# encoding: ASCII-8BIT # soap/baseData.rb: SOAP4R - Base type library # Copyright (C) 2000-2007 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi . # This program is copyrighted free software by NAKAMURA, Hiroshi. You can # redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms of Ruby's license; # either the dual license version in 2003, or any later version. require 'xsd/datatypes' require 'soap/soap' require 'xsd/codegen/gensupport' require 'soap/mapping/mapping' module SOAP ### ## Mix-in module for SOAP base type classes. # module SOAPModuleUtils include SOAP public def decode(elename) d = self.new d.elename = elename d end def to_data(str) new(str).data end end ### ## for SOAP type(base and compound) # module SOAPType attr_accessor :encodingstyle attr_accessor :elename attr_accessor :id attr_reader :precedents attr_accessor :root attr_accessor :parent attr_accessor :position attr_reader :extraattr attr_accessor :definedtype attr_accessor :force_typed def initialize(*arg) super @encodingstyle = nil @elename = XSD::QName::EMPTY @id = nil @precedents = [] @root = false @parent = nil @position = nil @definedtype = nil @extraattr = {} @force_typed = false end def inspect if self.is_a?(XSD::NSDBase) sprintf("#<%s:0x%x %s %s>", self.class.name, __id__, self.elename, self.type) else sprintf("#<%s:0x%x %s>", self.class.name, __id__, self.elename) end end def rootnode node = self while node = node.parent break if SOAPEnvelope === node end node end end ### ## for SOAP base type # module SOAPBasetype include SOAPType include SOAP attr_accessor :qualified def initialize(*arg) super @qualified = nil end end ### ## for SOAP compound type # module SOAPCompoundtype include SOAPType include SOAP attr_accessor :qualified def initialize(*arg) super @qualified = nil end end # marker for compound types which have named accessor module SOAPNameAccessible end ### ## Convenience datatypes. # class SOAPReference < XSD::NSDBase include SOAPBasetype extend SOAPModuleUtils public attr_accessor :refid # Override the definition in SOAPBasetype. def initialize(obj = nil) super() @type = XSD::QName::EMPTY @refid = nil @obj = nil __setobj__(obj) if obj end def __getobj__ @obj end def __setobj__(obj) @obj = obj @refid = @obj.id || SOAPReference.create_refid(@obj) @obj.id = @refid unless @obj.id @obj.precedents << self # Copies NSDBase information @obj.type = @type unless @obj.type end # Why don't I use delegate.rb? # -> delegate requires target object type at initialize time. # Why don't I use forwardable.rb? # -> forwardable requires a list of forwarding methods. # # ToDo: Maybe I should use forwardable.rb and give it a methods list like # delegate.rb... # def method_missing(msg_id, *params) if @obj @obj.send(msg_id, *params) else nil end end # for referenced base type such as a long value from Axis. # base2obj requires a node to respond to :data def data if @obj.respond_to?(:data) @obj.data end end def refidstr '#' + @refid end def self.create_refid(obj) 'id' + obj.__id__.to_s end def self.decode(elename, refidstr) if /\A#(.*)\z/ =~ refidstr refid = $1 elsif /\Acid:(.*)\z/ =~ refidstr refid = $1 else raise ArgumentError.new("illegal refid #{refidstr}") end d = super(elename) d.refid = refid d end end class SOAPExternalReference < XSD::NSDBase include SOAPBasetype extend SOAPModuleUtils def initialize super() @type = XSD::QName::EMPTY end def referred rootnode.external_content[external_contentid] = self end def refidstr 'cid:' + external_contentid end private def external_contentid raise NotImplementedError.new end end class SOAPNil < XSD::XSDNil include SOAPBasetype extend SOAPModuleUtils public def initialize(value = nil) super(value) @extraattr[XSD::AttrNilName] = 'true' end end # SOAPRawString is for sending raw string. In contrast to SOAPString, # SOAP4R does not do XML encoding and