# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
<% Rails.logger.warn "'titleize' is a deprecated attribute of the 'you' tag. Please, use 'capitalize' instead." -%>
<% raise ArgumentError, "You can add only one attribute-key to the 'you' tag." if attributes.size > 1 -%>
<% k = case
when attributes[:have] then 'have'
when attributes[:are] then 'are'
when attributes[:do] then 'do'
end -%>
<%= s = t("tags.you.current_user.#{k || attributes.keys.first || 'default'}",:default=>"you #{k}")
(titleize||capitalize) ? s.sub(/^./){|c| c.upcase} : s %>
<%= s = t("tags.you.other_user.#{k || attributes.keys.first || 'default'}", :name=>name(:no_wrapper => true),
:default=>"#{name(:no_wrapper => true)} #{'has' if attributes[:have]}#{'is' if attributes[:are]}#{'does' if attributes[:do]}")
(titleize||capitalize) ? s.sub(/^./){|c| c.upcase} : s %>
key ||= 'default'
name ||= name(:no_wrapper => true)
# prepare symbolized attributes for merging
attrs = {}
attributes.each_pair{|k,v| attrs[k.to_sym] = v}
d = "#{name}'#{'s' unless name.ends_with?('s')} #{all_parameters.default}"
options = {:default=>[d], :count=>(attrs[:count]||1), :name=>name}
your_key = key.split('.').last
unless key.eql?(your_key) || attrs.has_key?(your_key.to_sym)
options[your_key.to_sym] = t(key, :count=>options[:count], :default=>your_key.titleize)
s = if this == current_user
options[:default].unshift :"tags.your.default.current_user"
t("tags.your.#{your_key}.current_user", options.merge(attrs))
options[:default].unshift :"tags.your.default.other_user"
t("tags.your.#{your_key}.other_user", options.merge(attrs))
capitalize ? s.sub(/^./){|c| c.upcase} : s