brew-gem -- install gems as homebrew formulas ============================================= `brew gem` allows you to install any rubygem as a homebrew formula. It works by generating a stub formula for homebrew, which looks something like this: class Ronn < Formula def initialize(*args) @name = "ronn" @version = "0.7.3" super end def install system "gem", "install", name, "--version", version, "--install-dir", prefix end end This formula installs and unpacks all the dependencies under the Cellar path. So the package is completely self contained. Dependencies ------------ This requires a system rubygems version of 2.3 or greater There is a bug prior to 2.3 that doesn't install the full dependency tree properly when you use the install-dir flag. ``` sudo /usr/bin/gem update --system ``` Install ------- There are two ways to install `brew-gem`, via Homebrew or via Rubygems. Usually the Rubygems release will track ahead of the Homebrew recipe, so to receive the latest features, use the Rubygems install instructions. *Warning*: If you previously installed `brew-gem` with Homebrew, the Rubygems install method will fail. Run `brew unlink brew-gem` or `brew uninstall brew-gem` first. Via Rubygems: gem install brew-gem brew-gem install brew-gem Via Homebrew: brew install brew-gem Usage ----- brew gem install heroku To install a specific version: brew gem install heroku 3.8.3 To upgrade: brew gem upgrade heroku To uninstall: brew gem uninstall heroku To check information: brew gem info heroku Note: Installed gems are listed in `brew list` with prefix of `gem-`, like `gem-heroku`. ### BASH/ZSH Completions To make use of completions for your gem, you need to install the `bash-completion` formula: brew install bash-completion And then install a gem with the completion files in the following locations: * A directory named either `completion` or `completions` with the file being the name of the gem appended with the completion type. For example: `completions/tmuxinator.bash` * A file somewhere in your repo named `_completion.zsh`. Files with `.bash` and `.sh` will be associated with bash and files ending in `.zsh` will be associated with zsh. Philosophy ---------- This is **not** for installing development libraries, but for standalone binary tools that you want system wide. Troubleshooting ---------- If your seeing build errors similar to this: ```shell ==> Fetching opsicle from gem source ==> gem install /Library/Caches/Homebrew/opsicle-0.4.2.gem --no-rdoc --no-ri --no-user-install --install-dir /usr/local/Cellar/opsicle/0.4.2 --bindir /usr/local/Cellar/opsicle/0.4.2/bin make: *** [generator.bundle] Error 1 Gem files will remain installed in /usr/local/Cellar/opsicle/0.4.2/gems/json-1.8.1 for inspection. Results logged to /usr/local/Cellar/opsicle/0.4.2/gems/json-1.8.1/ext/json/ext/generator/gem_make.out READ THIS: ``` You probably have xcode 5.1 installed which changed the way the compilers handle flags. You'll need to set `ARCHFLAGS=-Wno-error=unused-command-line-argument-hard-error-in-future` before installing. _You may want to add this to your profile so you don't have to set it each time._