When /^I (GET|PUT|POST|PATCH|DELETE)( to)? "(.*?)"$/ do |verb, unused, url_path| verb = verb.downcase.to_sym send(verb, render_string(url_path)) end When /^I (GET|PUT|POST|PATCH|DELETE)( to)? "([^"]*)" with:$/ do |verb, unused, url, params| options = {} params.hashes.each do |row| options[row[:Name]] = render_string(row[:Value]) end verb = verb.downcase.to_sym send(verb, render_string(url), options) end When /^I (GET|PUT|POST|PATCH|DELETE) to "(.*?)" with the JSON:$/ do |verb, url, body| verb = verb.downcase.to_sym send(verb, render_string(url), render_string(body)) end Then /^the response (should be|is) (\d+)$/ do |verb, code| expect(last_response.status).to eq(code), "expected #{code} got #{last_response.status} \n\n #{last_response.body} " end Then /^I should be redirected to "([^"]+)"$/ do |path| expect(last_response.location).to end_with path end Then /^I should receive the JSON:$/ do |json| template_vars['timestamp'] = Time.now.utc.iso8601 expected = JSON.parse(render_string(json)) begin received = JSON.parse(last_response.body) rescue JSON::ParserError => e raise "Unexpected response: #{last_response.body}\n#{e}" end expect(received).to eql(expected) end