does not convert its CES. The string it # holds is embedded to XML instance directly as a 'xsd:string'. class SOAPRawString < XSD::XSDString include SOAPBasetype extend SOAPModuleUtils end ### ## Basic datatypes. # class SOAPAnySimpleType < XSD::XSDAnySimpleType include SOAPBasetype extend SOAPModuleUtils end class SOAPString < XSD::XSDString include SOAPBasetype extend SOAPModuleUtils SOAPENCType = QName.new(EncodingNamespace, StringLiteral) end class SOAPNormalizedString < XSD::XSDNormalizedString include SOAPBasetype extend SOAPModuleUtils SOAPENCType = QName.new(EncodingNamespace, NormalizedStringLiteral) end class SOAPToken < XSD::XSDToken include SOAPBasetype extend SOAPModuleUtils SOAPENCType = QName.new(EncodingNamespace, TokenLiteral) end class SOAPLanguage < XSD::XSDLanguage include SOAPBasetype extend SOAPModuleUtils SOAPENCType = QName.new(EncodingNamespace, LanguageLiteral) end class SOAPNMTOKEN < XSD::XSDNMTOKEN include SOAPBasetype extend SOAPModuleUtils SOAPENCType = QName.new(EncodingNamespace, NMTOKENLiteral) end class SOAPNMTOKENS < XSD::XSDNMTOKENS include SOAPBasetype extend SOAPModuleUtils SOAPENCType = QName.new(EncodingNamespace, NMTOKENSLiteral) end class SOAPName < XSD::XSDName include SOAPBasetype extend SOAPModuleUtils SOAPENCType = QName.new(EncodingNamespace, NameLiteral) end class SOAPNCName < XSD::XSDNCName include SOAPBasetype extend SOAPModuleUtils SOAPENCType = QName.new(EncodingNamespace, NCNameLiteral) end class SOAPID < XSD::XSDID include SOAPBasetype extend SOAPModuleUtils SOAPENCType = QName.new(EncodingNamespace, IDLiteral) end class SOAPIDREF < XSD::XSDIDREF include SOAPBasetype extend SOAPModuleUtils SOAPENCType = QName.new(EncodingNamespace, IDREFLiteral) end class SOAPIDREFS < XSD::XSDIDREFS include SOAPBasetype extend SOAPModuleUtils SOAPENCType = QName.new(EncodingNamespace, IDREFSLiteral) end class SOAPENTITY < XSD::XSDENTITY include SOAPBasetype extend SOAPModuleUtils SOAPENCType = QName.new(EncodingNamespace, ENTITYLiteral) end class SOAPENTITIES < XSD::XSDENTITIES include SOAPBasetype extend SOAPModuleUtils SOAPENCType = QName.new(EncodingNamespace, ENTITIESLiteral) end class SOAPBoolean < XSD::XSDBoolean include SOAPBasetype extend SOAPModuleUtils SOAPENCType = QName.new(EncodingNamespace, BooleanLiteral) end class SOAPDecimal < XSD::XSDDecimal include SOAPBasetype extend SOAPModuleUtils SOAPENCType = QName.new(EncodingNamespace, DecimalLiteral) end class SOAPFloat < XSD::XSDFloat include SOAPBasetype extend SOAPModuleUtils SOAPENCType = QName.new(EncodingNamespace, FloatLiteral) end class SOAPDouble < XSD::XSDDouble include SOAPBasetype extend SOAPModuleUtils SOAPENCType = QName.new(EncodingNamespace, DoubleLiteral) end class SOAPDuration < XSD::XSDDuration include SOAPBasetype extend SOAPModuleUtils SOAPENCType = QName.new(EncodingNamespace, DurationLiteral) end class SOAPDateTime < XSD::XSDDateTime include SOAPBasetype extend SOAPModuleUtils SOAPENCType = QName.new(EncodingNamespace, DateTimeLiteral) end class SOAPTime < XSD::XSDTime include SOAPBasetype extend SOAPModuleUtils SOAPENCType = QName.new(EncodingNamespace, TimeLiteral) end class SOAPDate < XSD::XSDDate include SOAPBasetype extend SOAPModuleUtils SOAPENCType = QName.new(EncodingNamespace, DateLiteral) end class SOAPGYearMonth < XSD::XSDGYearMonth include SOAPBasetype extend SOAPModuleUtils SOAPENCType = QName.new(EncodingNamespace, GYearMonthLiteral) end class SOAPGYear < XSD::XSDGYear include SOAPBasetype extend SOAPModuleUtils SOAPENCType = QName.new(EncodingNamespace, GYearLiteral) end class SOAPGMonthDay < XSD::XSDGMonthDay include SOAPBasetype extend SOAPModuleUtils SOAPENCType = QName.new(EncodingNamespace, GMonthDayLiteral) end class SOAPGDay < XSD::XSDGDay include SOAPBasetype extend SOAPModuleUtils SOAPENCType = QName.new(EncodingNamespace, GDayLiteral) end