require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'test_helper') # In reality this tests several different classes: # 1) The parser itself # 2) The Command class # 3) The two different types of prefixes # 4) The Event class class ParserTest < Test::Unit::TestCase @@parser = Marvin::Parsers::SimpleParser context "When parsing a LIST" do setup { @parsed ="LIST #twilight_zone,#42") } should "not be nil" do assert !@parsed.nil? end should "have a command" do assert !@parsed.command.nil? end should "have not a prefix" do assert @parsed.command.prefix.nil? end should "have a code of LIST" do assert_equal "LIST", @parsed.command.code end should "have the correct arguments" do assert_equal ["#twilight_zone,#42"], @parsed.command.params end should "be able to convert to an event" do assert !@parsed.to_event.nil? end should "have the correct incoming event name" do assert_equal :incoming_list, @parsed.to_event.to_incoming_event_name end should "have the correct outgoing event name" do assert_equal :outgoing_list, @parsed.to_event.to_outgoing_event_name end should "convert to the correct hash" do assert_equal({:channel => "#twilight_zone,#42", :target => ""}, @parsed.to_event.to_hash) end end context "When parsing a JOIN" do setup { @parsed =":RelayBot! JOIN :#relayrelay") } should "not be nil" do assert !@parsed.nil? end should "have a command" do assert !@parsed.command.nil? end should "have a prefix" do assert !@parsed.command.prefix.nil? end should "have a code of JOIN" do assert_equal "JOIN", @parsed.command.code end should "have the correct arguments" do assert_equal ["#relayrelay"], @parsed.command.params end should "have a host mask" do assert @parsed.command.prefix.is_a?(Marvin::Parsers::Prefixes::HostMask) end should "have the correct nick" do assert_equal "RelayBot", @parsed.command.prefix.nickname end should "have the correct user" do assert_equal "n=MarvinBot", @parsed.command.prefix.user end should "have the correct host" do assert_equal "", end should "be able to convert to an event" do assert !@parsed.to_event.nil? end should "have the correct incoming event name" do assert_equal :incoming_join, @parsed.to_event.to_incoming_event_name end should "have the correct outgoing event name" do assert_equal :outgoing_join, @parsed.to_event.to_outgoing_event_name end should "convert to the correct hash" do assert_equal({:target => "#relayrelay", :key => ""}.merge(@parsed.command.prefix.to_hash), @parsed.to_event.to_hash) end end context "When parsing a PRIVMSG" do setup { @parsed =":SuttoL! PRIVMSG #relayrelay :testing...") } should "not be nil" do assert !@parsed.nil? end should "have a command" do assert !@parsed.command.nil? end should "have a prefix" do assert !@parsed.command.prefix.nil? end should "have a code of PRIVMSG" do assert_equal "PRIVMSG", @parsed.command.code end should "have the correct arguments" do assert_equal ["#relayrelay", "testing..."], @parsed.command.params end should "have a host mask" do assert @parsed.command.prefix.is_a?(Marvin::Parsers::Prefixes::HostMask) end should "have the correct nick" do assert_equal "SuttoL", @parsed.command.prefix.nickname end should "have the correct user" do assert_equal "n=SuttoL", @parsed.command.prefix.user end should "have the correct host" do assert_equal "", end should "be able to convert to an event" do assert !@parsed.to_event.nil? end should "have the correct incoming event name" do assert_equal :incoming_message, @parsed.to_event.to_incoming_event_name end should "have the correct outgoing event name" do assert_equal :outgoing_message, @parsed.to_event.to_outgoing_event_name end should "convert to the correct hash" do assert_equal({:target => "#relayrelay", :message => "testing..."}.merge(@parsed.command.prefix.to_hash), @parsed.to_event.to_hash) end end context "When parsing a numeric - 366" do setup { @parsed =" 366 testbot #testing :End of NAMES list") } should "not be nil" do assert !@parsed.nil? end should "have a command" do assert !@parsed.command.nil? end should "have a prefix" do assert !@parsed.command.prefix.nil? end should "have a code of 366" do assert_equal "366", @parsed.command.code end should "have the correct arguments" do assert_equal ["testbot", "#testing", "End of NAMES list"], @parsed.command.params end should "have a host mask" do assert @parsed.command.prefix.is_a?(Marvin::Parsers::Prefixes::Server) end should "have the correct name" do assert_equal "", end should "be able to convert to an event" do assert !@parsed.to_event.nil? end should "have the correct incoming event name" do assert_equal :incoming_numeric, @parsed.to_event.to_incoming_event_name end should "have the correct outgoing event name" do assert_equal :outgoing_numeric, @parsed.to_event.to_outgoing_event_name end should "convert to the correct hash" do assert_equal({:code => "366", :data => "testbot #testing :End of NAMES list"}.merge(@parsed.command.prefix.to_hash), @parsed.to_event.to_hash) end end context "When parsing a numeric - 004" do setup { @parsed =" 004 MarvinBot3000 hyperion-1.0.2b aAbBcCdDeEfFGhHiIjkKlLmMnNopPQrRsStTuUvVwWxXyYzZ01234569*@ bcdefFhiIklmnoPqstv") } should "not be nil" do assert !@parsed.nil? end should "have a command" do assert !@parsed.command.nil? end should "have a prefix" do assert !@parsed.command.prefix.nil? end should "have a code of 366" do assert_equal "004", @parsed.command.code end should "have the correct arguments" do assert_equal ["MarvinBot3000" , "", "hyperion-1.0.2b", "aAbBcCdDeEfFGhHiIjkKlLmMnNopPQrRsStTuUvVwWxXyYzZ01234569*@", "bcdefFhiIklmnoPqstv"], @parsed.command.params end should "have a host mask" do assert @parsed.command.prefix.is_a?(Marvin::Parsers::Prefixes::Server) end should "have the correct name" do assert_equal "", end should "be able to convert to an event" do assert !@parsed.to_event.nil? end should "have the correct incoming event name" do assert_equal :incoming_numeric, @parsed.to_event.to_incoming_event_name end should "have the correct outgoing event name" do assert_equal :outgoing_numeric, @parsed.to_event.to_outgoing_event_name end should "convert to the correct hash" do assert_equal({:code => "004", :data => "MarvinBot3000 hyperion-1.0.2b aAbBcCdDeEfFGhHiIjkKlLmMnNopPQrRsStTuUvVwWxXyYzZ01234569*@ bcdefFhiIklmnoPqstv"}.merge(@parsed.command.prefix.to_hash), @parsed.to_event.to_hash) end end end