require_relative '../../test_helper' describe WpaCliRuby do before do @wrapper = end describe "scan" do it "calls execute with the correct string" do @wrapper.expects(:execute).with("wpa_cli scan") @wrapper.scan end end describe "scan_results" do it "calls execute with the correct string" do @wrapper.expects(:execute).with("wpa_cli scan_results") @wrapper.scan_results end end describe "add_network" do it "calls execute with the correct string" do @wrapper.expects(:execute).with("wpa_cli add_network") @wrapper.add_network end end describe "set_network" do it "calls execute with the correct string" do @wrapper.expects(:execute).with("wpa_cli set_network 0 ssid '\"network_ssid\"'") @wrapper.set_network(0, 'ssid', 'network_ssid') end it "treats symbols as unquoted values" do @wrapper.expects(:execute).with("wpa_cli set_network 0 key_mgmt 'NONE'") @wrapper.set_network(0, 'key_mgmt', :NONE) end end describe "get_network" do it "calls execute with the correct string" do @wrapper.expects(:execute).with("wpa_cli get_network 0 ssid") @wrapper.get_network(0, 'ssid') end end describe "enable_network" do it "calls execute with the correct string" do @wrapper.expects(:execute).with("wpa_cli enable_network 0") @wrapper.enable_network(0) end end describe "save_config" do it "calls execute with the correct string" do @wrapper.expects(:execute).with("wpa_cli save_config") @wrapper.save_config end end end