class SOAPGMonth < XSD::XSDGMonth include SOAPBasetype extend SOAPModuleUtils SOAPENCType = QName.new(EncodingNamespace, GMonthLiteral) end class SOAPHexBinary < XSD::XSDHexBinary include SOAPBasetype extend SOAPModuleUtils SOAPENCType = QName.new(EncodingNamespace, HexBinaryLiteral) end class SOAPBase64 < XSD::XSDBase64Binary include SOAPBasetype extend SOAPModuleUtils Type = SOAPENCType = QName.new(EncodingNamespace, Base64Literal) public def initialize(value = nil) super(value) @type = Type end def as_xsd @type = XSD::XSDBase64Binary::Type end end class SOAPAnyURI < XSD::XSDAnyURI include SOAPBasetype extend SOAPModuleUtils SOAPENCType = QName.new(EncodingNamespace, AnyURILiteral) end class SOAPQName < XSD::XSDQName include SOAPBasetype extend SOAPModuleUtils SOAPENCType = QName.new(EncodingNamespace, QNameLiteral) end class SOAPInteger < XSD::XSDInteger include SOAPBasetype extend SOAPModuleUtils SOAPENCType = QName.new(EncodingNamespace, IntegerLiteral) end class SOAPNonPositiveInteger < XSD::XSDNonPositiveInteger include SOAPBasetype extend SOAPModuleUtils SOAPENCType = QName.new(EncodingNamespace, NonPositiveIntegerLiteral) end class SOAPNegativeInteger < XSD::XSDNegativeInteger include SOAPBasetype extend SOAPModuleUtils SOAPENCType = QName.new(EncodingNamespace, NegativeIntegerLiteral) end class SOAPLong < XSD::XSDLong include SOAPBasetype extend SOAPModuleUtils SOAPENCType = QName.new(EncodingNamespace, LongLiteral) end class SOAPInt < XSD::XSDInt include SOAPBasetype extend SOAPModuleUtils SOAPENCType = QName.new(EncodingNamespace, IntLiteral) end class SOAPShort < XSD::XSDShort include SOAPBasetype extend SOAPModuleUtils SOAPENCType = QName.new(EncodingNamespace, ShortLiteral) end class SOAPByte < XSD::XSDByte include SOAPBasetype extend SOAPModuleUtils SOAPENCType = QName.new(EncodingNamespace, ByteLiteral) end class SOAPNonNegativeInteger < XSD::XSDNonNegativeInteger include SOAPBasetype extend SOAPModuleUtils SOAPENCType = QName.new(EncodingNamespace, NonNegativeIntegerLiteral) end class SOAPUnsignedLong < XSD::XSDUnsignedLong include SOAPBasetype extend SOAPModuleUtils SOAPENCType = QName.new(EncodingNamespace, UnsignedLongLiteral) end class SOAPUnsignedInt < XSD::XSDUnsignedInt include SOAPBasetype extend SOAPModuleUtils SOAPENCType = QName.new(EncodingNamespace, UnsignedIntLiteral) end class SOAPUnsignedShort < XSD::XSDUnsignedShort include SOAPBasetype extend SOAPModuleUtils SOAPENCType = QName.new(EncodingNamespace, UnsignedShortLiteral) end class SOAPUnsignedByte < XSD::XSDUnsignedByte include SOAPBasetype extend SOAPModuleUtils SOAPENCType = QName.new(EncodingNamespace, UnsignedByteLiteral) end class SOAPPositiveInteger < XSD::XSDPositiveInteger include SOAPBasetype extend SOAPModuleUtils SOAPENCType = QName.new(EncodingNamespace, PositiveIntegerLiteral) end ### ## Compound datatypes. # class SOAPStruct < XSD::NSDBase include Enumerable include SOAPCompoundtype include SOAPNameAccessible public def initialize(type = nil) super() @type = type || XSD::QName::EMPTY @array = [] @data = [] end def to_s str = '' self.each do |key, data| str << "#{key}: #{data}\n" end str end def add(name, value) value = SOAPNil.new if value.nil? @array.push(name) value.elename = value.elename.dup_name(name) @data.push(value) value.parent = self if value.respond_to?(:parent=) value end def [](idx) if idx.is_a?(Range) @data[idx] elsif idx.is_a?(Integer) if (idx > @array.size) raise ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsError.new('In ' << @type.name) end @data[idx] else if @array.include?(idx) @data[@array.index(idx)] else nil end end end def []=(idx, data) if @array.include?(idx) data.parent = self if data.respond_to?(:parent=) @data[@array.index(idx)] = data else add(idx, data) end end def key?(name) @array.include?(name) end def members @array end def have_member !