require 'spec_helper'
describe PrettyStrings do
it 'has a version number' do
expect(PrettyStrings::VERSION).not_to be nil
it "prettifies example #001" do
text = "Hello World. My name is Jonas."
expect( eq("Hello World. My name is Jonas.")
it "prettifies example #002" do
text = "{\cs6\f1\cf6\lang1024 <cf size="8" complexscriptssize="8">}Determination of time point of wound closure {\cs6\f1\cf6\lang1024 </cf><cf size="8" complexscriptssize="8" superscript="on">}K{\cs6\f1\cf6\lang1024 </cf>}"
expect( eq("Determination of time point of wound closure K")
it "prettifies example #003" do
text = "{\cs6\f1\cf6\lang1024 </cf><cf font="Arial" size="11" complexscriptsfont="Arial" complexscriptssize="11">}DermaPro{\cs6\f1\cf6\lang1024 </cf><cf font="Arial" size="11" complexscriptsfont="Arial" complexscriptssize="11" superscript="on">}®{\cs6\f1\cf6\lang1024 </cf><cf font="Arial" size="11" complexscriptsfont="Arial" complexscriptssize="11">} versus isotonic sodium chloride solution in patients with diabetic foot ulcers{\cs6\f1\cf6\lang1024 </cf>}"
expect( eq("DermaPro® versus isotonic sodium chloride solution in patients with diabetic foot ulcers")
it "prettifies example #004" do
text = "HS will not refund any applied registration fees or backorder fees for a backordered domain that has been allocated into a Customer's ownership and account."
expect( eq("HS will not refund any applied registration fees or backorder fees for a backordered domain that has been allocated into a Customer's ownership and account.")
it "prettifies example #005" do
text = "40 Hz nominal for a standard kit (48"/12"); >200 Hz for sensor alone"
expect( eq('40 Hz nominal for a standard kit (48"/12"); >200 Hz for sensor alone')
it "prettifies example #006" do
text = "The Edwards SAPIEN transcatheter heart valve is indicated for use in patients with symptomatic aortic stenosis (aortic valve area &lt;0.8 cm2) requiring aortic valve replacement who have high risk for operative mortality, or are “non-operable”, as determined by either or both of the following risk assessments:"
expect( eq("The Edwards SAPIEN transcatheter heart valve is indicated for use in patients with symptomatic aortic stenosis (aortic valve area <0.8 cm2) requiring aortic valve replacement who have high risk for operative mortality, or are “non-operable”, as determined by either or both of the following risk assessments:")
it "prettifies example #007" do
text = "{\f23 3.2.1} {\f23 SCUF (Slow Continuous Ultra-filtration):}"
expect( eq("3.2.1 SCUF (Slow Continuous Ultra-filtration):")
it "prettifies example #008" do
text = nil
expect( eq("")
it "prettifies example #009" do
text = "&lt;CharStyle:&gt;&lt;CharStyle:credit&gt;Reuter et al&lt;cSize:6.000000&gt;&lt;cBaselineShift:4.000000&gt;5&lt;cBaselineShift:&gt;&lt;cSize:&gt;"
expect( eq("Reuter et al5")
it "prettifies example #010" do
text = "Lifesciences S.A. · Ch. du Glapin 6 · 1162 Saint-Prex · Switzerland · 41.21.823.4300&lt;SoftReturn&gt;Edwards"
expect( eq("Lifesciences S.A. · Ch. du Glapin 6 · 1162 Saint-Prex · Switzerland · 41.21.823.4300Edwards")
it "prettifies example #011" do
text = "&lt;CharStyle:legal&gt;5."
expect( eq("5.")
it "prettifies example #012" do
text = "{0}No other express or implied warranty exists, including any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.{1}"
expect( eq("No other express or implied warranty exists, including any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.")
it "prettifies example #013" do
text = "&lt;CharStyle:legal&gt;"
expect( eq("")
it "prettifies example #014" do
text = "&lt;CharStyle:bullets&gt;&lt;cColor:PANTONE 561 C&gt;• &lt;cColor:&gt;Validated against the clinical gold-standard Swan-Ganz pulmonary artery catheter&lt;cSize:6.000000&gt;&lt;cBaselineShift:4.000000&gt;&lt;cLeading:14.000000&gt;1&lt;cLeading:&gt;&lt;cBaselineShift:&gt;&lt;cSize:&gt;"
expect( eq( "• Validated against the clinical gold-standard Swan-Ganz pulmonary artery catheter1")
it "prettifies example #015" do
text = "Hello\n\n\n\n\rWorld"
expect( eq("Hello World")
it "prettifies example #016" do
text = "{\f23 3.2.1}"
expect( eq("3.2.1")
it "prettifies example #017" do
text = "<CharStyle:body copy>The Fl<cTracking:-75>o<cTracking:>Trac system is easy to set up and use, providing real-time <SoftReturn>hemodynamic insight from pre-op to the operating room and to the ICU."
expect( eq("The FloTrac system is easy to set up and use, providing real-time hemodynamic insight from pre-op to the operating room and to the ICU.")
it "prettifies example #018" do
text = "Tabulka 1 ukazuje počet pozorovaných časných komplikací (< 30 dnů u nežádoucích účinků týkajících se chlopně), linearizované počty pozdních komplikací (> 30 dnů po operaci) a počty komplikací 1, 5 a 8 let po operaci."
expect( eq("Tabulka 1 ukazuje počet pozorovaných časných komplikací (< 30 dnů u nežádoucích účinků týkajících se chlopně), linearizované počty pozdních komplikací (> 30 dnů po operaci) a počty komplikací 1, 5 a 8 let po operaci.")
it "prettifies example #019" do
text = "<z6cW>33 - 47 mL/beat/m<V>2"
expect( eq("33 - 47 mL/beat/m2")
it "prettifies example #020" do
text = "Hello\t\tworld."
expect( eq("Hello world.")
it "prettifies example #021" do
text = "<CharStyle:body copy>The Supe<cTracking:-75>r<cTracking:>Track system is easy to set up and use, providing real-time <SoftReturn>insight and stats."
expect( eq("The SuperTrack system is easy to set up and use, providing real-time insight and stats.")
it "prettifies example #022" do
text = "The following tools are included: Déjà Vu X2 (Atril), memoQ (Kilgray), SDL Trados Studio 2009 (SDL) and Wordfast Pro (Wordfast)."
expect( eq("The following tools are included: Déjà Vu X2 (Atril), memoQ (Kilgray), SDL Trados Studio 2009 (SDL) and Wordfast Pro (Wordfast).")
it "prettifies example #023" do
text = "こんにちは、今日は土曜日。"
expect( eq("こんにちは、今日は土曜日。")
it "prettifies example #024" do
text = "**{date}** **{number}** **{email}** **{url}** test"
expect( eq("**{date}** **{number}** **{email}** **{url}** test")
it "prettifies example #025" do
text = "How satisfied were you with the way in which the car was handed over to you?<6>"
expect( eq("How satisfied were you with the way in which the car was handed over to you?")
it "prettifies example #026" do
text = "hello..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................."
expect( eq("hello")
it "prettifies example #027" do
text = "hello...what is your name."
expect( eq("hello...what is your name.")
it "prettifies example #028" do
text = "hello <3 and 3 and the temp is <8 and >6...what is your name."
expect( eq("hello <3 and 3 and the temp is <8 and >6...what is your name.")
it "prettifies example #029" do
text = "hello
This is HTML
expect( eq("hello This is HTML.")