module Trinidad module Extensions def self.configure_webapp_extensions(extensions, tomcat, app_context) if extensions extensions.each do |name, options| if extension = extension(name, 'WebAppExtension', options) extension.configure(tomcat, app_context) end end end end def self.configure_server_extensions(extensions, tomcat) if extensions extensions.each do |name, options| if extension = extension(name, 'ServerExtension', options) configured_tomcat = extension.configure(tomcat) tomcat = configured_tomcat if extension.override_tomcat? end end end tomcat end def self.configure_options_extensions(extensions, parser, default_options) if extensions extensions.each do |name, options| if extension = extension(name, 'OptionsExtension', options) extension.configure(parser, default_options) end end end end def self.extension(name, type, options) class_name = (name.to_s.camelize << type).to_sym load_extension(name) unless const_defined?(class_name) clazz = const_get(class_name) rescue nil if clazz end def self.load_extension(name) require "trinidad_#{name}_extension" end class Extension def initialize(options = {}) @options = options ? options.dup : {} end end class WebAppExtension < Extension def configure(tomcat, app_context) raise NotImplementedError, "#{self.class}#configure not implemented" end end class ServerExtension < Extension def configure(tomcat) raise NotImplementedError, "#{self.class}#configure not implemented" end def override_tomcat?; false; end # hack to allow override the tomcat's instance, it should be a better way end class OptionsExtension < Extension def configure(parser, default_options) raise NotImplementedError, "#{self.class}#configure not implemented" end end end end