class Riemann::Dash::Config attr_accessor :config_path attr_accessor :store def initialize = {} setup_default_values end def self.instance @instance ||= end def self.reset! @instance = nil end def setup_default_values store.merge!({ :controllers => [File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'controller')], :views => File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'views'), :ws_config => File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'config', 'config.json')), :public => File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'public') }) end def ws_config_file store[:ws_config] end # backwards compatible forwarder to store-ivar def [](k) store[k] end def []=(k,v) store[k] = v end # Executes the configuration file. def load_config(path) self.config_path = path begin Riemann::Dash::App.instance_eval true rescue Errno::ENOENT false end end def load_controllers store[:controllers].each { |d| load_controllers_from(d) } end def setup_views Riemann::Dash::App.set :views, File.expand_path(store[:views]) end def setup_public_dir require 'riemann/dash/rack/static' Riemann::Dash::App.use Riemann::Dash::Static, :root => store[:public] end # Load controllers. def load_controllers_from(dir) sorted_controller_list(dir).each do |r| require r end end # Controllers can be regular old one-file-per-class, but # if you prefer a little more modularity, this method will allow you to # define all controller methods in their own files. For example, get # "/posts/*/edit" can live in controller/posts/_/edit.rb. The sorting # system provided here requires files in the correct order to handle # wildcards appropriately. def sorted_controller_list(dir) rbs = [] Find.find( File.expand_path(dir) ) do |path| rbs << path if path =~ /\.rb$/ end # Sort paths with _ last, becase those are wildcards. rbs.sort! do |a, b| as = a.split File::SEPARATOR bs = b.split File::SEPARATOR # Compare common subpaths l = [as.size, bs.size].min catch :x do (0...l).each do |i| a, b = as[i], bs[i] if a[/^_/] and not b[/^_/] throw :x, 1 elsif b[/^_/] and not a[/^_/] throw :x, -1 elsif ord = (a <=> b) and ord != 0 throw :x, ord end end # All subpaths are identical; sort longest first if as.size > bs.size throw :x, -1 elsif as.size < bs.size throw :x, -1 else throw :x, 0 end end end end require 'multi_json' require 'fileutils' def read_ws_config if File.exists? ws_config_file else MultiJson.encode({}) end end def update_ws_config(update) update = MultiJson.decode(update) # Read old config if File.exists? ws_config_file old = MultiJson.decode else old = {} end new_config = {} # Server new_config['server'] = update['server'] or old['server'] #p update['workspaces'] new_config['workspaces'] = update['workspaces'] or old['workspaces'] # Save new config FileUtils.mkdir_p File.dirname(ws_config_file), 'w') do |f| f.write(MultiJson.encode(new_config, :pretty => true)) end end end