use magnus::exception::*; use magnus::{Error, RString, Symbol, Value}; use std::ffi::OsString; use std::fs::File; use std::io::{self, Read, Seek}; use std::os::unix::ffi::OsStringExt; use std::path::PathBuf; use crate::err; use crate::error::{MmapError, RubyError}; use crate::util; use crate::Result; /// The details of a `*.db` file. #[derive(Debug)] pub struct FileInfo { pub file: File, pub path: PathBuf, pub len: usize, pub multiprocess_mode: Symbol, pub type_: Symbol, pub pid: String, } impl FileInfo { /// Receive the details of a file from Ruby and store as a `FileInfo`. pub fn open_from_params(params: &[Value; 4]) -> magnus::error::Result { if params.len() != 4 { return Err(err!( arg_error(), "wrong number of arguments {} instead of 4", params.len() )); } let filepath = RString::from_value(params[0]) .ok_or_else(|| err!(arg_error(), "can't convert filepath to String"))?; // SAFETY: We immediately copy the string buffer from Ruby, preventing // it from being mutated out from under us. let path_bytes: Vec<_> = unsafe { filepath.as_slice().to_owned() }; let path = PathBuf::from(OsString::from_vec(path_bytes)); let mut file = File::open(&path).map_err(|_| { err!( arg_error(), "Can't open {}, errno: {}", path.display(), util::errno() ) })?; let stat = file .metadata() .map_err(|_| err!(io_error(), "Can't stat file, errno: {}", util::errno()))?; let length = util::cast_chk::<_, usize>(stat.len(), "file size")?; let multiprocess_mode = Symbol::from_value(params[1]) .ok_or_else(|| err!(arg_error(), "expected multiprocess_mode to be a symbol"))?; let type_ = Symbol::from_value(params[2]) .ok_or_else(|| err!(arg_error(), "expected file type to be a symbol"))?; let pid = RString::from_value(params[3]) .ok_or_else(|| err!(arg_error(), "expected pid to be a String"))?; file.rewind() .map_err(|_| err!(io_error(), "Can't fseek 0, errno: {}", util::errno()))?; Ok(Self { file, path, len: length, multiprocess_mode, type_, pid: pid.to_string()?, }) } /// Read the contents of the associated file into the buffer provided by /// the caller. pub fn read_from_file(&mut self, buf: &mut Vec) -> Result<()> { buf.clear(); buf.try_reserve(self.len).map_err(|_| { MmapError::legacy( format!("Can't malloc {}, errno: {}", self.len, util::errno()), RubyError::Io, ) })?; match self.file.read_to_end(buf) { Ok(n) if n == self.len => Ok(()), Ok(_) => Err(MmapError::io( "read", &self.path, io::Error::from(io::ErrorKind::UnexpectedEof), )), Err(e) => Err(MmapError::io("read", &self.path, e)), } } } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use magnus::{eval, RArray, Symbol}; use rand::{thread_rng, Rng}; use sha2::{Digest, Sha256}; use super::*; use crate::testhelper::TestFile; #[test] fn test_open_from_params() { let _cleanup = unsafe { magnus::embed::init() }; let ruby = magnus::Ruby::get().unwrap(); crate::init(&ruby).unwrap(); let file_data = b"foobar"; let TestFile { file: _file, path, dir: _dir, } = TestFile::new(file_data); let pid = "worker-1_0"; let args = RArray::from_value( eval(&format!("['{}', :max, :gauge, '{pid}']", path.display())).unwrap(), ) .unwrap(); let arg0 = args.shift().unwrap(); let arg1 = args.shift().unwrap(); let arg2 = args.shift().unwrap(); let arg3 = args.shift().unwrap(); let out = FileInfo::open_from_params(&[arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3]); assert!(out.is_ok()); let out = out.unwrap(); assert_eq!(out.path, path); assert_eq!(out.len, file_data.len()); assert_eq!(out.multiprocess_mode, Symbol::new("max")); assert_eq!(out.type_, Symbol::new("gauge")); assert_eq!(, pid); } #[test] fn test_read_from_file() { let _cleanup = unsafe { magnus::embed::init() }; let ruby = magnus::Ruby::get().unwrap(); crate::init(&ruby).unwrap(); const BUF_LEN: usize = 1 << 20; // 1MiB // Create a buffer with random data. let mut buf = vec![0u8; BUF_LEN]; thread_rng().fill(buf.as_mut_slice()); let TestFile { file, path, dir: _dir, } = TestFile::new(&buf); let mut info = FileInfo { file, path, len: buf.len(), multiprocess_mode: Symbol::new("puma"), type_: Symbol::new("max"), pid: "worker-0_0".to_string(), }; let mut out_buf = Vec::new(); info.read_from_file(&mut out_buf).unwrap(); assert_eq!(buf.len(), out_buf.len(), "buffer lens"); let mut in_hasher = Sha256::new(); in_hasher.update(&buf); let in_hash = in_hasher.finalize(); let mut out_hasher = Sha256::new(); out_hasher.update(&out_buf); let out_hash = out_hasher.finalize(); assert_eq!(in_hash, out_hash, "content hashes"); } }