require 'gisele' module Gisele # # Gisele - A Process Analyzer Toolset # # SYNOPSIS # gisele [--version] [--help] # gisele [--ast | --graph] PROCESS_FILE # # OPTIONS # #{summarized_options} # # DESCRIPTION # The Gisele process analyzer toolset provides tools and technique to model and analyze # complex process models such as care processes. # # When --no-sugar is specified, syntactic sugar is first removed before making any other # transformation. For now, this rewrites all `if` statements as explicit `case` guarded # commands. # # When --ast is used, the command parses the process file and prints its Abstract Syntax # Tree (AST) on standard output. By default, this option prints the AST for manual # debugging, that is with colors and extra information. Use --ast=ruby to get a ruby # array for automatic processing. # # When --graph is used, the command parses the process file. It then converts the AST into # a directed graph representing the process as a box-and-arrow workflow and outputs it on # standard output. For now, the only output format available is dot (from graphviz). # class Gisele::Command < Quickl::Command(__FILE__, __LINE__) # Install options options do |opt| @sugar = true opt.on('--no-sugar', 'Apply syntactic sugar removal') do @sugar = false end @compile_mode = [:ast, "debug"] opt.on('--ast=[MODE]', 'Compile as an abstract syntax tree (debug,ruby)') do |value| @compile_mode = [:ast, (value || "debug").to_sym] end opt.on('--graph=[MODE]', 'Compile as a workflow graph (dot)') do |value| @compile_mode = [:graph, (value || "dot").to_sym] end opt.on('--glts=[MODE]', 'Compile as guarded labeled transition system (dot)') do |value| @compile_mode = [:glts, (value || "dot").to_sym] end opt.on('-d', '--deterministic', 'Determinize gtls output?') do @determinize = true end opt.on('-e', '--explicit', 'Explicit guards in gtls output?') do @explicit = true end opt.on('-s', '--separate', 'Split guards from events in glts output?') do @separate = true end opt.on_tail('--help', "Show this help message") do raise Quickl::Help end opt.on_tail('--version', 'Show version and exit') do raise Quickl::Exit, "gisele #{Gisele::VERSION} (c) The University of Louvain" end end def execute(args) raise Quickl::Help unless args.size == 1 unless (file = Path(args.first)).exist? raise Quickl::IOAccessError, "File does not exists: #{file}" end ast = Gisele.ast(file) ast = unless @sugar send :"compile_#{@compile_mode.first}", ast, *@compile_mode[1..-1] end private def compile_ast(ast, option) require 'awesome_print' options = {} options = {index: false, plain: true} if option == :ruby ap ast, options end def compile_graph(ast, option) graph = puts graph.to_dot end def compile_glts(ast, mode) session = glts =, ast) glts = glts.determinize if @determinize glts = glts.separate if @separate glts = glts.explicit_guards! if @explicit case mode when :dot then puts glts.to_dot when :ruby then puts glts.to_ruby_literal when :text then puts glts.to_relation.to_text when :rash then puts glts.to_relation.to_rash else raise "Unrecognized --glts output mode `mode`" end ensure session.close if session end end # class Command end # module Gisele