= post.user.forum_display_name - if post.reply_to_id replied to = MongoidForums::Post.find(post.reply_to_id).user.forum_display_name - else created = time_ago_in_words(post.created_at) ago = link_to 'Quote', new_topic_post_path(post.topic_id, :reply_to_id => post.id) - if mongoid_forums_user && post.owner_or_admin?(mongoid_forums_user) - if can?(:edit_post, post.topic.forum) | = link_to "Edit", edit_topic_post_path(post.topic_id, post) - if !post.deleted and can?(:destroy_post, post.topic.forum) | = link_to "Delete", topic_post_path(post.topic_id, post), data: {method: :delete} - if post.deleted and can?(:recovery_post, post.topic.forum) | = link_to "Recovery", topic_post_recovery_path(post.topic_id, post), data: {method: :post} %br - if post.reply_to_id = render :partial => 'mongoid_forums/posts/quoted', :locals => {:post => post} %br - if !post.deleted or can?(:show_deleted_post, post.topic.forum) - if post.deleted and can?(:show_deleted_post, post.topic.forum) = "Deleted" %br = mongoid_forums_format(post.text) - else = "Deleted" %br %hr