--- !ruby/object:Gem::Specification name: rubu version: !ruby/object:Gem::Version version: 0.0.8 platform: ruby authors: - Tero Isannainen autorequire: bindir: bin cert_chain: [] date: 2018-10-21 00:00:00.000000000 Z dependencies: [] description: |- Rubu (Re-Usable Build Utility) is a library for building programs. Rubu is in practice a replacement for Make and Rake type of tools. Rubu is targeted to provide means for creating flexible build environments. email: tero.isannainen@gmail.com executables: [] extensions: [] extra_rdoc_files: - README.rdoc - CHANGELOG.rdoc files: - CHANGELOG.rdoc - LICENSE - README.rdoc - doc/Array.html - doc/Rubu.html - doc/Rubu/Action.html - doc/Rubu/AgedStep.html - doc/Rubu/AlwaysBuild.html - doc/Rubu/AlwaysStep.html - doc/Rubu/Build.html - doc/Rubu/DateBuild.html - doc/Rubu/Flow.html - doc/Rubu/FlowRun.html - doc/Rubu/Fork.html - doc/Rubu/Info.html - doc/Rubu/Mark.html - doc/Rubu/MarkBuild.html - doc/Rubu/MarkStep.html - doc/Rubu/Move.html - doc/Rubu/MoveStyles.html - doc/Rubu/Order.html - doc/Rubu/RubyCommand.html - doc/Rubu/ShellCommand.html - doc/Rubu/State.html - doc/Rubu/Step.html - doc/Rubu/StepAged.html - doc/Rubu/StepAgedMark.html - doc/Rubu/StepAlways.html - doc/Rubu/StepMark.html - doc/Rubu/Trail.html - doc/Rubu/TrailRun.html - doc/Rubu/Var.html - doc/Rubu/Walk.html - doc/_index.html - doc/class_list.html - doc/css/common.css - doc/css/full_list.css - doc/css/style.css - doc/file.CHANGELOG.html - doc/file.README.html - doc/file_list.html - doc/frames.html - doc/index.html - doc/js/app.js - doc/js/full_list.js - doc/js/jquery.js - doc/method_list.html - doc/top-level-namespace.html - example/bin/gen_world - example/bin/rubu_example - example/build/hello - example/build/hello_world.o - example/build/world.o - example/gen_cee/world.c - example/runme - example/src/hello_world.c - example/src/world.h - example/up-to-date - lib/rubu.rb - lib/version.rb homepage: licenses: - Ruby metadata: {} post_install_message: Check README... rdoc_options: [] require_paths: - lib required_ruby_version: !ruby/object:Gem::Requirement requirements: - - ">=" - !ruby/object:Gem::Version version: 1.9.3 required_rubygems_version: !ruby/object:Gem::Requirement requirements: - - ">=" - !ruby/object:Gem::Version version: '0' requirements: [] rubyforge_project: rubygems_version: 2.7.6 signing_key: specification_version: 4 summary: Rubu is Re-Usable Build Utility library. test_files: []