@array.empty? end def to_obj hash = {} proptype = {} each do |k, v| value = v.respond_to?(:to_obj) ? v.to_obj : v.to_s case proptype[k] when :single hash[k] = [hash[k], value] proptype[k] = :multi when :multi hash[k] << value else hash[k] = value proptype[k] = :single end end hash end def each idx = 0 while idx < @array.length yield(@array[idx], @data[idx]) idx += 1 end end def replace members.each do |member| self[member] = yield(self[member]) end end def self.decode(elename, type) s = SOAPStruct.new(type) s.elename = elename s end end # SOAPElement is not typed so it is not derived from NSDBase. class SOAPElement include Enumerable include SOAPCompoundtype include SOAPNameAccessible attr_accessor :type # Text interface. attr_accessor :text alias data text def initialize(elename, text = nil) super() if elename.nil? elename = XSD::QName::EMPTY else elename = Mapping.to_qname(elename) end @encodingstyle = LiteralNamespace @elename = elename @type = nil @array = [] @data = [] @text = text end def inspect sprintf("#<%s:0x%x %s>", self.class.name, __id__, self.elename) + (@text ? " #{@text.inspect}" : '') + @data.collect { |ele| "\n#{ele.inspect}" }.join.gsub(/^/, ' ') end def set(value) @text = value end # Element interfaces. def add(value) name = value.elename.name @array.push(name) @data.push(value) value.parent = self if value.respond_to?(:parent=) value end def [](idx) if @array.include?(idx) @data[@array.index(idx)] else nil end end def []=(idx, data) if @array.include?(idx) data.parent = self if data.respond_to?(:parent=) @data[@array.index(idx)] = data else add(data) end end def key?(name) @array.include?(name) end def members @array end def have_member !@array.empty? end def to_obj if !have_member @text else hash = {} proptype = {} each do |k, v| value = v.respond_to?(:to_obj) ? v.to_obj : v.to_s case proptype[k] when :single hash[k] = [hash[k], value] proptype[k] = :multi when :multi hash[k] << value else hash[k] = value proptype[k] = :single end end hash end end def each idx = 0 while idx < @array.length yield(@array[idx], @data[idx]) idx += 1 end end def self.decode(elename) o = SOAPElement.new(elename) o end def self.from_objs(objs) objs.collect { |value| if value.is_a?(SOAPElement) value else k, v = value ele = from_obj(v) ele.elename = XSD::QName.new(nil, k) ele end } end # when obj is a Hash or an Array: # when key starts with "xmlattr_": # value is added as an XML attribute with the key name however the # "xmlattr_" is dropped from the name. # when key starts with "xmlele_": # value is added as an XML element with the key name however the # "xmlele_" is dropped from the name. # if else: # value is added as an XML element with the key name. def self.from_obj(obj, namespace = nil) return obj if obj.is_a?(SOAPElement) o = SOAPElement.new(nil) case obj when nil o.text = nil when Hash, Array obj.each do |name, value| addname, is_attr = parse_name(name, namespace) if value.is_a?(Array) value.each do |subvalue| if is_attr o.extraattr[addname] = subvalue else child = from_obj(subvalue, namespace) child.elename = addname o.add(child) end end else if is_attr o.extraattr[addname] = value else child = from_obj(value, namespace) child.elename = addname o.add(child) end end end else o.text = obj.to_s end o end def self.parse_name(obj, namespace = nil) qname = to_qname(obj, namespace) if /\Axmlele_/ =~ qname.name qname = XSD::QName.new(qname.namespace, qname.name.sub(/\Axmlele_/, '')) return qname, false elsif /\Axmlattr_/ =~ qname.name qname = XSD::QName.new(qname.namespace, qname.name.sub(/\Axmlattr_/, '')) return qname, true else return qname, false end end def self.to_qname(obj, namespace = nil) if obj.is_a?(XSD::QName) obj elsif /\A(.