module PopulateMe module DocumentMixins module Outcasting # This module prepares the field for being send to the Admin API # and build the form. # It compiles the value and all other info in a hash. # Therefore, it is a complement to the AdminAdapter module. def outcast field, item, o={} item = item.dup item[:input_name] = "#{o[:input_name_prefix]}[#{item[:field_name]}]" unless item[:type]==:list WebUtils.ensure_key! item, :input_value, self.__send__(field) end meth = "outcast_#{item[:type]}".to_sym if respond_to?(meth) __send__(meth, field, item, o) else item end end def outcast_string field, item, o={} if item.key? :autocomplete item = item.dup item[:autocomplete] = WebUtils.deep_copy(WebUtils.get_value(item[:autocomplete],self)) end item end def outcast_list field, item, o={} item = item.dup item[:items] = self.__send__(field).map do |nested| nested.to_admin_form(o.merge(input_name_prefix: item[:input_name]+'[]')) end item end def outcast_select field, item, o={} item = item.dup unless item[:select_options].nil? if item[:multiple]==true item[:input_name] = item[:input_name]+'[]' end opts = WebUtils.deep_copy(WebUtils.get_value(item[:select_options],self))! do |opt| if opt.is_a?(String)||opt.is_a?(Symbol) opt = [opt.to_s.capitalize,opt] end if opt.is_a?(Array) opt = {description: opt[0].to_s, value: opt[1].to_s} end if item[:input_value].respond_to?(:include?) opt[:selected] = true if item[:input_value].include?(opt[:value]) else opt[:selected] = true if item[:input_value]==opt[:value] end opt end if item[:multiple] (item[:input_value]||[]).reverse.each do |iv| opt = opts.find{|opt| opt[:value]==iv } opts.unshift(opts.delete(opt)) unless opt.nil? end end item[:select_options] = opts item else item end end def outcast_attachment field, item, o={} item = item.dup item[:url] = self.attachment(field).url item[:multiple] = ( and self.class.batch_field == field) item end def outcast_price field, item, o={} item = item.dup if item[:input_value].is_a?(Integer) item[:input_value] = WebUtils.display_price item[:input_value] end item end end end end