module ActiveRecordReplica class Railtie < Rails::Railtie # Make the ActiveRecordReplica configuration available in the Rails application config # # Example: For this application ignore the current transactions since the application # has been coded to use ActiveRecordReplica.read_from_primary whenever # the current transaction must be visible to reads. # In file config/application.rb # # Rails::Application.configure do # # Read from replica even when in an active transaction # # The application will use ActiveRecordReplica.read_from_primary to make # # changes in the current transaction visible to reads # config.active_record_replica.ignore_transactions = true # end config.active_record_replica = ::ActiveRecordReplica # Initialize ActiveRecordReplica initializer "load active_record_replica", after: "active_record.initialize_database" do ActiveRecordReplica.install! end end end