md_strong(md_em(children), al) end # def md_url(url, al=nil) #puts "URL>>> '#{url}'" md_el(:immediate_link, [], {:url=>url}, al) end # # def md_email(email, al=nil) md_el(:email_address, [], {:email=>email}, al) end def md_entity(entity_name, al=nil) md_el(:entity, [], {:entity_name=>entity_name}, al) end # Markdown extra def md_foot_ref(ref_id, al=nil) md_el(:footnote_reference, [], {:footnote_id=>ref_id}, al) end def md_par(children, al=nil, line_no = -1) #md_el(:paragraph, children, meta={}, al) md_el(:paragraph, children, {:line_no => line_no}, al) end # [1]: http://url [properties] def md_ref_def(ref_id, url, title=nil, meta={}, al=nil) meta[:url] = url meta[:ref_id] = ref_id meta[:title] = title if title md_el(:ref_definition, [], meta, al) end # inline attribute list def md_ial(al) al = Maruku::AttributeList.new(al) if not al.kind_of?Maruku::AttributeList md_el(:ial, [], {:ial=>al}) end # Attribute list definition def md_ald(id, al) md_el(:ald, [], {:ald_id=>id,:ald=>al}) end # Server directive def md_xml_instr(target, code) md_el(:xml_instr, [], {:target=>target, :code=>code}) end end end module MaRuKu class MDElement # outputs abbreviated form (this should be eval()uable to get the document) def inspect2 s = case @node_type when :paragraph "md_par(%s)" % children_inspect when :footnote_reference "md_foot_ref(%s)" % self.footnote_id.inspect when :entity "md_entity(%s)" % self.entity_name.inspect when :email_address "md_email(%s)" % self.email.inspect when :inline_code "md_code(%s)" % self.raw_code.inspect when :raw_html "md_html(%s)" % self.raw_html.inspect when :emphasis "md_em(%s)" % children_inspect when :strong "md_strong(%s)" % children_inspect when :immediate_link "md_url(%s)" % self.url.inspect when :image "md_image(%s, %s)" % [ children_inspect, self.ref_id.inspect] when :im_image "md_im_image(%s, %s, %s)" % [ children_inspect, self.url.inspect, self.title.inspect] when :link "md_link(%s,%s)" % [ children_inspect, self.ref_id.inspect] when :im_link "md_im_link(%s, %s, %s)" % [ children_inspect, self.url.inspect, self.title.inspect, ] when :ref_definition "md_ref_def(%s, %s, %s)" % [ self.ref_id.inspect, self.url.inspect, self.title.inspect ] when :ial "md_ial(%s)" % self.ial.inspect else return nil end if @al and not @al.empty? then s = s.chop + ", #{@al.inspect})" end s end end end