require 'rib/plugin' require 'rib/api' class Rib::Shell include Rib::API trap('INT'){ raise Interrupt } def self.use mod include mod end attr_reader :config # Create a new shell. # # @api public # @param config [Hash] The config of the shell. # @option config [String] :config ('~/.rib/config.rb') # The path to Rib config file. # @option config [String] :name ('rib') # The name of the shell. Used for Rib application. # @option config [String] :result_prompt ('=> ') # @option config [String] :prompt ('>> ') # @option config [Binding, Object] :binding (new_private_binding) # The context of the shell. Could be an Object. # @option config [Array] :exit ([nil]) # The keywords to exit the shell. `nil` means EOF (ctrl+d). # @option config [Fixnum] :line (1) The beginning of line number. # @option config [String] :history_file ('~/.rib/config/history.rb') # (Only if {Rib::History} plugin is used) The path to history file. # @option config [Fixnum] :history_size (500) # (Only if {Rib::History} plugin is used) Maximum numbers of history. # @option config [Hash] :color (...) # (Only if {Rib::Color} plugin is used) Data type colors mapping. # @option config [String] :autoindent_spaces (' ') # (Only if {Rib::Autoindent} plugin is used) The indented string. def initialize(config={}) config[:binding] ||= new_private_binding self.config = {:result_prompt => '=> ', :prompt => '>> ', :exit => [nil], :line => 1 }.merge(config) @running = false end # Loops shell until user exits def loop before_loop @running = true in_loop self rescue Exception => e Rib.warn("Error while running loop:\n #{format_error(e)}") raise ensure @running = false after_loop end def running? !!@running end protected attr_writer :config private # Avoid namespace pollution from rubygems bin stub. # To be specific, version and str. def new_private_binding TOPLEVEL_BINDING.eval <<-RUBY singleton_class.module_eval do Rib.warn("Removing existing main...") if method_defined?(:main) def main; binding; end # any way to define
method? end ret = main singleton_class.send(:remove_method, 'main') # never pollute anything ret RUBY end end