require 'spec_helper' describe Ratis::NextBus2 do let(:empty_body) { {:nextbus_response => {:atstop => {:service => []}}} } describe '#where', vcr: {} do before do # appid # a short string that can be used to separate requests from different applications or different modules with # Optional (highly recommended) @stop_id = 10040 @conditions = { :stop_id => @stop_id } end describe "Developer can find a late bus to a stop" do it "will give developer happiness :-)" do pending "don't run unless needed" require 'pp' 10001.upto(10039).each do |id| puts id response = Ratis::NextBus2.where(@conditions.dup.merge(:stop_id => id)) # expect(response.stops).to_not be_empty # expect(response.runs).to_not be_empty response.runs.each do |run| pp run[:realtime] if run[:realtime][:valid] != 'N' end end end end describe 'single next bus' do it "only makes one request" do # false just to stop further processing of response Ratis::Request.should_receive(:get).once.and_call_original Ratis::NextBus2.where(@conditions.dup) end it 'requests the correct SOAP action with args' do Ratis::Request.should_receive(:get) do |action, options| action.should eq('Nextbus2') options["Stopid"].should eq(@stop_id) end.and_return(double('response', :success? => false, :body => empty_body)) # false only to stop further running Ratis::NextBus2.where(@conditions.dup) end it "description", {:vcr => {:cassette_name => "Nextbus2_running_LATE", :re_record_interval => 6.months}} do response = Ratis::NextBus2.where(@conditions.dup) late_run = response.runs.first expect(late_run[:realtime][:valid]).to eq("Y") # expect(late_run[:realtime][:estimatedtime]).to_not eq(late_run[:triptime]) expect(late_run[:realtime][:reliable]).to eq("Y") expect(late_run[:realtime][:estimatedtime]).to eq("12:06 PM") expect(late_run[:realtime][:estimatedminutes]).to eq("8") # :realtime=>{:valid=>"Y", :estimatedtime=>"02:52 PM", :reliable=>"Y", :stopped=>"N", :estimatedminutes=>"16", :lat=>"33.451187", :polltime=>"02:35 PM", :long=>"-111.982079", :adherence=>"0", :trend=>"D", :speed=>"0.00", :vehicleid=>"6050"}, end it 'requests the correct SOAP action' do response = Ratis::NextBus2.where(@conditions.dup.merge(:stop_id => @stop_id)) expect(response.stops).to_not be_empty expect(response.runs).to_not be_empty end it "should raise error when no stop id provided" do lambda { Ratis::NextBus2.where(@conditions.dup.merge(:stop_id => nil)) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError, 'You must provide a stop ID') end end describe 'stops' do # TODO: should return Stops not hashes it 'should set the stop values to instance vars' do response = Ratis::NextBus2.where(@conditions.dup) stop = response.stops.first expect(response).to be_a(Ratis::NextBus2) expect(response.stops).to be_a(Array) expect(stop[:area]).to eq("Phoenix") expect(stop[:atisstopid]).to eq("6124") expect(stop[:stopposition]).to eq("Y") expect(stop[:description]).to eq("VAN BUREN ST & 16TH ST") expect(stop[:stopstatustype]).to eq("N") expect(stop[:lat]).to eq("33.451493") expect(stop[:long]).to eq("-112.048207") expect(stop[:side]).to eq("Far") expect(stop[:stopid]).to eq("10040") expect(stop[:heading]).to eq("WB") end it "should return an empty array if the api request isn't successful" do Ratis::Request.should_receive(:get) do |action, options| action.should eq('Nextbus2') options["Stopid"].should eq(@stop_id) end.and_return(double('response', :success? => false, :body => empty_body)) # false only to stop further running response = Ratis::NextBus2.where(@conditions.dup) expect(response).to be_a(Array) expect(response).to be_empty end end describe 'runs' do # TODO: should return Runs not hashes it "should set the run values to instance vars" do response = Ratis::NextBus2.where(@conditions.dup) run = response.runs.first expect(response).to be_a(Ratis::NextBus2) expect(response.runs).to be_a(Array) expect(run[:operator]).to eq "FT" expect(run[:status]).to eq "N" expect(run[:sign]).to eq "3 VAN BUREN West to 51st Ave." expect(run[:triptime]).to_not be_nil #eq "12:29 PM" expect(run[:triptime]).to_not be_empty # expect(run.realtime=>{:valid=>nil, :estimatedminutes=>nil, :polltime=>nil, :lat=>nil, :trend=>nil, :vehicleid=>nil, :speed=>nil, :adherence=>nil, :long=>nil, :reliable=>nil, :estimatedtime=>"12:09 PM", :stopped=>nil} expect(run[:exception]).to eq("N") expect(run[:tripid]).to eq "15765-9" expect(run[:routetype]).to eq "B" expect(run[:skedtripid]).to be_nil expect(run[:stopid]).to eq "10040" expect(run[:servicetype]).to eq "W" expect(run[:adherence]).to eq('3') expect(run[:atisstopid]).to eq "6124" # expect(run[:block]).to eq "5" expect(run[:route]).to eq "3" expect(run[:estimatedtime]).to_not be_nil expect(run[:estimatedtime]).to_not be_empty expect(run[:direction]).to eq "W" end end end describe '#first_stop_description' do it "should return the correct description" do pending end end describe '#to_hash' do it "description" do pending end end describe '#to_hash_for_xml' do it "description" do pending end end end