+):([^:]+)\z/ =~ obj.to_s XSD::QName.new($1, $2) else XSD::QName.new(namespace, obj.to_s) end end end class SOAPRawData < SOAPElement def initialize(obj) super(XSD::QName::EMPTY) @obj = obj end def to_xmlpart @obj.to_xmlpart end end class SOAPREXMLElementWrap def initialize(ele) @ele = ele end def to_xmlpart @ele.to_s end end class SOAPArray < XSD::NSDBase include SOAPCompoundtype include Enumerable public attr_accessor :sparse attr_reader :offset, :rank attr_accessor :size, :size_fixed attr_reader :arytype def initialize(type = nil, rank = 1, arytype = nil) super() @type = type || ValueArrayName @rank = rank @data = Array.new @sparse = false @offset = Array.new(rank, 0) @size = Array.new(rank, 0) @size_fixed = false @position = nil @arytype = arytype end def offset=(var) @offset = var @sparse = true end def add(value) self[*(@offset)] = value end def have_member !@data.empty? end def [](*idxary) if idxary.size != @rank raise ArgumentError.new("given #{idxary.size} params does not match rank: #{@rank}") end retrieve(idxary) end def []=(*idxary) value = idxary.slice!(-1) if idxary.size != @rank raise ArgumentError.new("given #{idxary.size} params(#{idxary}) does not match rank: #{@rank}") end idx = 0 while idx < idxary.size if idxary[idx] + 1 > @size[idx] @size[idx] = idxary[idx] + 1 end idx += 1 end data = retrieve(idxary[0, idxary.size - 1]) data[idxary.last] = value if value.is_a?(SOAPType) value.elename = ITEM_NAME # Sync type unless @type.name @type = XSD::QName.new(value.type.namespace, SOAPArray.create_arytype(value.type.name, @rank)) end value.type ||= @type end @offset = idxary value.parent = self if value.respond_to?(:parent=) offsetnext end def each @data.each do |data| yield(data) end end def to_a @data.dup end def replace @data = deep_map(@data) do |ele| yield(ele) end end def deep_map(ary, &block) ary.collect do |ele| if ele.is_a?(Array) deep_map(ele, &block) else new_obj = block.call(ele) new_obj.elename = ITEM_NAME new_obj end end end def include?(var) traverse_data(@data) do |v, *rank| if v.is_a?(SOAPBasetype) && v.data == var return true end end false end def traverse traverse_data(@data) do |v, *rank| unless @sparse yield(v) else yield(v, *rank) if v && !v.is_a?(SOAPNil) end end end def soap2array(ary) traverse_data(@data) do |v, *position| iteary = ary rank = 1 while rank < position.size idx = position[rank - 1] if iteary[idx].nil? iteary = iteary[idx] = Array.new else iteary = iteary[idx] end rank += 1 end if block_given? iteary[position.last] = yield(v) else iteary[position.last] = v end end end def position @position end private ITEM_NAME = XSD::QName.new(nil, 'item') def retrieve(idxary) data = @data rank = 1 while rank <= idxary.size idx = idxary[rank - 1] if data[idx].nil? data = data[idx] = Array.new else data = data[idx] end rank += 1 end data end def traverse_data(data, rank = 1) idx = 0 while idx < ranksize(rank) if rank < @rank and data[idx] traverse_data(data[idx], rank + 1) do |*v| v[1, 0] = idx yield(*v) end else yield(data[idx], idx) end idx += 1 end end def ranksize(rank) @size[rank - 1] end def offsetnext move = false idx = @offset.size - 1 while !move && idx >= 0 @offset[idx] += 1 if @size_fixed if @offset[idx] < @size[idx] move = true else @offset[idx] = 0 idx -= 1 end else move = true end end end def self.decode(elename, type, arytype) typestr, nofary = parse_type(arytype.name) rank = nofary.count(',') + 1 plain_arytype = XSD::QName.new(arytype.namespace, typestr) o = SOAPArray.new(type, rank, plain_arytype) size = [] nofary.split(',').each do |s| if s.empty? size.clear break else size << s.to_i end end unless size.empty? o.size = size o.size_fixed = true end o.elename = elename o end def self.create_arytype(typename, rank) "#{typename}[" << ',' * (rank - 1) << ']' end TypeParseRegexp = Regexp.new('^(.+)\[([\d,]*)\]$', nil, 'n') def self.parse_type(string) TypeParseRegexp =~ string return $1, $2 end end require 'soap/mapping/type_map' end