# One entry: [FIELDTYPE(FT)][FIELDSIZE(FS)][FIELDDATA(FD)] # [FT+FS+(FD)][FT+FS+(FD)][FT+FS+(FD)][FT+FS+(FD)][FT+FS+(FD)]... # [ 2 bytes] FIELDTYPE # [ 4 bytes] FIELDSIZE, size of FIELDDATA in bytes # [ n bytes] FIELDDATA, n = FIELDSIZE # Notes: # - Strings are stored in UTF-8 encoded form and are null-terminated. # - FIELDTYPE can be one of the following identifiers: # * 0000: Invalid or comment block, block is ignored # * 0001: UUID, uniquely identifying an entry, FIELDSIZE must be 16 # * 0002: Group ID, identifying the group of the entry, FIELDSIZE = 4 # It can be any 32-bit value except 0 and 0xFFFFFFFF # * 0003: Image ID, identifying the image/icon of the entry, FIELDSIZE = 4 # * 0004: Title of the entry, FIELDDATA is an UTF-8 encoded string # * 0005: URL string, FIELDDATA is an UTF-8 encoded string # * 0006: UserName string, FIELDDATA is an UTF-8 encoded string # * 0007: Password string, FIELDDATA is an UTF-8 encoded string # * 0008: Notes string, FIELDDATA is an UTF-8 encoded string # * 0009: Creation time, FIELDSIZE = 5, FIELDDATA = packed date/time # * 000A: Last modification time, FIELDSIZE = 5, FIELDDATA = packed date/time # * 000B: Last access time, FIELDSIZE = 5, FIELDDATA = packed date/time # * 000C: Expiration time, FIELDSIZE = 5, FIELDDATA = packed date/time # * 000D: Binary description UTF-8 encoded string # * 000E: Binary data # * FFFF: Entry terminator, FIELDSIZE must be 0 # ''' module SetecAstronomy module KeePass class Entry def self.extract_from_payload(header, payload_io) groups = [] header.nentries.times do group = Entry.new(payload_io) groups << group end groups end attr_reader :fields def initialize(payload_io) fields = [] begin field = EntryField.new(payload_io) fields << field end while not field.terminator? @fields = fields end def length @fields.map(&:length).reduce(&:+) end def notes @fields.detect { |field| field.name == 'notes' }.data end def password @fields.detect { |field| field.name == 'password' }.data.chomp("\000") end def title @fields.detect { |field| field.name == 'title' }.data.chomp("\000") end def username @fields.detect { |field| field.name == 'username' }.data end end end end