require_relative 'overlayer' class VLCProgrammer def self.to_english s @overlayer ||= OverLayer.allocate @overlayer.translate_time_to_human_readable s end def self.convert_to_full_xspf incoming mutes = incoming["mutes"] || {} blanks = incoming["blank_outs"] || {} mutes ={|k, v| [OverLayer.translate_string_to_seconds(k), OverLayer.translate_string_to_seconds(v), :mute]} blanks ={|k, v| [OverLayer.translate_string_to_seconds(k), OverLayer.translate_string_to_seconds(v), :blank]} combined = (mutes+blanks).sort combined.each{|s, e, t| puts 'warning--detected an end before a start' if e < s } # a = VLCProgrammer.convert_to_full_xspf({ "mutes" => {5=> 7}, "blank_outs" => {6=>7} } ) # should mute 5-6, skip 6-7 combined.each_with_index{|(start, endy, type), index| next if index == 0 # nothing to do there.. previous = combined[index-1] previous_end = previous[1] previous_type = previous[2] previous_start = previous[0] if type == :blank raise 'no overlap like that allowed as of yet' unless previous_end <= endy if previous_type == :mute && previous_end > start previous[1] = start # make it end when we start... end elsif type == :mute if previous_end > start if previous_end >= endy combined[index] = [nil] # null it's a mute subsumed by a blank apparently... if previous_type == :mute raise 'overlapping mute?' end else # start mine when the last one ended... combined[index] = [previous_end, endy, type] end end else raise 'unexpected' end } out = " Playlist " previous_end = 0 idx = 0 combined.each{|start, endy, type| next unless start next if endy <= start # ignore mutes wholly contained within blanks if previous_end != start # play up to next "questionable section" out += get_section("#{to_english previous_end} to #{to_english start} (clean)", previous_end, start, idx += 1) end # now play through the muted section... if type == :mute out += get_section "#{to_english start}s to #{to_english endy}s muted", start, endy, idx += 1, "no-audio" end previous_end = endy } # now play the rest of the movie... out += get_section to_english(previous_end) + " to end of film", previous_end, 1_000_000, idx += 1 out += get_section("Done", 0, 0, idx += 1, "", "vlc://quit") # and close the xml... out += "" end def self.get_section title, start, stop, idx, extra_setting = "", location = nil " #{title} #{idx} start-time=#{start} #{extra_setting} stop-time=#{stop} #{location ? location : "dvd://e:\@1"} " end end # 1.8.7 compat... class Symbol # Standard in ruby 1.9. See official documentation[] def <=>(with) return nil unless with.is_a? Symbol to_s <=> with.to_s end unless method_defined? :"<=>" end