= rwdhypernote - for rwdtinker and RubyWebDialogs
rwdhypernote is a little hierarchical notes editor
The GUI interface used is RubyWebDialogs
RubyWebDialogs is a platform independent graphical user interface for Ruby applications. It generates HTML and serves it with an internal HTTP server, so you can use your favorite web browser as the front end for your Ruby application. All this means, that it can be used on almost every platform, like Ruby itself. http://www.erikveen.dds.nl/rubywebdialogs/
== Quick Start
Start the program by typing
ruby init.rb
Then point your web browser to:
To exit, press the x inside the browser window.
== rwdhypernote
This program is a hierarchical notes editor
text notes can be entered and saved in a Notes directory
Notes can be saved in a hierarchical structure in directories
Links can be recorded connecting Notes -similar to wikiwiki
== Tabs
There are tabs to enter notes and links and edit configurations
View/Edit Note - to create a note or edit and existing note
View/Edit Links - to edit links
Note Utilities - to rename or delete notes
Edit Configuration - to change the configuration of rwdhypernote
== Using over a Network
To serve the application over your local LAN,change the last line in the
init.rb file to something like:
RwdTinker.file(RWDFile).serve(8080, "-r" ? ".rwduids" : nil)
Then you should be able to login at: http://yourhostname:8080
You have to authorize yourself. The .rwuids example is a string with
the name of the authorization file, relative to the home directory
of the user that started the service. This file has to be in the form of:
user1 = password
user2 = pass phrase
Thus the file .rwduids might contain:
erik = secret
== Requirements:
RubyWebDialogs - I am using 0.0.12
Ruby I am using version 1.8.2
I have tested this under Linux-Debian kernel 2.6.9
Closing the browser doesn't terminate the application. You have to use the application's close-button And terminating the application doesn't terminate the application when running in network mode. You just log out.
Don't use the back-button of the browser! Strange and unpredictable things may and will happen!
== contacts
For more information see:
For more information about RubyWebDialogs see:
Steven Gibson
== Changelog
Version 0.14
Limit files listed in note directories
refactored directory list code - removed a global
put back directory viewing in first window 2 note -bug:21796
move Notes directory to under rwd_files
Version 0.13
fix configuration file saving
add to directory structure user viewing
reduce directory lists
remove html files screens - they did not load properly
add open external documents
clean up button choices
clean up on screen descriptions
Version 0.12
moved hypernote windows to the back
updated to rwdtinker 1.74
Version 0.11
updated to latest Ruby webdialog
Version 0.10
Bug fix of html note editing
Version 0.09
added html view tab
added 2nd html view tab
moved text view to back window
Version 0.08
ability for listings by directories
setup Load New Title button
configuration file screen change
updated for rwdtinker 1.66
new helpabout
new documents list
Version 0.07
updated for rwdtinker version 1.63
changed handling of application name returned
added jump seletion options
added some unit tests
version 0.06
added configuration editing tab
added more help information
updated for rwdtinker version 1.60
add rwdapplication info to diagnostic
turn rescue on in diagnostic upload
version 0.05
beginning to add context help
updated for rwdtinker version 1.58
added rconftool use to update configuration files
changed applets removal to not use external rm
removed version number from directory name
version 0.04
corrected bug in note name on link tab
cleaned up variable names in list notes
version 0.03
view and edit note
view and edit links
rename and delete files
version 0.02
updated for rwdtinker 1.54
adding internal links
beginning help
version 0.01
First Release