module DeviseTokenAuth::Concerns::SetUserByToken extend ActiveSupport::Concern include DeviseTokenAuth::Controllers::Helpers included do after_action :update_auth_header end # user auth def set_user_by_token(mapping=nil) # determine target authentication class rc = resource_class(mapping) # no default user defined return unless rc # user has already been found and authenticated return @user if @user and @user.class == rc # parse header for values necessary for authentication uid = request.headers['uid'] @token = request.headers['access-token'] @client_id = request.headers['client'] return false unless @token # client_id isn't required, set to 'default' if absent @client_id ||= 'default' # mitigate timing attacks by finding by uid instead of auth token user = uid && rc.find_by_uid(uid) if user && user.valid_token?(@token, @client_id) sign_in(:user, user, store: false, bypass: true) # check this now so that the duration of the request itself doesn't eat # away the buffer @is_batch_request = is_batch_request?(user, @client_id) return @user = user else # zero all values previously set values return @user = @is_batch_request = nil end end def update_auth_header # cannot save object if model has invalid params return unless @user and @user.valid? and @client_id auth_header = {} if not DeviseTokenAuth.change_headers_on_each_request auth_header = @user.build_auth_header(@token, @client_id) response.headers.merge!(auth_header) # extend expiration of batch buffer to account for the duration of # this request elsif @is_batch_request @user.extend_batch_buffer(@token, @client_id) # update Authorization response header with new token else auth_header = @user.create_new_auth_token(@client_id) response.headers.merge!(auth_header) end end def resource_class(m=nil) if m mapping = Devise.mappings[m] else mapping = Devise.mappings[resource_name] || Devise.mappings.values.first end end private def is_batch_request?(user, client_id) user.tokens[client_id] and user.tokens[client_id]['updated_at'] and Time.parse(user.tokens[client_id]['updated_at']) > - DeviseTokenAuth.batch_request_buffer_throttle end end