class Runner BANNER = "Usage: httping [options] uri" def run options = parse_arguments if options[:uri] httping = options.each { |property, value| httping.send("#{property}=", value) } else puts BANNER end end def parse_arguments options = { :delay => 1, :format => :interactive, :flood => false, :audible => false } begin params = do |opts| opts.banner = BANNER opts.on('-c', '--count NUM', 'Number of times to ping host') do |count| options[:count] = count.to_i end opts.on('-d', '--delay SECS', 'Delay in seconds between pings (default: 1)') do |delay| options[:delay] = delay.to_i end opts.on('-f', '--flood', 'Flood ping (no delay)') do options[:flood] = true end opts.on('-j', '--json', 'Return JSON results') do options[:format] = :json end opts.on('-q', '--quick', 'Ping once and return OK if up') do options[:format] = :quick end opts.on('-a', '--audible', 'Beep on each ping') do options[:audible] = true end opts.on('-u', '--user-agent STR', 'User agent string to send in headers') do |user_agent| options[:user_agent] = user_agent end opts.on('-r', '--referrer STR', 'Referrer string to send in headers') do |referrer| options[:referrer] = referrer end opts.on('-h', '--help', 'Display this screen') do puts opts exit end opts.parse! options[:uri] = parse_uri if ARGV.first end rescue OptionParser::InvalidOption => exception puts exception end if options[:format] == :json && !options.include?(:count) options[:count] = 5 # Default to 5 if no count provided for JSON format elsif options[:format] == :quick options[:count] = 1 # Quick format always sends only 1 ping end options end def parse_uri uri = URI.parse(ARGV.first) if uri.class == URI::Generic uri = URI.parse("http://#{ARGV.first}") end uri.path = "/" unless uri.path.match /^\// unless ["http", "https"].include?(uri.scheme) puts "ERROR: Invalid URI #{uri}" exit end uri end end